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Author Topic: A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?  (Read 2411 times)

Offline Jagannath

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A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?
« on: July 06, 2017, 01:28:55 PM »

I've got a lot of desert terrain so with a few stands of jungle trees and some sand stone ruins I reckon I could slot it into the ghost archipelago fairly quickly, so I'm starting to think of some pirate-esque warbands.

I've wanted to paint up some Foundry Zanzibaris for a while, but never had cause - seems to me that the ones without blackpowder weapons would work nicely as a 'pirate' crew.

Roughly, what will I need for a warband? If I order the two packs I've got my eye on I'll have:

An obvious 'captain' type guy (red coat and spear), a hard-bitten second in command (monkey on shoulder) and a some fighters (other guys without guns)

plus a whole pile of sword and shield blokes (could maybe drop the odd shield) and two handed swordsmen from this pack:

Will I be able to slot them in? Does the 'Heritors' background mean I should have someone totally different leading them, as though they'd been hired (like the wizards and soldiers in Frostgrave)? If so, what about a 'sidekick'? - any hints much appreciated!

Offline Smith

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Re: A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2017, 02:00:49 PM »
A crew is made up of one Heritor, one Warden, and up to eight crewmen of various stripes. Basic crewmen share a statline, but have four different weapon loadouts to choose from, while specialist crewmen have fixed loadouts and generally represent tougher or more specialized options. You can have a maximum of 4 specialists in your crew.

In fluff terms, like Frostgrave, it's pretty much anything goes. If you want your crew to be a pirate captain leading his mob, go for it. The scion of a noble house with his bodyguard? Yup. A scholar accompanied by hired mercenaries? Cool. My own crew will be themed around a crimelord (who has risen to power thanks to his Heritor abilities), with the specialist crew representing his henchmen, enforcers, and whatnot, and the basic crewmen being the actual crew of the ship he commissioned to transport him to the Ghost Archipelago.

All of those Zanzibaris (except for the shotgunner) would work fine! You might be a little light in terms of ranged attacks, but I'm sure Gripping Beast/Artizan/Footsore Arab/Saracen/Moorish archers would fit in pretty well, and the tribal archers from the Darkest Africa range would work well too - perhaps they represent one of the tribes native to the Lost Isles (the descendants of the survivors of a previous expedition, maybe?) or levy troops from the Zanzibari Heritor's home territories?
Phil Smith
Head of Osprey Games

Plastic Malpractice – Kitbashing, Wargames & Stuff

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Offline Jagannath

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Re: A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2017, 02:07:45 PM »
Absolutely killer - thank you! I suspect the odd one of those swordsmen would cope with the loss of a shield and the  addition of sheath and bow nicely, which would solve the ranged problem.

Cool, I'll give the heritor and warden some thought - sounds like a pirate style ship's captain would fit fairly well (that's how he's risen to the top) but I like the idea of something unusual and different to the rest of the crew (I'm leaning towards halflings at the moment!)

Offline LiamFrostfang

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Re: A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2017, 03:23:03 PM »
 8) very cool...im excited again...still.  thanks guys

Offline mellis1644

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Re: A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2017, 09:39:40 PM »
I'm planning on using the Rum and Bones miniatures from the CMON game...Just got to paint them first. :)
My painting blog is at: http://mellis1644.wordpress.com/

Offline schoon

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Re: A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2017, 03:36:27 PM »
Great work on these!

Offline Jagannath

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Re: A Headstart on Ghost Archipelago?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2017, 09:32:10 AM »
Not mine these - they're the foundry product shots, so I asssume compliments should go to Mr Dalimore! They are very good!


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