2 Female Vampires:
https://ibb.co/album/cbQwqJThese are the worst miniatures which I have been painted in a very long while. Why? Because their eyes are too small to properly paint them. I was going for an OSL effect with green glowing eyes fading into yellow like I do with Space Marine eye lenses but this didn´t work here at all. These paintjobs look rubbish and I am not in the mood currently to address the issues as too much time has already been invested to remedy the mistakes but alas to no avail.
Furthermore I took bad advice from a Youtube tutorial in how to paint vampire skin. One of the colours was Pallid Wych Flesh which was for several years in my collection but this colour must be the worst in the market as it has the consistency of chalk. In fact once the colour dries it looks like the model is covered in dried mortar.
Normally I would never upload garbage paintjobs but I saw it fitting to warn others not to make the same mistakes as I did here. Hell, I even couldn´t bother to correct the yellow smear on the hair of Vampire #1.
Rant end.