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Author Topic: Andy's Pulp misadventures...  (Read 71846 times)

Online Doug ex-em4

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #285 on: May 04, 2024, 09:22:19 PM »
Oh my - I absolutely love the bank - can we have a bit more info on the construction? Is there some Plasticville in there? The answer may be somewhere back in the topic but it’s Saturday night and refreshment has been taken so research is not an option.

Equally, I can’t remember off-hand at what period in history we’re at here? For example, does the original Vegas exist yet?


Offline CapnJim

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #286 on: May 04, 2024, 11:29:25 PM »
Love that bank.  And I'm glad you left the windows white(ish)... ;)
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

Offline mikedemana

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #287 on: May 07, 2024, 01:42:10 AM »
The greenish cast to the stone looks awesome. Love it.

Mike Demana

Offline Andy in Germany

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #288 on: May 09, 2024, 08:41:20 AM »
Thanks for the encouraging comments.

Oh my - I absolutely love the bank - can we have a bit more info on the construction? Is there some Plasticville in there?

Thanks, Doug. I prefer card to plastic, so the bank is basically 1mm thick card; lots of 1mm thick card. I tend to make walls a minimum of 3 thicknesses. Windows are glued in the apertures, then backed by a piece of cereal packet.

The 'stones' on the front are more layers of card, glued and sanded on the corners of the building so they are somewhat rounded. I think by the time I'd finished, the front was about 10mm thick in places. Here's the front wall unpainted:

The whole is liberally painted with Shellac, which dries rock solid. So far this method seems to have prevented any serious warping. Here's another building under construction which shows the layering method involved:

At some point, I'll get around to making an interior...

Equally, I can’t remember off-hand at what period in history we’re at here? For example, does the original Vegas exist yet?

Good point. It is 1937, so Las Vegas is also pretty small; Georgetown is probably an equal competitor rather than a wannabe imitator, with the added advantage it's a transport hub, although that's probably balanced by the cost of using said transport...

More details here, just scroll down... https://korschtal.wordpress.com/
« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 08:46:01 AM by Andy in Germany »

Offline Andy in Germany

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #289 on: May 11, 2024, 07:27:19 AM »
Time for an Ascension Island Story. Grab the popcorn...

It’s 1937 and a perfect morning on Ascension Island. The sun is shining, and a southern wind is blowing, fortuitously bringing the smell of the sea and carrying away the whiff of several hundred toilets without mains plumbing.

In the capital of the Island, Georgetown, the tourists are waking, the newspaper boys are delivering the early editions, and the 40 Elephants gang is robbing a bank.


After the mess of their previous attempt, the Forty Elephants have tried to split roles a little better. This time Jim Bullock and Mary Carr, the gang’s muscle, were sent to make the robbery with Florrie Holmes providing a distraction.

This division of labour is why the story begins with the gang exiting the bank, having successfully purloined the Jewelled Tome. (not at all because I haven’t built the interior of the bank yet…). They rush to the getaway car…

Meanwhile, Captain Bryant of the Royal Navy Air Service Police is patrolling the warehouse district. He spots Alice Diamond, the gang’s leader. On seeing Bryant, Alice makes the ill-advised decision to shoot at him…

It turns out that there are quite a few policemen in the area because of yet another anonymous tip off. Soon Bryant is joined by Sergeant Williams, and Sgt. Coulson, the latter running from his car. Bryant sees Coulson and tells him in no uncertain terms to return to his vehicle.

While Bryant was distracted by Coulson, Alice has run down an alley to the rest of the gang.

Seeing the policeman behind Alice the rest of the gang leaps into the car and Jim hits the gas. Despite Bryant firing at the car, they manage to reach Alice, who makes a leap for the back door while Jim and Mary fire at Bryant from the front.

Fortunately for Bryant, help is on the way in the form of Lieutenant Cain, who has also heard gunshots and is racing toward them, siren blaring.

Bryant isn’t willing to let these miscreants escape so easily. As the car rushes past, he leaps on board and starts grappling with the occupants. (I know he should be on the other side of the vehicle, but the figure fitted much better on this side so don’t complain).

A horrified Lieutenant Cain sees the getaway car pass, with his Captain holding on for dear life.

“Why am I not surprised?” he mutters and guns the engine in pursuit.

Jim is already trying to keep control of the speeding getaway car while holding onto his prize and fighting Bryant, while the other occupants fire at Lieutenant Cain behind them.

Bryant and Jim are equally appalled to find the road ahead full of Sgt. Coulson’s police car. Will Jim be able to keep control of the car…

(quick dice roll…)


There’s a sickening crash as the getaway car swerves and crashes into a billboard at speed, with Captain Bryant still clinging to the bonnet.

Will Captain Bryant survive the crash?

Will his colleagues make it in time, or will the gang escape?

How do the police so conveniently know what the Forty Elephants are planning in every episode?

