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Author Topic: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3  (Read 3796 times)

Offline phreedh

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SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« on: July 01, 2012, 10:47:04 PM »
Wow, look at that - I did finish the next report before Thants got his Orc's Drift AAR up. ;) As some of you fools are too lazy to click links, I've actually included the whole battle report in this post. Images are smaller though, visit my blog for clickable images and better laid out text. You can read the full battle report here:

SCENARIO 3 – The dead of night
After the <a href="http://ministuff.godzilla.se/?p=417" target="_blank">encounters in Badwater[/url], the party made camp for the night. The following morning, Aldor and Macy excitedly returns from scouting ahead. They have located a large undead host advancing towards Stillburg.

Hurried to return to Stillburg and warn of the impending attack, they quickly break camp and head back towards town. After a few short hours, the undead army is within sight. The group pales with terror at the sight of the numerous ghouls, zombies, skeletons and other unmentionable abominations shambling forth.

“The town is done for. We’re done for! There’s no chance for us even breaking through, and even if we do what good would it be? They will annihilate the town. There won’t be a single living soul left.” Brother Wendel cries out in despair.

“Nonsense!” Duncan replies. “Look at that isolated advance patrol on their far western flank. We can outrun them or smash through if need be. We will reach town well before the enemy. Once there, we send word to Averridge and further on to Shoodthorpe. Reeve Waggenheim will come to our aid! With the town fortified and evacuated, we might be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive. The enemy forces are spread thin and will not reach town all at the same time. There is still hope, my friend!”

Duncan’s plan works, with the heroes being able to outrun the main undead force. However, as the night falls a small regiment of skeletons are encountered. To reach Stillburg, the heroes will have to break through with force.

Setup and special rules
Woods, stone mounds and fences. The forces deploy on opposite sides, with the undead acting as defenders.

Due to nocturnal conditions, the heroes have a penalty of -1 to ranged attacks.

Exit the table on the opposite side. (+1/-1 VP for each 100 points)
Slay the undead. (+1 VP for each 100 points)

Note which models exit the table and which don’t. It will determine the deployment in the next scenario!

Heroes' status at the start of the scenario: 335 pts, 6 VP
Duncan Sandels, human paladin (46 pts): Q3+, C4. Steadfast. 2 XP
“Crazy” Macy Sonnenshield (54 pts): Q3+, C4. Berserk, Capricious, Fearless. 1 XP
Brother Wendel, human cleric (50 pts): Q3+, C2. Cleric. 2 XP
Aldor Berlepsch, human ranger (50 pts): Q3+, C3. Forester, Hatred: Undead, Shooter: Long. 2 XP
Isamu Takeshi, human warrior (60 pts): Q3+, C4. Combat Master, Dashing, Unruly. Armband of Protection: Ranged.
3 x Stillburg militia man (23 pts): Q4+, C3.

Undead detachment: 334 pts
Skeleton Captain (56 pts): Q3+, C3. Leader, Slow, Undead.
4 x Skeleton Warrior (26 pts): Q3+, C3. Slow, Undead.
4 x Skeleton Archer (24 pts): Q3+, C2. Shooter: Medium, Slow, Undead.
Zombie Lieutenant (38 pts): Q3+, C3. Champion, Short Move, Slow, Undead.
5 x Zombie (8 pts): Q4+, C2. Short Move, Slow, Undead.

Unfortunately, I did not get photos of the individual warbands (we were too eager to play) so I'll open with an overview of the battle field prior to the first move. After setting up, we rolled for Macy's capricious rule. She turned crazy for this game, her stats changing to Q4+, C5.

The first turn was uneventful, with the heroes activating rather boldly. Both Macy and a town militia man were lagging behind as they failed two or more activation dice (which under our house rules means that particular model doesn't get to act this turn at all). Isamu moved up on the western flank by himself, Duncan likewise on the eastern. In the centre, Brother Wendel and Aldor advanced accompanied by two militia men. The zombies and skeleton warriors did one group move each, while the skeleton archers held their positions on the south eastern hill.

