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Author Topic: RAIN DANCE - A PA SKIRMISH - PART # TWO  (Read 1858 times)

Offline DAWGIE

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« on: October 19, 2010, 04:16:23 AM »




THE MUTIE MEN activated first, sneaking up, and surrounding the apparently empty tent. when everyone was in place the leader signaled one of his muties to check the inside of same. with a blood curdling shriek, MM#3 rushed forward, ripped open the closed tent flaps, and thrust his spear into the interior! the BOOM ! BOOM ! of OLE DAWGIE's 20-mm SL shotgun proclaimed that the owner was indeed at home and wide awake. the mutie flew backwards , hit the ground and stayed down with two (2) big holes and eighteen (18!!!) 10-mm bullets in his chest : MM#3 was OD. TEUFF remained inside the tent beside OLE DAWGIE, ready for his turn at the enemy outside.

ALTHOUGH the remaining MUTIE MEN were not actually shot at by OLE DAWGIE, or attacked by TEUFF, i figured that the unexpected double BOOM! from the shotgun ought to cause them all to take a RECEIVED FIRE TEST anyway, so the muties did just that.

MM #1 (DRIBBIN) passed 2D6 and let fly with a three (3) round burst from his assault carbine, firing blindly into the tent and hitting nothing but canvas. OLE DAWGIE and TEUFF both chose to pass 2D6 . DRIBBIN's assault carbine did not malfunction.

MM #2, the ardboy with the assault carbine, also passed 2D6 and blazed away into the tent, hitting nothing but canvas. his assault carbine did not malfunction either.

 AS MM #3 was OD and busy bleeding all over the place, he did not take a test, so MM #4 tested and passed 2D6; since he was outgunned, he ducked back, flopping down onto the muddy ground, cursing his useless flintlock blunderbuss.

MM #5 was closest to the late, unlamented, MM #3 when he went OD. he also passed 2D6 for RECEIVED FIRE, but since he too, was outgunned, he ducked back, flopping down in place, onto the rain soaked ground. being a bit of a wiener, he also blew his MAN DOWN test with a 1D6, but since he was already ducked back, he just squirmed a tad bit deeper into the soft mud.

MM #6 passed 2D6, emptied his battered SMG into the tent, hitting zilch, but running out of ammo! cursing, he ejected the spent magazine and fumbled for another . . .

OLE SAWGIE and TEUFF, being made of stout stuff, chose to ignor the hot lead tearing through the tent in their own fashion. TEUFF wisely remained prone, but OLE DAWGIE was in a pickle about who to shoot back at (remember all he can see is bullet holes ripping through the canvas from what seemed like every direction). finally, he too elected to go prone in place and fire several shots in the general direction of one of the shooters, missing the mutie men completely. much to his disgust, the SL shotgun chose to "run dry", so he would have to reload it before he could shoot again.

BY now, OLE DAWGIE's warm, dry tent, looked like it had seen better days: it had more bullet holes than one of those hole filled cheese things that some wasteland settlers made.

OUTSIDE, lightning flashed, thunder crashed and the rain continued to fall like a very large domesticate herbivore peeing on a flat rock . . .


WELL, since i scored doubles, i re-rolled the dice like it says in the CR3.0 rule book, and scored, double "3s" again. hmmmm. . . . if at first you do not succeed try, try, again, so i tried again, and got double "3s" !!!!!!! i figured the dice were trying to tell me something, sooo, after a bit of thought, i decided neither side would do anything except reload weapons this turn. besides, i took advantage of the lull in the action to refill my glass of iced tea, make a pit stop to "de-fuel", and read over my notes before carrying on.


NOW everyone was reloaded. locked, cocked and ready to rock! DRIBBEN shot OLE DAWGIE's tent full of more holes without hitting either OLE DAWGIE or TEUFF; his battered weapon did not malfunction -again

MM #2 emptied his weapon into the tent, wounding OLE DAWGIE twice !!!!! with a sense of dread i rolled 1D6 for each hit on OLE DAWGIE - and needed to immediately take TWO RECOVER FROM KNOCK DOWN TESTS! DAWGIE passes 2D6 both times !!!!! (whew!); but DAWGIE is STUNNED (oh, crap!) and unable to carry on till next activation (oh, double crap!!!!). TEUFF does not get a scratch, thank the dice gods, but TEUFF remains prone while the bullets whizz by - he is an intelligent mutant bull dog!

MM #6 squeezes the trigger on his battered SMG and scores three "1s"- it has now suffered a catastrophic malfunction and he will not be able to clear the jam until after the fight! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! he now has an awkward club instead of a shooter !!!!!

MM #4 and MM #5, both recovered from duck back, and both wanted to charge into the tent and make raw meat out of who ever was inside. MM #4 made a screaming charge toward the front of the tent, obviously intent on extracting revenge for the OD MM #3. MM #5 trotted screaming toward the side of the tent with clubbed blunderbus at the ready. both muties waded into the tent, swinging wildly, knocking down the tent poles and collapsing it onto the top of OLE DAWGIE and TEUFF, who could not see anything!

SINCE the mutie men could not actually see OLE DAWGIE or TEUFF (they are concealed by the ragged tent). MM #4 was armed with a clubbed blunderbus ( IW). he proceeds to beat the BLEEP! out of the stunned OLE DAWGIE. MM #5 has a BA 2-handed club and squares off with TEUFF.

OLE DAWGIE is still prone and stunned so he could not melee or defend himself even if he could see the muties. TEUFF cannot see the muties, but he is able to fight back blindly with -2D6 modifier, using his powerful jaws (IMPACT=3) and claw tipped paws (IMPACT=2), which are not IW . TEUFF will use his gaping maw against MM #5 so he has 6D6 (BRAWLER ATTRIBUTE). with -3D6 modifier, so he has 3D6 available.

