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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Jagannath on April 01, 2017, 01:36:35 AM

Title: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project - new stuff 29/4/17
Post by: Jagannath on April 01, 2017, 01:36:35 AM
The year is 2076 and law and order has broken down in Cyber City One. Rioters, Gangs, Gangsters, Cultists, Disgruntled Municipal Employees and all manner of other city dwellers spill out into the streets whilst the cops try -and fail- to maintain the peace. But some people just need to get home, so get out the way punks...

Evening all,

I'm starting a 28mm 'side scroller' cyberpunk beat 'em up project - it's dawned on me that it's a great 'setting' for all kinds of gonzo minis that I've always wanted to paint but never had a setting for - Cyberpunk or Modern Urban always worries me for terrain requirements (unitl now!)

For rules I'll likely use Pulp Alley with either a single protagonist as a terror or a duo league versus loads of mooks... possibly with some movement rule changes and a few other 'dynamic' homebrew rules (using street furniture, knocking mooks flying, a 'power up' system etc.)

I'm pretty excited for the terrain - I want to make a road and pavement (likely something like 600mmx300) then a flat (sort of 2D but 3D detailing) backboard along the back of the road, to really give that side scroller effect. I know it'll be a small battlefield, but that'll allow me to plow through a few games in a short space of time - Ideally I'll be able to make a number of backboards, to give the effect of the characters progressing down the street.


I'm thinking of buying some relatively cheap buildings like this


but only using the 'front' of them, mounted to some sort of backing board. Papercraft buildings with extra detailing might be better though or scratchbuilt facades using textures plasticard and detailing/doors etc. Mind you, various embossed plasticard might cost me as much as one of those £13 buildings.

 I'm going for a megacity-one meets brookly brownstone vibe.... cyberpunkification of some of the classic beat 'em aesthetics:


I can, of course, clutter the road with cars, jersey barriers or whatever else I fancy

So, excepet for shopping for minis and bits (and of course painting it all) I need to work out how to build and assemble it. Storage is tight for me (another appeal of the '2D' backgrounds) so I'd like to be able to store them relatively flatly.

Anyway, expect sporadic updates (plenty of other things going on at the same time) but I'll try and add a few bits to my LPL painting queue. In the interim, I'm keeping all my ideas on this pinterest board:


Also, shoutout to Jack Hooligan, who seem's to be barking up the same tree


Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Oldben1 on April 01, 2017, 01:58:13 AM
I did something similar for Batman and Tmnt.  I got a bunch of modular buildings from a local railroad model shop.  I used the fronts and made sides out of card.

(https://c1.staticflickr.com/4/3805/32951604423_3df169d05e_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/ScPzYK)image (https://flic.kr/p/ScPzYK) by oldben1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/26861900@N00/), on Flickr

It's 15mm, but you get the idea.  The buildings can shift around.  I only bought two kits.  buying several more would mean you could get a couple of blocks worth.  board up some windows, add a fence here and there. 
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: beefcake on April 01, 2017, 06:40:20 AM
Looks like a cool idea. Watching with anticipation.
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Mensn on April 01, 2017, 08:28:46 AM
Cool idea! I loved playing Streets of Rage on the Mega Drive. That building brings up another idea. Do you remember the old Bruce Lee movie Game of Death? His last one. Where he had to fight through a building with a martial arts grandmaster on each floor.
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Mensn on April 01, 2017, 08:44:36 AM
And here the figure from Studio Miniatures: (http://www.studiominiatures.com/media/k2/items/cache/cf543ccbc908c161905844b62e978c76_XL.jpg)
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Jagannath on April 01, 2017, 10:46:28 AM
That would be a great game - you could have a multi-storey building with a removable front and work along through floors. I've got a few Studio Miniatures on my list for this project.

@Oldben1 - that looks great. I would have done this in 15mm but the range of minis for this type of disparate thing just isn't there. I like the idea of making them fairly 'flat' then integrating the pavement in with them, seems like a good solution.

Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Inso on April 01, 2017, 03:28:21 PM
I'd have thought that two conveyor belts (one for the road and one for the background builing) would work nicely. Mark each in sections so that you know you have turned them both the same amount. Fight to the end of the board, then roll the conveyor belt so that you go back to the beginning and then roll the buildings for a change of scenery. It would be very simple to knock something up with wood and some vynil for the 'belts'. The difficult thing would be painting the buildings on... but I doubt it would be too bad.
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: d phipps on April 02, 2017, 10:16:15 PM
Cool looking project! I hope we get to see more.

Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: dinohunterpoa on April 03, 2017, 02:16:48 AM
Cool idea! I loved playing Streets of Rage on the Mega Drive. That building brings up another idea. Do you remember the old Bruce Lee movie Game of Death? His last one. Where he had to fight through a building with a martial arts grandmaster on each floor.

