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Miniatures Adventure => Medieval Adventures => Topic started by: Mr Tea on January 24, 2017, 07:37:51 AM

Title: Saga Aetius Arthur
Post by: Mr Tea on January 24, 2017, 07:37:51 AM

I'm wondering about this. It seems that the support from Gripping beast is underwhelming. There a fewer events runningI have a couple of warbands including Welsh who have doubled as Brits in Dux Britannarium. But I feel reluctant to pay out £40+ for rules and dice when there has been so little buzz about this expansion. Is saga reaching the end of the story?
Title: Re: Saga Aetius Arthur
Post by: Gracchus Armisurplus on January 24, 2017, 07:54:50 AM

I'm wondering about this. It seems that the support from Gripping beast is underwhelming. There a fewer events runningI have a couple of warbands including Welsh who have doubled as Brits in Dux Britannarium. But I feel reluctant to pay out £40+ for rules and dice when there has been so little buzz about this expansion. Is saga reaching the end of the story?

The SAGA community has been quite buzzed about the new book. A&A isn't a full rulebook like the Crescent and the Cross was. It doesn't have the core rules. Think of it more like something like Northern Fury or the Raven's Shadow and you're closer to the mark, so like those books if you aren't in love with the factions included, I probably wouldn't bother buying it.

I don't think SAGA is reaching the end of it's story at all. I also don't think it's up to GB to run events? I've been to two SAGA events and am attending the Aus Grand Melee this weekend, none of them organised by GB (although some prize support for the GM this weekend was given).

I do think that the extremely elegant list-building process and the intrinsically 'fantasy' nature of the game leaves not-very-much to be discussed on-line. There's a lot of sharing of painting and converting going on, a lot of terrain building projects, but without the need to sift through hundreds of options in your army lists you cut out a LOT of the potential for online discussion. Just look at X Wing, one of the most popular gaming systems at the moment: Almost ALL online discussion hinges around list-building, and EVERY release adds something new to the list building pool.

Having said that, I think SAGA is a much more solid system that doesn't NEED a constant stream of new releases to thrive. I've converted three local players to SAGA and no one who has tried a game has been disappointed. It's a game with brilliant core mechanics that features meaningful and engaging choices all through both players turns, and I think it's a system that's really got 'legs'.
Title: Re: Saga Aetius Arthur
Post by: Mr Tea on January 24, 2017, 08:27:54 AM
I was looking at Tapestry and didn't see much new stuff at all. Our club is running an internal competition sometime this year. I gues the guys there are distracted by other new shiny stuff.
Title: Re: Saga Aetius Arthur
Post by: Gracchus Armisurplus on January 24, 2017, 08:38:50 AM
Yeah, they stopped updating the Tapestry sometime in 2015. Have you guys picked up the Age of the Wolf campaign book? It's pretty cool :)

As far as active SAGA groups go:

https://plus.google.com/communities/109364503329964583442 (athough this covers all Dark Ages wargaming not just SAGA)


And of course:

Title: Re: Saga Aetius Arthur
Post by: craigjwoodfield on January 25, 2017, 09:46:18 PM
It's a pretty damn good supplement, and will be very popular I suspect. I was excited when play testing, having seen the finished product it is even more so. You get:

* 6 new factions
* 7 mercenary units
* rules for adapting 5 existing factions to the period
* 5 new scenarios
* a campaign (that seems far superior to the Age of the Wolf)

Definitely worth the money.



Title: Re: Saga Aetius Arthur
Post by: Sir_Theo on January 25, 2017, 09:54:18 PM
This is a definite purchase for me.  I enjoy Saga but haven't played it in a little while.  This should inject new life,  and give me an excuse to buy some of Footsores stuff.
Title: Re: Saga Aetius Arthur
Post by: craigjwoodfield on January 25, 2017, 10:58:52 PM
Did I mention the 12 special characters/units for the new factions, and the 5 for the adapted Dark Ages factions? And that fact that it is a hard back?

And you only need the new dice for the Romans and the Britons. The Goths, Saxons and Huns use the Anglo-Danish dice, the Picts use the Irish dice.