MM #4 tore into the lump that was OLE DAWGIE: OLE DAWGIE is now completely OUT OF THE FIGHT! MM #5 and TEUFF went at it, resulting in them being locked into melee ! by now the tent was completely demolished, with OLE DAWGIE's gear scattered everywhere.



TEUFF has had enough of this playing with MM #5, rears up and goes to town with his mighty mutant bulldog jaws! he rips the mutie apart while MM #4 watches TEUFF rip his bud to pieces! this is too much for him, so he turns and begins to run screaming away from the fight!

DRIBBIN snap fires a burst at TEUFF with his assault carbine, missing the bulldog! fortunately DRIBBIN also missed MM #4 as he began to runaway.

MM #2 fires his assault carbine at TEUFF, also misses the mutant bulldog, but plugs the fleeing MM #3, splattering what passes for mutie brains all over the place.

MM #6, on the other side of the tent from DRIBBEN and MM #2 is trying to clear his SMG when he sees MM #4 's noggin explode. this is too much for MM #6, who is all alone. he decides to head for the distant hills - this place is not too healthy!

TURN FIVE: ACTIVATION, TEUFF = 3, MUTIE MEN = 3 (doubles again!)


BY now TEUFF has what can only be best described as an immense case of the BLEEP! looking around for more muties to rip apart, his sees DRIBBIN and MM #2 standing downhill from him. TEUFF decides to charge them! WAAAAAAA- HOOOOOO !!!!! four hundred pounds of mutant bulldog growls and launches himself down hill at surprised DRIBBIN and MM #2! GO, TEUFF, GO!

DRIBBIN and MM #2 see the charging bulldog; using DRIBBIN's REP-5 leadership,! they both stand their ground and blaze away at the on coming TEUFF; DRIBBIN misses 3 times ! MM #2 also misses 3 times! they brace themselves for the immenent CQC, both knowing that they will have to use their assault carbines as IW weapons and hoping for the best!

TEUFF plows into them with IMPACT=3 fang filled jaws agape and foaming. DRIBBIN and MM #2 fight back with clubbed carbines. MM #2 goes down, OD, without laying a hand on TEUFF. DRIBBIN and TEUFF become locked in CQC combat.

DRIBBIN decides to back off, trying to blow TEUFF away with his carbine. TEUFF immediately closes with DRIBBEN again. DRIBBEN stands his ground, blazing away and missing !!!!!!

MIGHTY TEUFF tears into DRIBBIN with a snarl, and DRIBBIN fights back with all of his might. mutie man versus enraged mutant bulldog! clubbed assault carbine versus massive fangs and powerful jaws !!!! the first melee is another draw, so they have at it again, knowing that only one of them will survive! with a final snap, TEUFF rips DRIBBIN right arm completely off! the mutie boss goes down, OUT OF THE FIGHT! the last thing the mutie man's eye see is TEUFF's gaping maw before it closes on his throat . . .

time passes . . .

WHEN OLE DAWGIE awakens it is still pouring down rain. for a moment he does not know where is or what he is doing here, laying in the mud. slowly and painfully he raises his head. TEUFF is sprawled up against him, helping to keep him warm. TEUFF's massive tail thumps happily when he sees that OLE DAWGIE is awake and he yawns widely as if to say, "while y'all been takin' a rest, i have been holding down the fort."

DAWGIE remembers the mutie men attacking his camp during the storm; he moves cautiously and discovers that he feels like some one or thing beat the living hell out of him. sitting up with a loud smoan (a combined scream and moan) he fingers the bloody gouge the bullet made as it grazed his balding noggin during the shoot out.

"WE won, TEUFF?" the camp site is a mess, the tent destroyed, gear scattered about, intermixed with the remains of a mutie man or two. another headless mutie man corpse sprawls nearby.

TEUFF's tail thumps out an affirmative to the question, and with a paw he nudges a severed mutie man head in OLE DAWGIE's direction.

LOOKING at the headless corpse, OLE DAWGIE says thoughtfully, "WHO shot him, TUEFF? i know it was not me, buddy. y'all learn to shoot while i was takin' a nap? i know y'all got this 'un", OLE DAWGIE rolls the noggin with its bitten through neck back at the bulldog. "BUT who shot him?"

"TEUFF, we better see what we can salvage, then get the hell out of here before their friends or hungry critters show up for a meal!"

TEUFF's tail thumps in agreement.


WELL , i rolled for after the battle recovery and OLE DAWGIE remains unchanged from his encounter with the mutie men, save for a new scar along the right side of his noggin halfway between ear and crown. he policed up the two battered assault carbines, SMG, and any ammo for same, strapping them to TEUFF's back pack so he can sell them back at the settlement. plans to avenge DIRTY MEG's folks are on hold till after OLE DAWGIE makes a full recovery.

hope y'all like this tale of the wastelands. took me a lot longer to type it up than to play it!



Offline mattblackgod

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« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 10:55:34 AM »
Good old Teuff saved yer bacon! You should have distracted the mutie men with some thing shiney!  lol
Mattblackgod's world - Games and minis blog.

Offline Doug ex-em4

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« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2010, 12:50:17 PM »
Dawgie, I love your battle reports. That was a pretty simple game really, I bet you could play it out on a dinner tray but the way you told it brings it to life. Great stuff. I've tried solo games but I can never get into the spirit of them the way you do. It's also unusual these days to have a AAR without lots of pics - in fact, they are normally the best part of most reports. The fact that yours was so enjoyable without pics speaks volumes.

Looking forward to hearing how old Dawgie gets on when he recovers.

aka Rhode Island Red from The Landing

ps @ matblackgod - are you who I think you are...?


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