The heroes decide to try their luck and pool their resources on the eastern flank, with Duncan and Macy entering the woods. Once again the town militia man in the back fails to move, as did Aldor. Isamu continue to advance on the archers, shielded by his Bracelet of Protection. The undead could do nothing, as the first activation roll was a double 1 which means total turn-over in our house rules.

The militia man in the back failed his third activation roll. Aldor moves up and fires the first arrow of the game, missing his target. Isamu is closing in on the skeleton archers, while the remaining heroes hold their positions. As their ranged attack is of no use against the only target in range (Isamu), the skeleton archers leave their hill and (foolishly) split up. The skeletons hold their positions, while the zombies make a group move towards Macy and Duncan who are now at the edge of the woods right in front.

Isamu dashes forward and attacks the two skeleton archers near him. His first attack destroys one of the skeletons, while his second attack (Isamu has Combat Master, remember) brings the second to the ground.

On the eastern front, Duncan and Macy burst out from the woods attacking one zombie each. In spite of his powerful attack, Duncan doesn't even manage to shake his opponent. Macy's blow connect though, and a zombie is downed. The remaining heroes move in to participate in the ruckus, with Aldor and a militia man coming in melee contact with two zombies. The militia man in the rear finally get to activate (with three dice, no less) and moves up towards Isamu

The undead respond in kind, with a zombie managing to take down the militia man next to Duncan. The skeletons split up and move around the rock formations to approach the heroes from both ends. The skeleton archers spread out even more than before (which I still think was a big mistake on my behalf, they should've stuck together against Isamu).

The next round, Aldor and a town militia man manage to slay one zombie each. On the western flank, Isamu manages to push back an archer, which the once wayward town militia man can then reach and engage in close combat. Macy fails to activate, while Duncan's attack on one of the downed zombies fails to injure. At the end of the turn things go potentially bad for the heroes, as Brother Wendel falls to the ground as a result of his attack on a zombie.

The undead do not waste the opportunity given. A zombie moves in and attacks Brother Wendel causing a gruesome kill which sends the majority of the heroes fleeing. Macy runs to the back of the woods stand, while two militia men flee off the table. Aldor tries to escape, but is brought down by a freehack from a zombie. The undead officers move in towards the fallen ranger, and the zombie lieutenant scores another gruesome kill. The only hero left standing near the zombies is Duncan, who would not flee. He's attacked by a zombie, but manages to fend off the attack and push back the agressor.

On the western edge of the table, the skeleton archers finally attempt to move in on Isamu and the militia man together. The two skeleton warriors that were advancing up the centre of the board now moves towards Macy and Duncan.

Duncan and Macy regroup to the north, while Isamu knocks a skeleton archer over. The militia man fails to activate. At this point, my cousin who play the heroes was on the verge of throwing in the towel. A skeleton archer moves up on the hill in the southwest, and then the undead suffer a total turn-over.

Isamu rushes up the hill to take out the standing skeleton archer, while the militia man completely pulverize the other archer. Duncan rushes forward to attack the skeleton warriors (unsucessfully) while Macy fails to activate and leaves Duncan all alone with two skeletons and a bunch of zombies close by. Luckily for Duncan, the undead fail to activate at all and suffers a total turnover on their first activation roll.

Duncan attacks and kills the downed skeleton warrior adjacent to him, while the only remaining militia man takes out the last skeleton archer. Isamu hurries up towards Duncan and Macy near the centre of the battle field. Macy once again fails to activate.

The last few undead gather up near Duncan, and one skeleton warrior charges him but falls down when attacking.

Macy and Duncan move down the board, towards the southern edge to exit and fulfill the victory conditions. Isamu join up with them, while the militia man still is too shaken from the combat with the archers to actually do anything.

The fallen skeleton warrior stands up, and the zombie lieutenant moves up next to him. The skeleton captain moves up next to them and then issues a group move order for the remaining undead. It results in a total turn-over, leaving the group of heroes at a rather safe distance from any enemies.

Isamu and Macy move one medium distance each, while Duncan and the militia man failed to activate. The skeleton captain issues a group move, but with only one move action available it's hard for the skeletons and zombies to keep up. The forward most skeleton warrior attacks Duncan, but is pushed back himself.

