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Miniatures Adventure => Back of Beyond => Topic started by: Ignatieff on September 15, 2012, 06:35:20 PM

Title: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 15, 2012, 06:35:20 PM
In the immortal words of the French General Gouraud, whilst dancing on the tomb of Saladin in Damascus in 1920…..”we’re back!”

The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents……

                                                                                                                 The Good, The Mad and The Damned.
                                                                                            China 192?

The Good

General Lee Fat Sum was unusual by the standards of Warlord China.  He was a military leader who cared above all else for the welfare of his people. His benevolent rule of Jilin province in Chinese Manchuria from the beautiful - and strategic - city of Chang-Chun meant that even in the violent and constantly shifting alliances of the time, and no matter what barbarians were at the gate, his was a prosperous and bountiful land.  It was therefore inevitable that he should be the object of envy by his many violent neighbours. His end was sudden and unpleasant.  Poisoned at breakfast, he lingered on for a few days, his skin turning a hideous green hue, and his once beatific features hideously disfigured by suppurating buboes. There were many suspects, though none came forward to admit the deed. What was important was that Chang Chung was declared an open city, and the vultures began to circle.

The board, running north from Chang Chung

The Mad

Der Baron, recently returned from two seasons of successful campaigning in Darkest Africa, and with the nice lakeside resort of Barongrad and Lake Chuffer added to his domains, was in an expansive mood.  The 'Baronberg Corridor', that tenuous spit of land that connected Mongolia with the sea, was in need of expanding, and the 'unfortunate' death of that sanctimonious prig Lee 'pretty boy' Fat Sum presented an opportunity to round off his domains by liberating Manchuria. And the key to Manchuria was the city of Chang-Chun, its armaments factories and its rich store of natural resources, rumoured to include gold, platinum and even uranium.  The Black Tent was duly erected on the border and invitations sent to all his key allies: White Russians (Smirnoff), Tibetans (The Dalai Lama), Mad Bob (himself) and his new best friends, the Japanese (Shep), who appeared to be particularly keen to help in all things Manchurian.

The Dalai always travelled in some style

And never hid the fact that he owned a BIG airship

The Damned

General Hu Jjin Wanger was unusual even by the standards of Warlord China. He was a man of unspeakable cruelty and unspeakable personal habits, whose ambition and greed were legend and terrible, even by the morally corrupt and degenerate standards of the period.  He claimed to be the lawful heir to the Qing dynasty, though no records could be found to substantiate this.  An enemy of everyone who as much as looked in his direction or questioned his methods, he reserved a particular hatred for the French and British, who he had claimed "had burnt down my grandmothers house", a prosaic reference to the sack of the Qing Summer Palaces by French and British armies in 1860.  He real obsession was tracking down the descendants of those involved and having them killed, usually in bizarre and humiliating circumstances.  When the grandson of French general Montauban was found hanging from the Eiffel Tower in 192?, dressed in womens clothing, Wanger was implicated, though nothing could be proved.  High on his list of targets was for example, Harry 'boy' Flashman, whose own grandfather had made off with more than his fair share of the the Summer Palace treasures (c.f. the Flashman papers, 'Flashman and the Dragon', et al). Also, Brigadier Linn, whose own great uncle had made a fortune shipping out the treasures on behalf of the Imperial forces.  The list was long and exhaustive. However the death of his great rival Lee Fat Sum presented him with an ideal opportunity to realise his dream of a united China, astride the world stage, and restored to all its Imperial glories.  Chang-Chun, with all its wealth and military stores, was to be the springboard to greatness. He therefore assembled an ungodly force of the usual Chinese rabble some battle hardened ex-White Russians, a shady set of German 'advisors', and most damnably off all, an elite Brigade of Bolshevik ChON (Communist special units), whose task it was to hunt down and kill Der Baron. If ever there was one, this was certainly an army of the 'damned'.

Fu Jjin Wanger had a lot of toys....

The Battle for Chang Chung

The Mad Baron and his allies approached Chang Chung from the west, marching on the city by way of the eastern Gobi desert.  Hu Jjin Wanger’s army, collected from the most desperate of the scum of the east, advanced north from Meukden.  Caught in the middle were the innocent population of Chang Chung, and Texas Ted, who was visiting his new company, the Manchurian Mining Corporation, at a site just north of the city where he was rumoured to have found large deposits of gold and uranium.  

Texas Ted was in no mood for goat-ropping interlopers

a shot of the Manchurian Mining company's site during the game


Both armies deployed on a north/south axis to the north of Chang Chun, meaning that Texas Ted’s operation was inconveniently caught in the middle.

Both armies could choose to deploy three Brigades where they chose within their deployment area.  All the others were deployed on a random dice throw.

Der Baron deployed his forces as follows:

Left wing: Smirnoff’s White Russian Cavalry division
Centre: Tibetan auxiliary Corps, Mad Bob’s ‘Taco’ Brigade
Right wing: Col. Panasonic’s Japanese Brigade of Observation
Reserve: Ungern Von Sternberg’s Asiatic cavalry division.

The Chang Chung Fireworks factory, a model of modern enterprise.  No children under 6 years of age were employed, best in class for Warlord China!

The local urchins loved playing pranks with matches at the back of the factory

Whilst opposite him Hu Jjin countered with the following deployment:

Right Wing: Col Kwok’s Chinese Storm Division
Centre: Hu Jjin Wanger’s Bodyguard Corps, Hauptmann Schwartz’s Kommando, V.I.Blackwood’s ChoN
Left wing: Col. Schneiber’s Austro-Hungarian POW’s.

