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Author Topic: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?  (Read 14368 times)

Offline Koers

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #90 on: September 23, 2017, 06:40:05 PM »
was really hoping that one of the stretch goals would be a dinosaur of some sorts, or some other snakeman to go with the first one.
ah well, can't have it all I suppose ;)

Offline ced1106

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #91 on: September 25, 2017, 08:41:14 AM »
Or in my case, you might want some of the miniatures (mainly the plastics), but your FLGS's distributors don't carry the miniatures and so eBay, overseas, or Brigade Games is the only way to get the miniatures. It really sucks.

Oh! Miniatures. Yeah, no disagreement for that side of the business. Even for Reaper, you pretty much have to order direct if you want a specific miniature. A miniature is expensive, yet any discount doesn't save you more than a few bucks, and shipping's not worth it if you only find a few items that you want. I can't find Frostgrave mini's on Miniature Market, and FRPGames is now Games Kastle (which does have Frostgrave at MSRP : https://www.gamekastle.com/online/index.php?m=list&psearch=frostgrave ).

The problem is that metal miniatures have a low barrier to entry, so distributors can't carry all miniatures from all manufacturers. (And even manufacturers will not always carry items in stock when you order from them.) I guess once 3D printers print at high resolution, we can print miniatures directly from the designers. (Not any time soon, unfortunately.)
Crimson Scales with Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper!

Offline spect_spidey

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #92 on: September 26, 2017, 10:27:29 PM »
Hmm, 35,000 goal was hit earlier today, but no new stretch goal posted yet. I am curious to see what they will post to sweeten the pot. Maybe a free plastic sprue? Anyone else have some speculation as to what the next goal will be? Anyone think we might hit two more goals? I am admit though that I am still holding out to see if the freebies will make it worth it for me to buy another book. I already have one on order with my local shop. I figure even if he can't get the miniatures that buying the books from him will allow me to play down there and try to get a community going.

Offline kuba

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #93 on: September 27, 2017, 06:02:28 AM »
There is an info on northstarfigures website that there won't be more spend goals.

Offline Bloggard

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #94 on: September 27, 2017, 09:37:41 AM »
I'm in for level three.

while somehow FG didn't quite do it for me (although in truth I didn't give it enough of a chance actually, to say the least), GA looks to be just about everything I want from Fantasy skirmish gaming in terms of setting and presentation. Hoping it does very well and is supported and expanded over time.

I've picked up some lucideye figs too, which look as though they should be a good match.

Offline spect_spidey

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #95 on: September 27, 2017, 11:49:31 AM »
There is an info on northstarfigures website that there won't be more spend goals.
That is a shame. I can't justify ordering another book for some treasure tokens and three minis.  :'(

Offline ced1106

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #96 on: September 28, 2017, 05:34:58 AM »
Those aren't just "three miniatures", they're NICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVES!!!  lol

My guess is that, since I'm seeing this as a pre-order on Amazon and such, this is more of a retail pre-order, where the books have already been printed, than a KS, where only the prototypes have been made. Given how quickly the books were delivered in the past, I'm thinking they're waiting for the numbers from the Nickstarter, Amazon, etc. to determine the print run, and all the metal molds have been paid for. They're not offering plastic sprues, because the cost of the molds for them are very high and not worth the risk of not enough backers purchasing the product. The description of the exclusive miniatures states that they are for *plastic* figures, so there's an intention for GA to have plastic figures, just not now. At least compared to other KS, I don't think there's a real need for a crowdfunded project, so there's no need to pile on the incentives (like, perhaps, there was in the past). It's an opportunity for the hardcore to get these miniatures Nick doesn't intend to sell, and for customers who can't otherwise get the books.

That's just reverse engineering, though.

Offline Kommando_J

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #97 on: September 28, 2017, 09:36:01 AM »
That's the thing, the seclusive never stay exclusive do they?

Apart from objectives, i've seen the special edition minis offered subsequently before.

Offline spect_spidey

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #98 on: September 28, 2017, 11:19:57 AM »
That's the thing, the seclusive never stay exclusive do they?

Apart from objectives, i've seen the special edition minis offered subsequently before.

You are correct. And even the treasure tokens are available for sale. The Pacts tokens are for sale and the "exclusive" head/mace from the Folio. Heck even the free Sigilist wizard and apprentice from the Folio can be bought. So I agree, there is a pretty good chance that these three miniatures will be for sale as well.

Offline Kommando_J

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #99 on: September 28, 2017, 11:48:16 AM »
Yep, metal moulds are expensive (especially when its a freebie) retiring it straight after is throwing money away.

Offline Paboook

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #100 on: October 04, 2017, 04:43:54 AM »
So some FR fans have issue with miniatures NOT bying Nickstarter exclusive? I actually dislike Kickstarter etc. exclusives in general :)

Offline critsmash

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #101 on: October 04, 2017, 10:21:50 AM »
I might be wrong here, but was there not a figure called "the savage", a conanesque mini that was going to be included in the NS? What happened to that one? ??? 

Offline Coenus Scaldingus

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #102 on: October 04, 2017, 11:17:40 AM »
He's a specialist crew option, available as an add-on or seperately for whenever the figures go on general release. Never part of Nickstarter goals though.
~Ad finem temporum~

Offline Redmao

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #103 on: October 05, 2017, 08:59:55 PM »
The "savage" looks like the Frostgrave Barbarian ditched his furs to run around the jungle. Really cool.

Offline ced1106

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter?
« Reply #104 on: October 08, 2017, 09:55:43 AM »
Yep, metal moulds are expensive (especially when its a freebie) retiring it straight after is throwing money away.

Metal molds are much cheaper than plastic ones (hundreds vs. five thousand and upwards). IIRC, the metal figures won't be made because they were used as models (prototypes) for plastic figures (?). So there's no need to bring the metal version to market.


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