I did that with a big vertical Necromunda scenery several aeons ago, a multiplayer game in which each gang raced to defeat the obstacles in order to reach the top of the tower ahead of the others... VERY FUN!  8)  It works much better than a somewhat bidimensional "side scroll" terrain IMHO -  but needs much more storage space!  ;)
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Mr Tough Guy on April 03, 2017, 08:01:19 AM
6milphil recently did a kickstarter for MDF houses with resin façades, I believe the façades were also available separately

might be worth looking into, think the kickstarter stuff is all fullfilled, and I think this will go on general sale at some point
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Asslessman on April 04, 2017, 10:31:34 AM
2 friends and I had a side scrolling game using the mechanics of Heroquest and a fair load of excellent GMing to have a wonderful time. It might be up your street : LINK (http://scalecreep.blogspot.fr/2016/07/fatal-deviation-2-side-scrolling-combat.html)


It took place in 4 levels including the classic "fight over a train roof" and "elevator stage" ^^
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Jagannath on April 04, 2017, 02:33:58 PM
Thanks all - if i had space to make a big vertical beast like that, that would be the way I'd approach a similar spy-fi type project... maybe a vertical, work-your-way-down section leading to a wide open 'hangar' area.

@Mr Tough Guy - those would be perfect if they were a bit more like brownstone buildings, I'd want them to look a bit more american.

I think I might try a combination of mantic deadzone scenery sprues, brickwork plasticard, normal plasticard and some doors and windows (I'm yet to source). That should let me build the 3D 2D surfaces I want. What I haven't settled on yet is construction - what to build the surfaces as and then how they'll interact with the board. Hmmmm.

@Asslessman - that game you guys played is one of my big inspirations for this - love how much fun you lot have with games. One of the things this project is meant to achieve is to let me paint whatever daft stuff I fancy. My shopping list is:

- (Cyber) Punks
- Rioters
- Cyber-Cops (not quite judges)
- Disgruntled Municipal Workers
- Escaped prisoners
- Escaping bank robbers

(all fairly normal 'Future Wars' stuff) but also:

- Techno Ninjas
- Psycho Schoolgirls
- Gangsters
- Alien greys
- Zombies
- Reenactment society (i.e. historical minis, but obviously in costume, left their trainers on... whatever)

In the future I could probably add a sewer board too and maybe some room to room type battles too.
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Asslessman on April 04, 2017, 02:37:21 PM
I think you'r eonto something exquisite, goo dthing about it is you can work on a level at a time and each won't require too much work. I'll be following that with a lot of interest !
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Dr Mathias on April 04, 2017, 03:10:21 PM
Sounds like a great idea!
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Jagannath on April 04, 2017, 03:47:24 PM
Uh-oh - now I'm going to have to put my money where my mouth is!

It'll be a wee while - I'm going to try and slot the first few groups into my LPL entires for later rounds, so won't show them for a little while.

But, to give a flavour of where I'm going here's an almost finished 'Ice' (i won't do the basing until I've got a whole group to base, and he still needs varnishing so excuse the glossy parts - I use gloss inks)


Ice works at the local holo-suite centre. If you want to buy an all new installation or just tweak your laz-reader, he's your man. Ice is happy with his lot, an easy, quiet life with his collection of rare Magnadisk albums and antique Martial Arts motion-flats. Tonight though, the city's gone to shit, and Ice just needs to get home - his ProjectaPet (tm) is due a 17 button combo interaction to raise it's 'loved' bar - so he hopes all the Tonfa skills he's picked up off his montion-flats might help him along his way.

There's still a few bits to finish on him (the laces are a disgrace, and I need to decide what to do about eyes), but i wanted to paint a mini as a bit of a benchmark to myself, incase I lose my way and any minis come out too serious!
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project
Post by: Jagannath on April 04, 2017, 03:50:40 PM
I think you'r eonto something exquisite, goo dthing about it is you can work on a level at a time and each won't require too much work. I'll be following that with a lot of interest !

Thanks - yes, that's what I was thinking. As soon as I settle on the construction of the 'background' all I need is a road, a bit of background scenery and a few obstacles (a car, rubbish bags, a skip, whatever) then a protagonist ('Ice' to begin with - see my last post) then for every 5 or so mooks I paint up, I can play - it's not like I need to finish loads of stuff for each 'leg' of the game.
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project - First Mini 4/4/17
Post by: Dr Mathias on April 04, 2017, 04:58:10 PM
Ainsty makes some facades/store fronts. Just an FYI, they might be useful.

Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project - First Mini 4/4/17
Post by: Jagannath on April 29, 2017, 12:01:48 PM
Sorry Dr. Matt, missed the above - cheers, those could be useful. I'm moving house late July, so the terrain part of this project won't begin until after that.

Well, fresh from a resounding thrashing (and rightly so, Dr. Matt's entry was stunning) here's my first set of minis for this project:



It's been a while since I painted much 28mm, so having to tone down my aggressive 15mm highlighting took a bit of getting used to. Definitely not the best thing i've ever done, but I'm very pleased that I bashed out a group. Minis weren't all the best - love the Golgo Island ones but the casting wasn't 100% and the Casting Room ones are weird in parts (the highlight being the guy with a pink mohawk - he doesn't even have a right ear sculpted, I had to freehand one on!)
Title: Re: Rage on the Streets - a 28mm Beat 'Em Up Project - new stuff 29/4/17
Post by: The_Baron on May 02, 2017, 05:03:19 AM
Oh now they look great! I have long harboured a similar idea for a project, after playing Shao-Lin's Road ('Kicker' in America) heaps with my mates.

I love the poses on them, nails the genre perfectly, and great job on the paint jobs. Looking forward to seeing some conveyor belt terrain too.