In addition, Hauptmann Schwartz had a special forces unit, the ‘Nacht Shatten’ Special Ops: 10 C2 M2, ferocious & stubborn.  Bergmans & bombs.  Masters of disguise.  Appear on the table as Chinese civilians.  Only revealed when engaged or they engage.  Once the firing/fighting stops they can (try to) blend in again.

Germans, disguised as Chinamen

At the start of the game, senior commanders must throw for ‘Grand Tactical Ability’. CinC’s and Divisional commanders must do this. Each player character has a different ability, purely based on the umpires bias and, critically, how ‘active’ they have been in previous games.  This means, as a broad generalisation, that ‘fireater’ commanders are more likely to become activated than cautious or down-right-dull players.  ‘GTA’ ranges from 0 to +3 (high, as always, is good), and influence the final result, which is thrown against a ‘personal’ table. The ‘personal table’ is a subjective matrix of a) what troops you are using (e.g. Napoleon with Chinese irregulars will struggle, whilst Noddy with Potsdam Grenadiers will probably do quite well); and b) how good (or crap) you have been in the past.

The Red Spear Gang had vowed to defend the city to the death, and denied all involvement in organised crime

more soon.....as long as my ruddy IMac wireless connection stops playing up  >:(

Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Poliorketes on September 15, 2012, 06:41:03 PM
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: The Dozing Dragon on September 15, 2012, 06:43:12 PM
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Steve F on September 15, 2012, 06:44:09 PM
Where to begin?  Marvellous stuff!
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: gamer Mac on September 15, 2012, 06:55:40 PM
Lovely stuff :-* :-* :-*
Looking forward to more
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Supercollider on September 15, 2012, 07:17:25 PM
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: tomek917 on September 15, 2012, 07:32:50 PM
Fantastic!  :o

More please!
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on September 15, 2012, 07:48:33 PM
Wieee! :-*
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ray Rivers on September 15, 2012, 08:01:17 PM
Lovely!  :-*

A lot of work there with tons of great stuff.

Who wouldn't love to play on that board with those beautiful minis?
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Stu on September 15, 2012, 09:53:53 PM
This is what I come here to see! how big is the board?
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: airbornegrove26 on September 15, 2012, 10:37:53 PM
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: carlos marighela on September 15, 2012, 10:42:39 PM
Quite remarkable. Insanely good in fact!
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: marianas_gamer on September 15, 2012, 10:55:04 PM
Glad to see that re-enactment hasn't taken all your time Steve!  The Kreigspielers in all of their insane glory are always a wonder and inspiration!! lol  lol :-* :o
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: redzed on September 16, 2012, 12:52:45 AM
just excellent :-*
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 08:41:06 AM
This is what I come here to see! how big is the board?

16' x 6'
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 08:42:31 AM
Glad to see that re-enactment hasn't taken all your time Steve!  The Kreigspielers in all of their insane glory are always a wonder and inspiration!! lol  lol :-* :o

Hi Lon,

Yes re-enactment did take up a bit more time and effort than I had planned this year, but now we are all in winter quarters, it's back to the real (lead) world!

Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 16, 2012, 08:46:05 AM
All very excellent  :-* :-*

The write ups and text details are cracking also  8)

And that fireworks factory fits in well  ;)


Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Captain Blood on September 16, 2012, 09:24:40 AM
Superb as ever.
That's the way to do it.
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 10:28:47 AM
Part II

The Armies

The Army of the Mad

CinC: Der Baron morale: +2 lucky Grand tactical: ??? (see below)

Der Baron's brief

The last of the Camberwell Carrots had revealed a mission of mystic-religious importance and world changing significance.  Manchuria has to be liberated from mediaeval Chinese  barbarism and saved from International domination.  The final plea from your good friend Haile Silassie was to bring back the Cup of the Carpenter which he knows for certain was spirited away by your previous incarnation, Ghengis Khan, and hidden in the Golden Well of Sorrow which you have on good authority to be somewhere in the vicinity of Chang Chun. "This one's for old coconut head" you thought to yourself as the lights danced overhead.


1. Destroy the army of the pederast barabarian Huw Jjin Wanger
2. Take control of Chang Chun
3. Find the Cup of the Carpenter.

Your army is a ragtag collection of the usual losers and not-to-be-trusted adventurers.  You need to chose your deployments carefully and ensure that the more unreliable elements, e.g. Mad Bob, do not disgrace the cause.

Der Baron's right thrust: Bukharan Gendarmerie and Japanese regulars go full pelt for the city.

Der Baron’s Asiatic Cavalry Division

Der Baron: +2, lucky. Armed with pistols
Chuffer Campbell: +2, lucky, armed with double barrel shotgun, pistols and bombs.

1 x 15 Tibetan cavalry. Irregulars. C2 M2, obsolete firearms, ferocious

1 x 9 Chahar Mongol cavalry. C3 M3, bombs. 1 LMG

1 x 10 White Russian officers C2 M2, bombs, 2 LMG’s

2 x 10 Imperial Guard (mostly ex German and Austrian POW’s) C3 M4, bombs, 1 LMG per unit.

2 x HMG’s C3 M3

2 x field guns C3 M3.

