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Curious about the intended size of the battles, the description has it as small battles/large skirmishes, so is that in say the 300-800 men (not figures) per side range? Or a bit bigger, say a few thousand per side? Or down to what we'd call a modern company of the 50-80 figures you can use in the bigger figure scales? Given you've done Marathon, I don't think it's that, but I am trying to get a handle on what I'd need for 3mm (be a bit silly to have 64 figures on a base if it's only supposed to represent 4 guys...).Thanks,Chris
My understanding is that it will scale however you like. The author is using 10 figures to represent a hoplite phalanx, but depending on the situation, I guess that could be a 256 lochos, or a 1000 man contingent.
Or go crazy and do enough bases to keep at 1:1...