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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Bloodaxe on March 31, 2017, 05:28:25 PM

Title: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Bloodaxe on March 31, 2017, 05:28:25 PM
Im working on a scifi skirmish game and need a small force of bad guys. Aliens with preferably a commander type, some troops ,a heavy.  Ideal it would like the Harkilons of Alien Legion. The Harkilons are a crab-like alien.
 I am using CP Models Alien Federation, a kind a French Foreign Legion in space.


Khurusan has some at 15mm, Ive included some pics, but i cant find anything similar at 28mm.

I am open to other types of bad guys though.  
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Inso on March 31, 2017, 06:50:35 PM
Crab people? How about this?:

Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: manic _miner on March 31, 2017, 07:06:01 PM
 Just started the Alien Legion Slaughterworld  book the other week.I do love the comics and it was great to see it back out.

 Looking forward to seeing your project progress.
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Bloodaxe on March 31, 2017, 07:18:33 PM
Crab people? How about this?:


No lasers.  :(

Im open to other bad guys.  :)
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Bloodaxe on March 31, 2017, 07:21:09 PM
Just started the Alien Legion Slaughterworld  book the other week.I do love the comics and it was great to see it back out.

 Looking forward to seeing your project progress.

I have Khurusan miniatures- Jade Empire legions, but they are 15mm.  I can just use Khurusan- "assault crabs" (pictured above for Harks. Not much variety though.  I cant find anything similar in 28mm though.

Im just picking up the newest Alien Legion- Uncivil war.  I have nearly all the Alien Legion series. They did two runs, each about 20 issues and a whole bunch of tpb and graphic novels.
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Diablo Jon on March 31, 2017, 08:57:14 PM
How about studio miniatures Goloth? always thought they looked pretty evil


http://www.studiominiatures.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=10&Itemid=385 (http://www.studiominiatures.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=10&Itemid=385)
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: manic _miner on April 01, 2017, 01:24:16 AM
 I think i have most if not all of the published material some twice ;).

 Jugger Grimrod is my fav character from the series.
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Bloodaxe on April 01, 2017, 05:00:49 AM
I think i have most if not all of the published material some twice ;).

 Jugger Grimrod is my fav character from the series.

Ah, a fellow fan!!

Lets sell a few wristos and get a few units for some groghs. Grab your hel-gun and lets go.

I really liked the Alien Legion.

murderous Jugger
poor Durge and his lobotomy
the thief Torqa Dun
Torie Montroc's moral dilemas
Skilene going AWOL
Skathe Mescads suicide
Takatak's death and flowers to home
old Zeerod

A great series.

Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Major_Gilbear on April 01, 2017, 10:03:37 AM
Well... I have a few suggestions, but I don't think they're that close to being crab-people.

Scotia Grendel do some Koralon for Urban War (http://www.scotiagrendel.com/Products/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=217_218_60_77), as well as Void (http://www.scotiagrendel.com/Products/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=217_218_59_68).

Games Workshop have a line of plastic Genestealer Cultists, which include these chaps (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/hybrid-metamorphs-2016). You could also convert some Termagants (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Tyranid-Termagant-Brood-12-Models) from their Tyranid range using human arms and some creative cutting/puttying. In both cases, there are lots of other beasties (some pretty alien) which might suit.

Then there's the Infinity Combined Army (https://store.corvusbelli.com/products/minis/combined-army/2) faction, which has a number of aliens with sci-fi guns that'd possibly suit you.

Macrocosm's Malignancy is less sci-fi that you are possibly looking for, but they have some Tick Monsters (http://www.macrocosm.co.uk/product/malignancy-tick-monsters-brood/) that you might like.
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: grubman on April 01, 2017, 08:27:38 PM
Ah, a fellow fan!!

Alien Legion was one of my favorite comics as well (still have them all tucked away in a box).  When the series originally came out in the 80s, (I was still in high school) I had just purchased TSRs Star Frontiers RPG (Ironically, my favorite RPG of all time...although the rules haven't withstood the test of time).  My best friend purchased issue 1 first and wouldn't "share".  He had just borrowed my SF rulebook and shortly thereafter ran us through an adventure that was basically issue 1 with us playing members of the Alien Legion.  Over 30 years later and I still remember it (nostalgically) like it was yesterday.