1 x armoured cars C3 M3

Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Der Baron must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-5 = 0; 6-8 = +1; 9-10= +2; 11-12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Der Baron’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. His division is activated on a 3-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers he has, e.g. Der Baron has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore ‘activates’ automatically that move.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire.  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Der Baron (or Chuffer Campbell) is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: The Asiatic Cavalry Division must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in on-board units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 4-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 5-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division is in cover.
3.   Der Lucky Baron: Unlike most commanders of this period, Der Baron was quite happy to fight in person.  He was also extremely lucky, which accounts for the admiration with which the superstitious Mongols regarded him. He therefore moves and fights as a cavalryman armed with a rifle, but adds an additional +3 to all his hand to hand combat dice. However all Tibetan, Mongol and Chahar units must take a morale test if they see him killed within 18”.
4.   Motivation: A man of unspeakable medieval cruelty, Der Baron spread fear wherever he went, particularly amongst his own troops.  Therefore any units within 4” of either him or Chuffer ignore one morale turn per move.

Smirnoff Brief

After the desperate defence of (last years battle), your battered but unbowed cavalry division had - reluctantly - signed up with Der Baron and his Army of the Mad. 'Needs must' and all that.  You had used the time wisely.  The remnants of your cavalry division were now rested, re-equipped and to a large extent reinforced as the bedraggled remains of the White cause had rallied to your cause (and your much enhanced personal reputation). You also had managed to spare your men the worst excesses of 'Der Loonies' whims, though the naked New Years day parade was a pretty hard sell.

Smirnoff's glory!  The great man himself (in red trim) at the head of his veteran white cavalry storm across the river.

With Der Baron back from his African adventures, the wheel of fate has taken an interesting turn.  War has returned to the eastern front.  This time the 'golden' city of Chang Chun is the target, presenting you with a lucrative opportunity.  Famed for its wealth, known for its heavy armaments industry, and legend for its 'easy virtues', this is your chance to fill your boots and maybe make a break for it and carve out your own future.

1. Crush the Coolie scum and their red lickspittle allies. Extra victory points will be awarded for every Bolshevik head you remove.
2. Loot the bank, gold mine and the Governors palace, letting no-one else stand in your way.
3. Convince Der Baron that you are the man to restore order and be appointed Provincial Governor.  The intact survival of all the town would materially help your case.

Smironoff’s White cavalry Division  

Smirnoff +2. Lucky armed with Bergman, pistol and bombs.

Von Stroheim. 2ic  +1 leader, armed with pistol and bombs.

8  ‘White Wolves’ Cossacks.  C2 M2, with bombs.  2 LMG’s

12  White Officer Cavalry. C2 M2, with bombs.  2 LMG’s

2 x 9 White Cossacks. C2 M2, with bombs. 1 LMG each.

15 x Irregular Kazakh Cavalry. C3 M4. Single shot rifles.

1 Schneider tank. C2 M3. One tank gun and two LMG’s  Can fire any 2 from 3 any one move.

2 x horse drawn HMG’s. C3 M3. Move at 2D6 per move. HMG‘s can be dismounted/mounted, taking one turn

1 x horse artillery gun team. C3 M2

1 x 10 ‘recruit’ infantry C4 M4, rifles, bombs. In two buses.

1 x white aircraft C2 M2, 4 light bombs.

Special Rules

1.Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Smirnoff must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is separate to his personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-3 = 0; 4-7 = +1; 8-10= +2; 11-12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Smirnoff’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. His division is activated on a 3-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers he has, e.g. Smirnoff has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore ‘activates’ automatically that move.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire.  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Smirnoff is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.Divisional and Army Morale: The Don Cossack Division must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in on-board units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 4-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 5-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division is in cover.
3.Vodka: The White Vodka rule applies! All units (you can’t discriminate!) can be dished out extra vodka rations at the start of the game.  This means that everyone’s morale rises by 1 for the first five turns (which means that M2’s cannot fail), but is reduced by one for the remainder of the game.

Mad Bob brief

After accepting Der Barons offer for an all expenses paid trip to see the east (you shouldn't have had the fourth martini) you find yourself at the head of a horde of howling heathen musselmen as Der Loony decides to annexe Manchuria.  The only light relief is the fact is that he has also put you in charge of his rasta bodyguard, which means the while the nights do tend to get a bit wobbly, at least your sleeping better and your appetite is healthier than ever.

This latest adventure has 'opportunity' writ large in lightbulbs.  Chang Chun is a famously wealthy city.  You know what you need to do.

Mad Bob's trusted sidekick, Clarence 'Bun Man' Makele, gets the brothers in the mood for the coming scrap

The band injected some much needed rhythm.....


1.  Loot the bank, gold mine and the Governors palace, letting no-one else stand in your way.
2. Destroy the Chinese scum standing in your way, and loot their baggage train.
3. Stay on Der Barons good side, as it's a long way home.

Mad Bob’s ‘Taco’ Brigade

Mad Bob: +2, lucky.  Armed with a pistol and a lasso

El Mariachi: +2, lucky. Armed with rifle and pistols.  Marksman.
1 x 15 ‘Red Chilli Gang’. Irregular C2 M2. Ferocious. Rifles, bombs, 1 LMG

1 x 10 Bukharan Gendarmerie. Regulars C3 M3. Rifles, bombs, 1 LMG

1 x 20 ‘Basmachis’. Irregular C3 M4. Obsolete rifles

1 x 16 ‘Rastaman’ assault Brigade. C3 M3

1 ‘Bun Man’ HMG. C3 M2, lucky.

The Mad Bob 'Taco' Brigade in all its bonkers glory

Lee: 'Look!  Mexicans.  'fousands of them!'  Foo: 'whats a Mexican?'
Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Mad Bob must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-7 = 0; 8-9 = +1; 10-11 = +2; 12 = +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Mad Bob’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. His division is activated on a 2-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers he has, e.g. Mad Bob has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore activates automatically.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire.  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Mad Bob is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: The Taco Brigade must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in on-board units lost) reach 40%. A throw of 4-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 50%, a throw of 5-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Brigade is in cover.