Find out in the next thrilling instalment of “The Jewelled Tome…”

Offline Kourtchatovium104

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #290 on: May 11, 2024, 01:58:07 PM »
Cool "episode" with good scenery ! Can't wait the next one  :)

Offline mikedemana

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #291 on: May 12, 2024, 09:22:54 PM »
Very Hollywood-style action...it breathes a Pulp feel.  :D

The Elephants should be down a half dozen or so from forty, by now... lol

Mike Demana

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #292 on: May 12, 2024, 11:06:34 PM »
And I get hollered at for leaving people in suspense with my AAR's...now I know why,  C'mon man - get on with it!   :D

Offline Andy in Germany

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #293 on: May 18, 2024, 09:29:13 AM »
And I get hollered at for leaving people in suspense with my AAR's...now I know why,  C'mon man - get on with it!   :D

I'll get the pictures up ASAP.

I've started a new thread on the "workbench" board to keep the game reports and workbench reports separated. You can find it here:


The current project is converting a "Models of Yesteryear" Rolls-Royce into something that will hopefully end up on a  "Maximilian 1934" game with Elder Son in the near future:

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #294 on: May 23, 2024, 07:06:21 PM »
Nice job on that Rolls-Royce... :)

Offline Andy in Germany

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #295 on: May 25, 2024, 04:04:59 PM »
In the previous episode:

The Royal Navy Air Service Police are in hot pursuit of the international crime gang known as the “Forty Elephants”, who have stolen a mysterious Jewelled Tome from the vault of the Ascension Bank. Captain Bryant has valiantly leapt aboard the getaway car and is engaging in hand-to-hand contact with anyone within reach, supported by his officer in a squad car.

As they turn a corner, the driver of the getaway car sees a second police car approaching at speed. Already distracted by Bryant’s attack, he swerves erratically…

The getaway car crashes into an advertisement hoarding and comes to a stop,,,

Captain Bryant leaps off to deal with Jim Bullock, the driver, while his officers block the roads. Mary Carr fires wildly at the police but is knocked off the wrecked car and takes no further interest in the proceedings. Anne Diamond starts shooting wildly at the distant officers.

Fisticuffs ensue. Sgt. Williams subdues Diamond before she can cause much harm but her follower, Florrie Holmes is another matter and refuses to give up. After attempting to shoot Williams and missing wildly, she attacks with her handbag. Williams is unable to assist his captain, and Jim Bullock, the driver of the getaway car is proving to be a very tough adversary. No matter how many punches Bryant manages to land, Jim just gets up and takes another swing.

The situation is resolved by Sgt. Coulson, who respectfully requests that his captain take a few steps away from the miscreant he is fighting, and allow Sgt. Coulson to use his firearm.

At least that’s how Coulson claims he said it.

As soon as Bryant moves away, Coulson plugs Jim in the leg. As he does so, Sgt. Williams, having chased Florrie away from the scene, fires and hits Jim in the arm. In the way of such things, there is now a sudden silence, apart from the sound of Jim swearing…

...and Florrie’s heels as she runs away from the scene. Behind her, Captain Bryant steps forward and once again retrieves the mysterious tome that has been the cause of all this adventure.

Anne Diamond has the unfortunate task of telling her employer, the Mysterious Heiress, that they have failed to capture the Jewelled Tome.

The Heiress is most displeased at the loss of her investment…

As she walks back to the rest of the gang, Diamond is approached by a Col. Lawrence…

“Miss Diamond” says Lawrence. “I hear you’ve had a run of bad luck. Perhaps now is the time to reopen negotiations…”

Online marianas_gamer

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #296 on: May 25, 2024, 10:56:00 PM »
Excellent, and great fun!
Got to kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight.

Offline mikedemana

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #297 on: May 26, 2024, 03:31:54 PM »
And the wheel turns! Nice conclusion to the donnybrook!

Mike Demana

Online Doug ex-em4

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #298 on: May 26, 2024, 03:42:06 PM »
Andy, another cracking, quirky game. Most enjoyable.

You’ve got wonderful buildings and terrain scatter, splendid vehicles, terrific figures, a great campaign setting, and spiffing scenarios. So I’ve got a question (don’t take this the wrong way), why no roads?

Regardless, I look forward to more from Ascension.


Offline Andy in Germany

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Re: Andy's Pulp misadventures...
« Reply #299 on: May 27, 2024, 05:16:56 PM »
Andy, another cracking, quirky game. Most enjoyable.

You’ve got wonderful buildings and terrain scatter, splendid vehicles, terrific figures, a great campaign setting, and spiffing scenarios.

Thank you

I’ve got a question (don’t take this the wrong way), why no roads?

Good question. Originally the plan was to make a mat with roads but as things developed I realised that I appreciated the flexibility and I could define roads using buildings and fences.

The "in story" reason is that Ascension is a sort of free trade boom town in this scenario, and as such it's very libertarian; all these dodgy, organised crime linked businesses have a not entirely surprising aversion to paying tax for infrastructure, so very little is getting built. Apart from a very small section by the governor's residence there's no paved road, the surface of volcanic ash is considered perfectly reasonable.