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Author Topic: Ghost Archipelago Love?  (Read 6468 times)

Offline spect_spidey

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Ghost Archipelago Love?
« on: November 09, 2017, 11:17:53 PM »
This has been out for a few weeks now. I am surprised that there is not much being posted for it. There are virtually no videos on YouTube for it other than Guerilla Miniatures. I haven't seen any posts of painted minis. There has not been any discussion of the quality of the minis, plastics, or rules. Is everyone just busy with other projects? I know that I personally didn't get any models for it. I have enough plastics from the other kits. I have read the rules though and I am excited for it, but I have focused my hobby time to making terrain and painting up some Walking Dead All Out War miniatures in preparation for a demo I am running for it next month. I do however hope to get a few people together to create our warbands and get at least one game in before November is over.

Offline kuba

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2017, 07:24:31 AM »
Some people still wait for nickstarter, so those that didn't participate in preorder probably would wait even longer. As for me I've already painted some random encounter monsters and kit bashed my band and some creatures, but the only pictures I made were too dark to publish. I will start a thread after I borrow light box or find some other way to make visible pictures.

There is a lot of going on on GA facebook.

Offline Grumpymoose

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2017, 07:24:56 AM »
I'm feeling the GA love - busy sourcing miniatures for the random encounters.  Will post some pictures when I get the chance!

Offline critsmash

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2017, 08:22:20 AM »
Might be too soon. I have only had two games and I have several rules questions already (mostly about the spells). I suspect others, like me, are waiting for a rules thread on this forum. I see some questions pop up on fb, but personally I like to go to this forum for answers. As for the hobby aspect, I think there has been a massive focus on GA terrain. I've seen tons of posts on that (fb mostly) and also alternative pirate minis long before the game was out so the setting gets a lot of love.     

Offline Ogrob

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2017, 02:07:49 PM »
The facebook group is decently active indeed. I have not played it yet, lots of things are waiting to be painted.

Offline Kegluneq

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2017, 03:55:40 PM »
I just finished assembling and undercoating a good mess of Nickstarter critters, Ral Partha snakes, and Reaper bones rats and bugs.  Building the random encounter table is always the first thing, and sadly it takes awhile.  I also did not have as much jungle and island terrain as I wanted, so it'll be some time before I can get my people playing. 

Offline pacarat

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2017, 06:33:24 AM »
Got me some GA love going...

Figures from a variety of sources, some fairly recent, and some I've had on hand for a dozen plus years. Tried to put together a mix of eras, themes, cultures, etc., to represent as motley a group as possible. Figures shown include warbands/crews, plus some opposing forces (tribals, natives, etc.).

I've added some one off weapons and shields from the bits box, but have drawn the line on sculpting up any additional equipment or clothing (which I did extensively for my FG posse).

I also plan to use some of these for pulp, pirate, exploration, and lost world themed games, and have enough posses to run several games at once when I host the gang.

Offline kuba

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2017, 06:40:22 AM »
Wow, more than enough for few warbands.
As Kegluneq wrote random encounters creatures will take a while. I was thinking that I've all models for demons and undead but one scenario requires about dozen of zombies...

Offline James Holloway

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2017, 09:47:25 AM »
I was distracted by another project for the first few weeks of the release period, but have got my warband assembled and primed at least. I'm doing a little terrain inventory and going through the monster collection as well. I think there is a good amount of enthusiasm out there, although perhaps it's not getting written about as much as Frostgrave did. Maybe because it's not as new?

Offline Bloggard

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2017, 12:02:48 PM »
lot of love from me.
as I mentioned in another thread, the setting etc, is absolutely 'it' for me.

Upon further reflection, and with ref. to another thread here, I think I would prefer it to have it's own  (sub) board, but whether that would really help in terms of focus and dialogue I'm not sure.

As this board is moderated by the author I do find it slightly concerning that there's not more activity.

Anyhow ... I will be starting my own thread charting (ahem) my progress in putting a suitable collection of terrain and miniatures together - wont have the opportunity for a game before the beginning of Dec. tho'.

I'll mention again the collection of short stories they've put out - I've read most of them now, and have found them an enjoyable read for the most part

Offline pacarat

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2017, 03:00:43 PM »
Wow, more than enough for few warbands.
As Kegluneq wrote random encounters creatures will take a while. I was thinking that I've all models for demons and undead but one scenario requires about dozen of zombies...

Yeah, just a few... :)

I have another plano box filled with creatures candidates.

Those are next in the queue.  I have three types of large komodo-like dragon lizards, large bats, snakemen and lizardmen, small and medium size raptors, simians, wild boars, big cats, ghouls, skellies, etc, etc.

I have a bunch of Dark Africa/Congo figs already done that will suit  - crocs, gorilla, spiders...

What I don't have and dont see readily available are the Eritherans. I do have the reaper Savage Avatar set (with one fig that is elephant based)  from Bones 3 KS.

Surprising to me that the Erithereans were left out of the Nickstarter...

Offline Grumpymoose

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2017, 06:59:51 PM »

What I don't have and dont see readily available are the Eritherans. I do have the reaper Savage Avatar set (with one fig that is elephant based)  from Bones 3 KS.

Surprising to me that the Erithereans were left out of the Nickstarter...

Difficult to find...

Offline James Holloway

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2017, 07:34:04 PM »
I thought I was pretty clever when it came to the Erithereans because years ago I bought this weird elephant-headed figure out of the discount box at Orc's Nest. Then I realised the random table can give you two of them!

Offline twrchtrwyth

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Offline pacarat

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Re: Ghost Archipelago Love?
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2017, 10:16:47 PM »
nice selection of figs, too bad they come with very hefty prices... 


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