Colonel Panasonic's brief

The Emperor and the Imperial Staff have at last agreed on an objective and a plan of campaign: Manchuria is the prize, and Ungern Von Sternberg the willing bacillus.  You are to encourage him to wreck as much havoc as is (in)humanely possible.  This has two advantages to Japan: it diverts international attention away from your plans, and it weakens an ally who will eventually need to be disposed off in 'unfortunate' circumstances.  The capture of Chang Chun is also geographically important.  It is the capital of Jillin province, and controls the major rail routes north, south and in particularly east.  Along this train line the Japanese Army of Liberation will soon come.  You care little for the own itself and less for its inhabitants.  

Elite Japanese forces storm the trenchlines around Chang Hung

Only to receive an unexpected shooing from a counter attack by the fired up 'Red Spear' gang.


1. Defeat and exterminate the Chinese scum before you.
2. Ensure that the name of Ungern Von Sternberg  lives forever in the annals of infamy through getting the blame for excess and rapine during the chaos of battle.
3. Capture the rail head intact, and hold it in the name of the Emperor until reinforcements arrive.

Imperial Japanese Cavalry prepare to engage

Col. Panasonic’s Brigade of Observation

Colonel Panasonic: +2 Armed with pistol and samurai sword (additional +1 in melee)

Captain Tojo: +1  pistol.

1 x 10 Marines. Regular, C2 M2. Ferocious, bombs and 2 LMG’s.

3 x infantry units. Regular C3 M3. Bombs. No LMG’s.

1 sniper. C3 M2

1 x armoured car C3 M3

1 x field gun. C3 M3

1 x HMG’s C3 M3

1 x aircraft C2 M3

excited locals watch the action from a town vantage point.

The direct hit on the fireworks factory elicited whoops of excitement!

Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Col. Panasonic must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-6 = 0; 7-9 = +1; 10-11 = +2; 12 = +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Panasonic’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. His division is activated on a 3-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers he has, e.g. Panasonic has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore ‘activates’ automatically.  An ‘activated’ Brigade moves and fires as normal.  If however his Brigade fails to activate they may not move, but can fire.  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Col. Panasonic is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: Panasonics Brigade must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in on-board units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 4-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 5-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Brigade is in cover.

Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 10:30:08 AM
Part III

Soapy's brief

The commander of your on-loan Tibetan cavalry begged you to take up Der Barons offer.  The last straw was during the naked New Years parade at which Der Noodle insisted on inspecting all the men's 'equipment'. You had therefore flown in on your personal zeppelin and with a contingent of your best monks to lend a hand.  You find it hard that the prophecies still insist that Von Sternberg is the 'Golden Child', but who are you to go against fate. Of more immediate interest to you is the mining technology reputed to have been acquired by the recently deceased local warlord.  That and his large stash of gold.  While you I'll be loyal to your ally, you have a mission of your own.  The comforting presence of your Yeti allies, high in the surrounding hills, could well be a useful 'diversion'.

Wild Tibetan cavalry amidst the chaos the centre of the field.

1. Support Der loony in his escapade.
2. Acquire all the modern technology stored in the town.
3. Loot the Jillin Central Bank.

Tibetan auxiliary Corps

The Dalai Lama: +3 (Tibetans only). Very lucky. No weapons

Hunga Zin: +1, ferocious. Pistol and bombs

2 x 20 ‘Golden Warrior’ fighting monks. C2 M2, ferocious, obsolete fire arms.

2 x 16 Tibetan infantry. C3 M3, stubborn.  Single shot rifles.

1 x 10 Tibetan regular infantry: C3M3, stubborn, rifles and bombs    

1 x HMG C3 M3

1 x field gun C3 M3

1 x zeppelin  C3 M3

"Boss.  You sure 'dem Bhuddists is peace luvin?  Dem carrying mighty big choppers!"

Unfortunately for the monks, the other side had reached the safety of the town armoury before they did, and they were soon cut down in a hail of bullets, rockets and domestic appliances fired from the impregnable fortress.

Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, The Dalai must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-3 = 0; 4-7 = +1; 8-10= +2; 11-12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If the Dalai’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. His division is activated on a 4-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers he has, e.g. The Dalia has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore ‘activates’ on anything but a 1.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire.  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If the Dalai is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: The Tibetan army must check morale when casualties  (measured in on-board units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 3-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 4-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 5-6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division is in cover.
3.   Buddhist Karma: The Dalai brings harmony, peace and enlightenment to his followers and troops wherever he goes.  This karmic confidence means that all Tibetan troops within a 12” radius of the Holy One, ignore one morale test each turn.  However should the Celestial Being be killed, all Tibetans cannot move for three moves as they experience the ascendance into another existence by their Supreme Being.  However they can defend themselves and fire and fight as normal.  They also do not take any morale tests during this joyous festival.  After that they fight and move as normal.
4.   The Yeti: Oh yes, they’re back!  Any Tibetan troops within 18” of a mountain terrain square can throw for the appearance of the Yeti if there any enemy troops occupying this feature.  2 D6, and a 10-12 mean that the guardians of the hills will appear!  They fight as four humans, never take morale, but never leave the mountains

The sight of a 10' ape only made Texas Ted even madder.

And for all its primevil strength and mythical status, the Yeti was in the end no match for a pissed off Texan with a pump action shotgun.
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 10:49:50 AM
Part IV

The Army of the Damned


Hu Jjing Wanger: +2 lucky Grand tactical: ????