As if urged on by the attack Duncan moves two medium, while the remaining heroes don't care much for moving at all. All the undead move, and a skeleton warrior even catches up with Macy and attempts a powerful attack, but falls.

The pursuit continues as before. Macy and Isamu move one medium each towards the table edge. Duncan rejoins them, to bolster them if the skeletons catch up. The militia man does nothing, as usual! With the heroes so well and truly out of range, the skeletons can do naught but move towards their escaping enemy.

The remaining militia man finally manages to activate and exit the board. That's 23 points counting towards the scenario goals. Isamu and Macy move on towards the table edge, while Duncan stays behind to fend off the pursuers. Two skeleton warriors manage to make contact, but neither had enough activations to actually attack. The rest of the undead moved towards Duncan.

Isamu moves back up to the skeletons and manage to destroy one of the two in contact with Duncan. The brave paladin attacks the other skeleton, who parries the blow and Duncan stumbles to the ground. Macy try to run to her friends aid, but instead suffer a total turn-over. Now the undead see their chance and a skeleton warrior and a zombie movie in on Isamu. The skeleton Duncan attacked now repays the favour on the downed warrior. Duncan is put out of action by the powerful attack. Urged on by the screams of agony, the remaining undead move towards the carnage.

With Duncan out of action, the remaining two heroes decide to call it a day. Macy manage to activate and move off the table edge. Isamu attempts to disengage his enemies but fail and is locked in combat.

The skeleton captain catches up with Isamu, and assisted by his warriors slays the mighty nipponese warrior. Or, at least puts him out of action.

Exit the table on the opposite side. (+1/-1 VP for each 100 points) : -2 VP
Slay the undead. (+1 VP for each 100 points) : +1 VP
25 gold coins were looted off the battle field, somehow. I failed to note down how... =( I suppose Macy made off with them?

Our heroes were all rather badly beaten up. None of their wounds were fatal, but after getting away from the undead and licking their wounds the gang is quite ragged. None of the OOA models may participate in the following scenario, but we rolled for survival (and resulting injuries) straight away.

Aldor suffered brain damage. In any battle he participates, a D6 is rolled. Rolling 1-4 have negative consequences (worse Quality, worse Combat, Coward ability) and 5-6 are positive (Fearless or Savage).

Wendel and Isamu were robbed, meaning the Armband of Protection Isamu once had is now gone. If the skeleton captain (Mordini) is in a later game, he'll be wearing this item and the heroes can reclaim it if Mordini is killed.

Duncan was injured badly and poorly healed. His Combat stat is lowered by 1 permanently.

Looking back at the game, it's pretty clear that we both made mistakes. I should've moved those archers as one group on Isamu right away. My cousin should have gone for the table edge every chance he had. Oh well, having plenty of slots to fill in the warband list means we get to use a lot of new models for the next scenario!
Please visit my miniature gaming blog at http://ministuff.godzilla.se

Offline aggro84

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 01:00:32 AM »
Very fun bat rep phreed! You have a lovely collection of old school miniatures.  :-*

Offline Erny

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 12:29:25 PM »
Ouch! Your cousin did not do very well, still they wouldn't be real heroes if it were easy. Must break out the SOBH again soon.

Offline DeafNala

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 02:09:01 PM »
A FINE LOOKING game backed up by an EXCELLENT Battle Report with GREAT photos of BEAUTIFUL minis & terrain...Life is GOOD. VERY WELL DONE!

You can tell by all the in bold statements that I am impressed.
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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 04:09:43 PM »
But will they save the village? Tune in, same time, same place for more... Songssss... Offffff... Stiiiiillbuuurg!!!

Offline phreedh

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2012, 06:56:54 PM »
Cheers guys, things are indeed looking grim for the heroes. Looking forward to the next game! I'm putting together the forces now, and have a few weeks to paint up any stragglers. With the carnage of the last game, I think we'll need more militia to fill out the warband.

Offline Thantsants

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2012, 11:07:47 PM »
Dammit - I thought I had at least 6 months to beat you to it and still no sign of my computer being ready anytime soon!  >:(

Another great battle report - must be nailbiting stuff to see your beloved characters go down and have to roll on injusry charts after the game! 

