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Miniatures Adventure => The Second World War => Topic started by: Ballardian on April 15, 2017, 05:56:41 PM

Title: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: Ballardian on April 15, 2017, 05:56:41 PM
 I'm hoping that someone has any advice on finding decent 251/250 passengers - those that come with the WG 251 are a tad small compared with (pretty much any) other 28mm miniatures (& yes, I'm guilty of being lazy in not converting some from the available plastics).
 WG do offer two pewter sets, one for early war (& specifically marketed as 251 passengers) & a mid-late war set (which they depict in their open topped Horch). It's the latter I'm more interested in, but has anyone tried them in a 251/250 (I was wondering if they'd fit)?
 I know both Heer46 & Rubicon have a few crew figures (though the latter are not yet released), but they're small ranges of figures which would lead to a lot of duplication.
Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: Jericho on April 15, 2017, 07:21:46 PM
Not really an answer to your question, but Perry's also have a seated German Section for an Opel Blitz.
Maybe they could be useful too?

Perry's GWW15 link (https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=23_74_77&products_id=3098&osCsid=nljabaa5ifbuvtkrrvad10r4g3)
Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: vodkafan on April 16, 2017, 12:45:43 AM
I have some seated Victory Force and they are bigger than the norm. Could be what you are looking for.
 just had another look but hard to do a link as they are spread over the site. There are some in the German infantry "Packs"  (kubel drivers and passengers, choice of headgear) and some different (large) ones in the "single figures" section and a single casting of 4 sitting together in the "extra bits" section. with the different headgear options easily enough to do 2 half tracks
Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: Truscott Trotter on April 16, 2017, 03:53:13 AM
Black tree have some seated ones that are bigger than Perry/Warlord.
Warlord also have some SS jumping out of the halftrack but I do not know their size
Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: Helen on April 16, 2017, 07:02:25 AM
Although you have a WG Sdkfz 251, the Blitzkrieg 251 fits the Perry Miniatures DAK seated passengers. I just checked with mine. I'm sure they would fit the WG Sdkfz 251. Anyhoo, I'm positive that someone who has both could answer your query alot better.

Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: aphillathehun on April 16, 2017, 12:15:06 PM

Die Waffenkammer makes a set.  CSDE02

Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: Ballardian on April 16, 2017, 12:22:34 PM
Many thanks all who reminded me about the Perry figures,(Helen & Jericho) I'd forgotten about them - I'm assuming they're the standard Perry size (that is, smaller than WG 'heroic') & so should fit the WG & Rubicon 251s without, like the WG/Italeri plastic ones that come with their 251, looking like children compared to the standard figures. Thanks TT, Vodkafan & aphillathehun  , I'll check out the BTD, victory force & JTFM ones too.
 Has anyone used the mid/late war pewter ones from WG? (pic below) they're not bad, but the problem with 251 kits in 1/56 is that there's generally only room for a few of the models to have feet (oddly, though the Rubicon offering is very slightly smaller than the WG, it's cab has more room in it).

Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: Chico on April 16, 2017, 04:59:51 PM
I have the Westwind Berlin of Bust ones (Somewhere(, while a tad bigger than the WG plastic passengers they do lack feet.

Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: Ballardian on April 16, 2017, 07:22:34 PM
Cheers Chico, I'll add them to the list of minis to be checked out (though have to admit that at the moment the Perry jobs look like they may be the best bet (I assume they'll be represented at Salute again so may have a chance to look at them before buying another set that don't fit) since they should be a little smaller than the usual herioc size but bigger than those included in the plastic WG 251 - that they're DAK shouldn't matter too much once half hidden in the cab).
Title: Re: Good passenger/crew models for 28mm/1/56 german halftracks?
Post by: vodkafan on April 16, 2017, 08:47:53 PM
Cheers Chico, I'll add them to the list of minis to be checked out (though have to admit that at the moment the Perry jobs look like they may be the best bet (I assume they'll be represented at Salute again so may have a chance to look at them before buying another set that don't fit) since they should be a little smaller than the usual herioc size but bigger than those included in the plastic WG 251 - that they're DAK shouldn't matter too much once half hidden in the cab).

Hey Ballardian, if you are going to be at Salute I can bring my Victory Force ones for you to look at. I'm sorry I can't let you have them, as I plan to use them myself, but you will be able to hold them in your hand and judge for yourself if that is useful?