2IC: Kwik Fluk: 0

Dave Ryan’s brief

You are General Hu Jjin Wanger, victorious warlord of Fengtien Province.  You are feared and revered in equal measure by friend and foe alike.  The very whisper of your name has armies routing from the field in terror.  And it is said in the palaces and castles of London England, that nannies frighten little children to sleep by threatening that 'Hu Jjin Wanger will come and cut of your heads!'.

This is why this latest incursion by Der Loony is so, so tiresome, and you have resolved to end his Comedy Empire on the plains outside Chang Chun. To do this you have had to assemble an army of odd bedfellows.  Colonel Kleb (Gibby) commands a crack force of ex-White Russians from the service of the recently deceased Lee Fat Sum (who contrary to popular opinion, you had no hand in his demise).  And there are the Reds. A large delivery of your favourite Bavarian Beer from a Mr. Lenin in Moscow persuaded you to allow the Reds and their travelling cinema unit under V.I.Blackwood to help out.  His secret stash of Menchivik porn movies, and a large 'retainer' obviously helped to sweeten the deal.  However the White's and Reds are at each others throats every day, and you would do well to keep them apart.  A more reliable ally is your German friends from across the Yellow Sea in Tsingtao.  Their beer is even better than Mr. Lenin's, and the draymen (all of whom are plump Bavarian doxies) are sooooo accommodating! Your good friend Von Stauffenberg has sent his best friend Captain Schwartz to come and help out.  He takes himself very seriously though, and he and his men spend most of their time 'in disguise'.  The sight of a 6" 2" blond Bavarian stormtrooper trying to pass himself as a Chinese coolie frequently has you wetting your pants.  No matter, whatever pushes their buttons.  Your own corps of Chinese assault troops, under Colonel Kwok, is to be relied upon at least.

Chinese conscripts find themselves unaccountably at the very head of the army

Whilst Chinese bandit cavalry took advantage of the chaos to loot everything that wasn't tied down and guarded.

Chinese rockets predictably did more harm to their own side than the enemy


1. Crush the army of Der Baron and execute all survivors.  Then lay a road of skulls across the Mongolian border and march on Urga!
2. Keep the Reds and Whites from tearing themselves apart.
3. Capture the treasures of Chang Chun.  That disloyal scum Lee Fat Sum was rumoured to have built a new Xanadu, and so it is now rightfully yours!

Your Army:

Hu Jjin Wang’s Bodyguard

1 x personal armoured car. C2 M2. 1 LMG

2 x armoured cars. C2 M3

2 x unarmoured MG carriers. C4 M4

1 x sniper C3 M2

1 x HMG C3 M4

1 x field gun C3 M4

1 x 10 White Russian mercs C2 M3, bombs, 2 LMGs

1 x 10 Chinese infantry, C3 M3, Bergmans, bombs.

1 x rocket-workers top-secret Brigade  C3 M4  rockets

1 x mercenary German aircraft  C2 M3  2 light bombs

6 x rounds of off table HE.  Can be fired a maximum of three rounds a move.  Needs to be pre-planned.

Kwik Fluk (the bald one) reports on the progress of the battle to Hu Jjin Wanger.

Special Rules

5.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Wang must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-4 = 0; 5-7 = +1; 8-11 = +2; 12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Wang’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. His division is activated on a 4-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers he has, e.g. Wang has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore ‘activates’ on anything but a 1.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire.  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If the Dalai is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
6.   Divisional and Army Morale: Wang’s bodyguard must check morale when casualties  (measured in on-board units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 3-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 4-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 5-6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division is in cover.

V.I.Blackwood's brief

You have been sent by the newly constituted Supreme Soviet on a mission of the utmost strategic importance: capture Der Baron and bring him back to Moscow in an iron cage, or failing that, execute him on the spot. In addition, reliable intelligence suggests that the Japanese have turned him into a drugged puppet ruler (through liberal use of cheap white wine) and intend to use him to conquer Manchuria on their behalf, before disposing of him.  This must not be allowed to happen as Manchuria is the main artery to Vladivostock and the Revolutions window on the East.  Your small elite Brigade must therefore ensure a Chinese victory whilst at the same time converting the local population to the cause of world revolution.  Long live the People's Soviet!  Death to the counter revolution!

The sound of canned laughter from inside the Bolshevik naval armoured car was audible to the monks as they adopted their fighting stance...

Bolshevik cavalry were amongst the first to reach the outskirts of the city.  Here two of them ride past the blown up remains of the Chang Chung central bank


1. Capture (or kill) Der Baron
2. Ensure the destruction of his army, but in particular the Imperialist schemes of the Yellow Peril
3. Using your new state-of-the-art propaganda wagon, convert as many of the population of Chang Chun to world revolution and get them to declare to People's Soviet.

V.I.Blackwood: ChoN, Bolshevik Special Forces

V.I.Blackwood: +2, ‘lucky’.  Bergman, pistol and bombs

Commissar Leonid Bolshoi: +1. Pistol, bombs.

1 x 10 Cheka Assault Brigade. C2 M2, bombs, ferocious. 2 LMG’s

1 x 10 Bolshevik sailors. C2 M3, bombs, stubborn, 1 LMG

2 x HMGs. C3 M3

2 x field guns. C3 M4

2 x Naval armoured cars. C2 M3

2 x 8 Red cavalry. C3 M3, bombs. 1 LMG

1 x Fokker DVII  C3 M3.  2 light bombs

The head of the Cheka was first on the scene at the bank...

Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, each Blackwood must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his own personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-5 = 0; 6-8 = +1; 9-11= +2; 12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Blackwood’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. Blackwood’s Special forces are activated on a 3-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers the Divisional Commander has; e.g. if Blackwood has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore ‘activates’ automatically that move.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire (though Commanders can always move).  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Blackwood is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: Bolshevik Special Forces must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 3-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 4-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that.  Note that snipers and commissars do not count towards the divisional total, but all other units do. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division are in cover

The elite Chang Chung flying squad was scrambled to deal with the unfolding chaos.

More soon!!!
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 16, 2012, 10:51:43 AM
Absolutely bonkers and fantastic at the same time  :-* 8) :-*


Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 11:07:39 AM
Part V

Colonel Kwok, Chinese Storm Division

Colonel Kwok: +2, ‘lucky’ Bergman, pistols, bombs

2ic, Lieutenant Woo: 0.  Rifle, bombs

2 x 10 ex-White Russian infantry battalions. C2 M3, bombs, 1 LMG, ferocious.  

1 x 9 Chinese Cameleer Suicide Troops. C3 M2, bergmans, bombs and 1 LMG (the presence of camels discomforts horses.  If they charge or are charged by cavalry, the cavalry need to take a morale test to charge home)

4 x 10 Chinese infantry. C3 M4, rifles.  May fight close order.

1 x 10  ‘Dare to Die’ unit. C2 M2 ferocious. Pistols and bombs only.

2 x snipers C3 M2, with bombs

3 x HMG C3 M3

1 x field gun C3 M3

1 x heavy mortar C3 M3

Suicide camel troops in a dangerously fidgety mood...

Chinese Assault troops, mingled in with German and Austrian allies, await the signal to advance from behind cover.

Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Kwok must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his own personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-5 = 0; 6-8 = +1; 9-11= +2; 12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Kwok’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. Kwok’s Storm Division is activated on a 3-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers the Divisional Commander has; e.g. if Kwok has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 and his card is first out that move (another +1).  His division therefore ‘activates’ automatically that move.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire (though Commanders can always move).  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Blackwood is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: Kwok’s Strom Division is highly motivated, but relatively easily disheartened.  It is therefore quite brittle.  It must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in units lost) reach 40%. A throw of 3-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 50%, a throw of 4-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 60% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that.  Note that officers and snipers do not count towards the divisional total, but all other units do. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division are in cover.

German Brief

You are Hauptmann Schwartz, Special Ops Commander of German Tsingtao Province. You have been ordered by Governor Von Stauffenberg to assemble a scratch unit of elite 'Sturm Kommandos' to help and support Tsingtao's neighbour and ally, the odious General Hu Jjin Wanger, repel the latest incursion for Der Baron into China.  Wanger is a repellent monster of mediocre talent and with a collection of genuine metal illnesses.  However he is also Tsingtao's only bulwark against the sea of savagery that is unfolding in Warlord era China.

As you were about to leave for the front, an encrypted telegram was received from Berlin. Its contents changed your mission from the strategic defence of Tsingtao, to one of global significance.  Berlin has learned that the Japanese Empire intends to invade Manchuria.  Der Baron, they believe, is the puppet proxy for the Japanese, who intend to dispose of him when he has served their purpose.  The presence of a Japanese Corps, under the sinister Colonel Panasonic, almost certainly confirms  Berlin's fears. If Manchuria falls, the Japanese will have their foot on the windpipe of Tsingtao, and it will fall soon after. Defeat Der Baron and save Germany's eastern enterprise.  And, in all likelihood, avert another world war.

Most neutral observers were curious as to what this German wonder weapon was.  It appeared to be a multiple barreled mortar, but had a very advanced recoil mechanism, and, most curiously of all, did not appear to heat up, even after prolonged firing.  Intelligence services around the world were put on high alert....

Your objectives:

1. Defeat Der Baron's army
2. Exterminate the Japanese contingent
3. Negotiate a strategically favourable deal with (the victorious) Hu Jjin Wanger.

Hauptmann Schwartz’s Kommando

Hauptmann Schwartz: +2, very lucky.  Bergman, pistol, bombs

10 x Assault Grenadiers. C2 M2. Ferocious. Bombs, 2 LMG’s  

3 x trucks. C3 M3

1 x 10 ‘special ops’ forces.   Factors ‘unknown’

1 x flamethrower team.  C2 M2 ferocious.

1 x sniper C2 M2 stubborn with bombs

1 x armoured car. C2 M2. 1 LMG. Can fire smoke

1 x ‘multiple’ heavy mortar C3 M3

10 x ’Sturm Balloon Troopers’  C2 M2, bombs, Bergman LMGs.  Ferocious.

1 x Dirigible. C2 M2, stubborn. Capacity, 10 figures plus 1 HMG ( or equivalent).

Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Schwartz must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his own personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-4 = 0; 5-8 = +1; 9-11= +2; 12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Schwartz’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. Schwartz’s Kommando is activated on a 2-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers the Divisional Commander has; e.g. if Schwartz has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 his Kommando therefore ‘activates’ automatically that move.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire (though Commanders can always move).  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Schwartz is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: Schwartz’s formation must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 3-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 4-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that.  Note that officers and snipers do not count towards the divisional total, but all other units do. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division are in cover.

Colonel Schneiber’s Austro Hungarian POW’s

Colonel Schneiber: +2, lucky. Rifle, bergman, bombs, sniper, ferocious.