For some reason though I'm only seeing red crosses instead of images of your fine table and minis.

Offline oldskoolrebel

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2012, 01:36:12 AM »
Looks good fun, I love your set ups. There is something that's really appealing about the old school miniatures that you use. I also love your terrain, it's really striking and fits the miniatures really well.

How do you find SBH? I found a video review of it with a short battle report. It seems simple, which I like, but perhaps too simple? From what I can see every model has pretty much the same rules? Doesn't it get a bit boring?


Offline phreedh

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2012, 03:27:09 PM »
For some reason though I'm only seeing red crosses instead of images of your fine table and minis.
Then visit the blog, yer lummox! =) Seriously, is it still broken images only? My web host isn't the most reliable and there was some glitchyness earlier today.

Cheers Andy! I heartily recommend SBH. It's what brought me back to miniature gaming in 2009. Each model have two stats; quality and combat. Quality ranges from 2 to 6, giving you the dice score needed to activate the model. Combat is a value ranging from 0 to... whatever. It's a modifier you add to your combat roll in melee and ranged combat. In addition to these, every model (can) have skills of different kinds. Play around with the troop builder to get an idea of how varied a warband can be. There's a ton of special rules, and the DIY feel of the game really lends itself to extra twiddling of warbands in friendly games.

Now I do have a few other systems competing for my attention (Brink of Battle by Faust23 and Skulldred by kingofdaveness), but SBH is really good in its simplicity and not boring at all!

Offline oldskoolrebel

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2012, 09:26:07 PM »
Then visit the blog, yer lummox! =) Seriously, is it still broken images only? My web host isn't the most reliable and there was some glitchyness earlier today.

Cheers Andy! I heartily recommend SBH. It's what brought me back to miniature gaming in 2009. Each model have two stats; quality and combat. Quality ranges from 2 to 6, giving you the dice score needed to activate the model. Combat is a value ranging from 0 to... whatever. It's a modifier you add to your combat roll in melee and ranged combat. In addition to these, every model (can) have skills of different kinds. Play around with the troop builder to get an idea of how varied a warband can be. There's a ton of special rules, and the DIY feel of the game really lends itself to extra twiddling of warbands in friendly games.

Now I do have a few other systems competing for my attention (Brink of Battle by Faust23 and Skulldred by kingofdaveness), but SBH is really good in its simplicity and not boring at all!

Thanks for the info!

The basics are pretty simple! One thing that put me off is, if I picked up on it correctly, it can be very difficult to kill a basic 'warrior'. Am I correct in saying you need to double the result of their die roll plus combat skill to remove them from the game? It seems that individuals with similar combat scores could be slugging it out for hours.

Other than that I love the simplicity of the game. I'm terrible for buying systems and never using them. I've still got a copy of Rattrap's Braodsword adventures which I've never ever used. *hrmph*

Looking forward to seeing your future reports!


Offline phreedh

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Re: SBH battle report, Songs of Stillburg - scenario 3
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2012, 10:42:44 PM »
One thing that put me off is, if I picked up on it correctly, it can be very difficult to kill a basic 'warrior'. Am I correct in saying you need to double the result of their die roll plus combat skill to remove them from the game? It seems that individuals with similar combat scores could be slugging it out for hours.
No, not at all. Here's how it works:
When two models meet in combat, each player rolls a D6 and add their C-score to the roll. The highest scoring model "wins", and is unharmed. The losing model is either pushed back (odd dice rolls) or fall down (even dice rolls). If the winner doubles the loser's score, the loser is out of action and removed from the game. If the winner triples the loser's score, the loser is gruesomely killed and any allies within a certain distance need to do a morale test.

If two warriors with C3 each battle it out, all you need is for one to roll a 1 (ie scoring 4) and the other rolling 5 or 6. This is without any other modifications taken into account, just two vanilla warriors duking it out in regular melee.

A fallen model is at a severe disadvantage; you only have to beat the fallen models score to put it out of action, not double it. There are several ways to add other modifiers to your dice roll (powerful attack by spending an extra action, skills and traits, having allies ganging up with you and magically transfixing opponents).


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