In any case, I have eyed the Khurusan minis for years, but have never had a game system that I could use them in...but I've been seriously eyeing (and researching) Gruntz 15mm the last few days...so things are looking up. :D
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Lowtardog on April 01, 2017, 08:56:49 PM
Black hat cobalt range may work for a baddie fix


Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Bloodaxe on April 01, 2017, 09:17:58 PM
Alien Legion was one of my favorite comics as well (still have them all tucked away in a box).  When the series originally came out in the 80s, (I was still in high school) I had just purchased TSRs Star Frontiers RPG (Ironically, my favorite RPG of all time...although the rules haven't withstood the test of time).  My best friend purchased issue 1 first and wouldn't "share".  He had just borrowed my SF rulebook and shortly thereafter ran us through an adventure that was basically issue 1 with us playing members of the Alien Legion.  Over 30 years later and I still remember it (nostalgically) like it was yesterday.

In any case, I have eyed the Khurusan minis for years, but have never had a game system that I could use them in...but I've been seriously eyeing (and researching) Gruntz 15mm the last few days...so things are looking up. :D

Good to see more fans. I thought I was the last.

The (in)famous Grubman?  Why dont you just make some rules?  ;)

Is "Gruntz" a rules system?  I might try FUBAR rules.
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: manic _miner on April 01, 2017, 09:58:48 PM
 I think Alien Legion still has loads of fans.

 Criticalmass games did some really nice Aliens which i have ready to start a small force off for the setting.

 AE Bounty has some nice miniatures too which would work well.

 Going to have to dig out the rest of the comics now to re-read them all.Should give plenty of idea's for games too.

 Gruntz is a rule system which came out several Years ago now.Aimed at 15mm gaming if i remember correctly.It was pretty popular too.
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Bloodaxe on April 01, 2017, 10:21:15 PM
I think Alien Legion still has loads of fans.

 Criticalmass games did some really nice Aliens which i have ready to start a small force off for the setting.

 AE Bounty has some nice miniatures too which would work well.

 Going to have to dig out the rest of the comics now to re-read them all.Should give plenty of idea's for games too.

 Gruntz is a rule system which came out several Years ago now.Aimed at 15mm gaming if i remember correctly.It was pretty popular too.

Good to hear, I just dont see too many online.  I just dug out my collection.

I have the Alien Foreign Legion- Jasmine Throne troops from Khurusan- so maybe I'll take a look at Gruntz.

Have any pics of the Critical mass figs?

Thanks for all the replies. Its appreciated.
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: grubman on April 01, 2017, 11:14:36 PM
The (in)famous Grubman?  Why dont you just make some rules?  ;)

Infamous?  I want to live on your planet!   lol

Thought about making my own rules (that do all the things I want it to do in the way I want it to do it!), but it's always a huge undertaking.  I want to find a game where someone else did all the hard work and playtesting already and hit the ground running.

Is "Gruntz" a rules system?

Yes, it's called Gruntz 15mm.  I'm in "search mode" for a 15mm sci fi game right now, and slowly eliminating things.  Gruntz is the only one so far that covers all the things I want (below).  I'm not TOTALLY sold, but it's leading the pack right now (still not fond of the 2D6 die roll mechanic though...seems like that could get old fast).  Still searching the deep web for games I missed checking out.

-Generic (fluff light and can use any line of miniatures)
-Soft Sci Fi (...or not "hard" sci fi, if you prefer)
-Doesn't take itself too seriously (I don't want dark, gritty, or "realistic", I want Star Wars, Aliens, Starship Trooper, Firefly, ect...Alien Legion ;) )
-Some support/discussion online (not so obscure you are alone in convincing people to play a game).
-Not Skirmish (well, OK, it's sort of skirmish, but not a small little 10 guy thing.  I want multiple squads of troops, power armor, vehicles, mechs (mechs are a must!...and mechs that feel a bit different than tanks), airships all running around on the table at the same time.)
-Medium Rules (Not too heavy, but not light either.  Enough crunch to make it fun and challenging...not so light it's boring and monotonous.)
-Lots of variety (options so armies can feel different.)
-Fun and Tactical (it can't just be about blowing each other up.  I want there to be game tactics where good generalship and smart choices make a difference.)
Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: manic _miner on April 05, 2017, 07:42:56 PM
 Here is a great page to find-out more on the Alien Legion and setting too.

Title: Re: Suggestions for SciFi baddies. Alien Legion Harkilon?
Post by: Bloodaxe on April 05, 2017, 10:58:43 PM
Here is a great page to find-out more on the Alien Legion and setting too.


Oh yeah.  I saw that. Good stuff.  I just got my CP Models, Alien Federation figures today. They look great. I have to assemble them and paint them up.