Hello. I have been out of wargaming for about 25 years. My 14 year old son has gotten into gaming in the past year and this has re-ignited my interest as well. We are in the north of the GTA (top of York region) but are happy to travel an hour or so for gaming. In the last half year or so we have contacted and played with a number of groups but am very interested in expanding the contacts. We are interested in a mix of miniatures, role playing, board gaming, wargaming and role playing.
I am still coming to terms with the focus of this site. I cannot determine if it is primarily supporting one company's product line or is broader based. I have no issues with a company supporting its products, I just cannot determine if this is true or it is primarily because the people here are very like minded.
I ask as I am interested in the period(s), scales and rules here but don't want to offend if I ask about other systems, scales or rules. Thank you.