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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: eilif on June 23, 2016, 04:11:40 PM

Title: Affordable 10mm mecha!
Post by: eilif on June 23, 2016, 04:11:40 PM
As many will know I've been a big proponent of 10mm gaming with rebased Mechwarrior clix figs especially with games like Mech attack and Alpha strike .  Recently however the glut of cheap units seems to have disappeared or become harder to find.  

A partial solution may be this.
It's all 4 Solaris Mech Packs (24 mechs) for $48. That's  8 Light, 6 Med, 6 Heavy and 4 Assault mechs.  It also includes many of the classic designs like Battlemaster, Daishi, etc...

The downside is that they are painted in a non-standard variety of Solaris paint schemes, but for $2 a mech it seems like a small price to pay.  The other downside is that it doesn't come with any vehicles or infantry, but those are by far the cheapest and easiest units to find second hand.

Hills also has some other MW items.  http://www.wholesalegaming.biz/mechwarrior/
Some are rare items and priced as such, but they also have $3 "Falcons prey" boosters which each have a mech, vehicle and two infantry though of course you don't know what you will get.