10 x assault Grenadiers. C2 M2, ferocious. Bombs. 2 LMG’s

2 x 10 infantry C3 M3, bombs. 1 LMG

1 anti tank rifle C3 M2

2 x snipers C2 M2

2 x field guns C3 M3

1 x HMG C3 M3

1 x Austrian Armoured car C3 M3

1 x albatross V fighter bomber.  C3 M2  4 light bombs.

The Austrian snipers were particularly effective in the centre of the table

The battle in full swing

Special Rules

1.   Divisional Activation Roll: At the start of the game, Schneiber must throw for his Grand Tactical Rating (n.b. this is in addition to his own personal +2 rating).  This can range between 0 or +3.  Throw 2 x D6: 2-3 = 0; 4-8 = +1; 9-11= +2; 12= +3.  He then adds this to his Divisional Activation Roll, which is made the first time one of his unit cards is drawn from the pack each move. If Schneiber’s personal card is first out, he adds an additional +1 to his dice throw. Schneiber’s formation is activated on a 2-6 on 1D6, plus whatever modifiers the Divisional Commander has; e.g. if Schneiber has a Grand Tactical Rating of +1 his formation therefore ‘activates’ automatically that move.  An ‘activated’ Division moves and fires as normal.  If however his division fails to activate they may not move, but can fire (though Commanders can always move).  Mounted troops can also counter-charge if attacked.  If Schneiber is attached to a unit he and it can move as normal, regardless of the throw for the rest of the division.
2.   Divisional and Army Morale: Schneiber’s formation must check morale when casualties for that Division (measured in units lost) reach 50%. A throw of 3-6 on 1D6 ensures they fight on.  On reaching 60%, a throw of 4-6 is required to stay on the field.  On reaching 70% a throw of 6 is required, as it is for every 10% lost after that.  Note that officers and snipers do not count towards the divisional total, but all other units do. +1 is added to any throw if the majority of the Division are in cover.

Tibetan monks cheer as they march past the sacred figure of the Dalai Lama (in the cricketing whites)
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 11:37:21 AM
Part VI

Texas Ted’s Brief

You’ve been very excited at the prospect of visiting your new investment vehicle, The Manchurian Mining Corporation, based in the remote Manchurian City of Chang Chun.

Your engineers have discovered gold and uranium in vast quantities just outside the city.  You had come to an ‘equitable’ agreement with General Lee Fat Sum on a split of rights, and everything was looking rosy. However the fickle Chinese bastard went and died on you. Poisoned by all accounts.  The locals talk of an evil presence related to the long extinct Manchu dynasty, but whatever the reason, you’ve had to rush to Chang Chun to secure your stake.

When you arrive you find that the city has been declared ‘open’, which is shorthand in these parts for any of the evil son-of-a-bitch Chinese warlords to take what they want.  You need to defend what you’ve got and strike a deal with the likely winner.

Texas ted's arrival proved a boon for part-time workers and contract convicts


Texas Ted: +2 lucky, stubborn. Pump action shotgun, pistols, bombs

‘Dan, Dan the Mining Man’, aka Dan McLaglen, Scottish mining engineer and site manager. +2, lucky, LMG and bombs.

10 x Texas Ted’s bodyguards.  C2 M2 Rifles, bombs and 2 LMG’s.  Stubborn

3 x unarmoured MG carriers. 1 LMG, C3 M3

10 x chinese coolies C4 M4 rifles.

1 x HMG C3 M3

1 x AA gun C3 M3

1 x Mountain gun C3 M3

The ‘Snout’.  Unarmed, but very armoured (better than a tank), drilling machine.  Moves at 1 x d6 +2” move. Can drill through anything with its state-of-the-art ‘Vibranium’ drill head.  Can hold ten figures, though only one can shoot out (at the rear).

Ted realised that there was no way to avoid a fight

Ted deployed the 'Snout' just under the surface, and proceeded to scare the hell out of all and sundry as it slowly, but inexorably, moved towards the Chinese lines.

Before surfacing right in front of the Bolshevik position.  Impervious to bullets, but itself unarmed, it proved a major distraction to both sides.

The Battle

In the run up to the weekend, there was all the usual email intrigue from the Kriegspielers.  The most serious of which was Der Baron’s  attempt to subvert Hauptmann Schwartz and get him to change sides.  As the game weekend approached it did infact seem that this would happen, which given the German’s modern weaponry would have had a potentially devastating impact on the game.  Signals were agreed and a plan laid.

Der Baron’s plan was for Smirnoff to turn the enemy right, before pushing forward with his centre.  Meantime, Panasonic’s crack Japanese Brigade was to push into the city.

Hu Jjin plan was to hold on the right, push forward and take the strategically placed hill (where Texas Ted’s mine was) and throw his Austrians into the eastern side of the city.

None of this worked, of course.

Der Baron blew the side swap with the Germans as he started shooting at them.  Smirnoff, disgusted by the incompetency of Der Baron, deserted to the Chinese in exchange of being made Governor of the City.  This, plus devastating casualties caused on his centre units of Mad Bob, the Tibetans and his own Asiatic cavalry division, meant that Drer Baron’s right was severely handicapped in their rush into the city.  The city defenders fought well, including the mysterious ‘Red Spear’ gang, who managed to hold up the Japanese assault, despite only being armed with…spears. The ‘Nacht Shatten’ troops of Hauptmann Schwartz, despite their dodgy disguises that kept getting rumbled, fought well and helped the Chinese warlord take the city.

Smirnoff's men swap sides (the confederate flag belongs to Texas Ted's bodyguard unit)

And immediately peel southwards behind the Chinese lines and head for Chang Chung

Meanwhile Hautpmann Schwartz drops troops into the town armoury

Tibetan monks, entering through a secret tunnel in the mine complex, pop up inside St. Basils Orthodox church.  A fight breaks out between them and the Orthodox priests, but the men in beards proved no match for their overweight martial-art expert opponents

Red Cavalry pour into the town

law and order collapses

Bolshevik power

Chinese bandits attack a Red cross convoy, whilst a police armoured car lies abandoned, blocking the bridge

local volunteers rush to defend the city

Hu Jjin Wangers men, and their Bolshevik allies, hold the vital armoury

While their main forces pour into the now defenceless city through the north east corner

Bruce Lee.  Pretty, but no match for a unit of Germans with bergmans.

The Dalai makes off......

The result was a crushing defeat on Der Baron and his allies, and a headlong retreat to Urga.  Hu Jjin added Chang Chung to his expanding Manchurian Empire, Smirnoff was made governor, and the city settled into the usual corrupt practices of the time, under the shadowy figure of Dr. Bogo Phd, the local ‘Mr.Big’.  Von Stuaffenberg was rewarded for the able efforts of Hauptmann Schwartz with the franchise for the mortar factory and armoury

Hu Jjin’s next target was Urga, the capital of Von Sternbergs Empire, and nothing less than the destruction of Baron Ungern Von Sternberg’s Empire of the Mad!

Watch this space........

Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Za Zjurman on September 16, 2012, 12:04:13 PM
 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Steve F on September 16, 2012, 12:25:58 PM
An astonishing combination of quantity and quality.
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Bugsda on September 16, 2012, 12:28:52 PM
Thanks, that made my Sunday morning  8)
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Furt on September 16, 2012, 12:53:45 PM
Amazing, imaginative, inspiring ... I've run out of adjectives.  :'(

These epic games are truly what LAF is about.  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Overlord on September 16, 2012, 05:02:33 PM
Once again the League returns to enthrall and entertain..
The quality, scale and imagination of the participants is something many of us would aspire to.  Epic wargaming. 8)
The delightful madness of the League produces another brilliant unit  :-*:

I look forward to many more adventures.
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: aggro84 on September 16, 2012, 05:18:21 PM
Your bat reps are so amazing I'm at a loss for words!
I don't even know where to begin.  :o
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Over Open Sights on September 16, 2012, 05:53:10 PM
Inspiring madness! Great to see the word "pederast" being used outside the pages of a Patrick O'Brian novel. :)
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Captain Blood on September 16, 2012, 06:25:15 PM
The Rastas have it!

Where is the kitchen sink?! It is indeed, the only thing that's missing (I know, you're going to put one in next time lol)

Eclectic doesn't even begin to sum it up.

Barmy, barking, bonkers and utterly BRILLIANT!

And I can see so many examples of his painting on that table, you must have kept Deano in beer money for a decade.

Well done Kriegspielers  :)
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: oxiana on September 16, 2012, 06:35:16 PM
Brilliant table, brilliant minis, crazy batrep.  :o

Lunatic stuff – LAF at its finest!  ;D
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: redzed on September 16, 2012, 06:59:26 PM
all of it is outstanding, but the steel band is just sublime 8)
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 16, 2012, 07:22:06 PM

And I can see so many examples of his painting on that table, you must have kept Deano in beer money for a decade.

He's earned enough beer tokens to qualify for an invite.  He's coming to the November game
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on September 16, 2012, 07:32:23 PM
Damn it!
This is so great, and I do enjoy the briefings the most. A pity that November is so far away ;)
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ray Rivers on September 16, 2012, 08:20:49 PM
Geez...  o_o

Amazing!  :-*
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Rev. Aubrey Upjohn on September 16, 2012, 08:44:21 PM
Oh joy! Oh unexpected joy!
Another of those excellent LXK adventures  :-*
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: coggon on September 16, 2012, 10:52:11 PM

That was very much worth the wait.  How long does it take the League to play a game like that to conclusion?

Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Hammers on September 17, 2012, 08:16:35 AM
Instant Massive Hardon material!
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on September 17, 2012, 08:35:52 AM

That was very much worth the wait.  How long does it take the League to play a game like that to conclusion?


About ten hours game time. Setup is about 90mins

Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Groove51 on September 17, 2012, 10:17:04 AM
Inspirational. :o
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: argsilverson on September 17, 2012, 11:47:12 AM
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: white knight on September 17, 2012, 02:06:24 PM
Fantastic stuff. Looks like you should really get these from Tsuba Miniatures:
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Bugsda on September 17, 2012, 04:29:40 PM
Cool! The Mad the Bad and the Histrionic or whatever that film was called, gotta get 'em  ;D
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: The Dalai on September 17, 2012, 08:59:54 PM
His Holiness is already preparing his troops.
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: H.M.Stanley on November 02, 2012, 08:07:05 PM
My brain is starting to explode following the LOEK's exploits [applause!!]  lol
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Count Winsky on December 13, 2012, 05:23:38 AM
Totally Awesome Game!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Patrice on December 17, 2012, 11:14:58 PM
Aaaargh how could I have missed this post, I just discovered it today!

Ignatieff you will be renowned as an immortal leader of the wargaming people, a "wargaming class hero" :o
Title: Re: The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents........
Post by: Ignatieff on December 18, 2012, 11:27:24 AM
Aaaargh how could I have missed this post, I just discovered it today!

Ignatieff you will be renowned as an immortal leader or the wargaming people, a "wargaming class hero" :o

Hahahaha!  More likely a deranged lunatic who bankrupted himself and family in his pursuit of madness....hell, it's only life...