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The Lost Valley - or was that being lost in the valley..? (Braxandur)
140 (74.5%)
The Rescue (Sinewgrab)
48 (25.5%)

Total Members Voted: 186

Author Topic: ROUND 10 The Lost Valley - or was that being lost in the valley.. vs. The Rescue  (Read 11091 times)

Offline Captain Blood

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Offline Wirelizard

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I have to choose just one of these?  :o

The armoured mammoth & robot (and the robot's name!) are great, but so is the presentation and painting in the first one - the scenery is very cool.

Can't choose... o_o

Who makes the porters in the first entry? Been wondering who makes 'native assistants' and porters suitable for pulp...

Offline Vonkluge

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I believe they are Foundry figures and I have them in the lead pile!



Offline Braxandur

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Indeed, they are from the Darkest Africa line from Foundry. The rubbury/Plastic Dino travelled from China and was used once in a scenario, Bit annoying is that the rubbery quality easily shines through the paint :(
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Offline Hitman

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Two more awesome entries. So many little things make both of these entries so neat. Well done gentlemen!!
Good luck to you both.
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Offline Pil

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Both very nice entries. The first picture looks really good as a diorama, except that I'm not too fond of the dinosaur model, it's a bit too toy-like. The second one has the humour and a nice variety of models, but lacks a bit in colour. In the end I went for diorama over humour, but I have to say the painting on the mammoth is especially nice 8)
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Offline Sinewgrab

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Well, a Forge World model is usually high quality, and that one cost me a pretty penny to gte sent to me here in the states, so he got a good paint job. Heavy bugger, though - he's solid.
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Offline Raz

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Two nice entries gents! The dinosaur in the first indeed has a lot of toyiness to it, but the paintjob is well done Brax! Maybe a game with dinosaurs, pygmees and heroes in the future?

Offline Braxandur

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The dino indeed has a very high toy factor. I thought I didn't have any other beast big enough... but off course I forget some Viridian models from the void line and some dinos from leviathan..  damn..  too late to change that now though...

I will be buying some Schleich dinosaurs though, but first will have to finish my city and urban town projects. (Including a certain world works mall :S)

btw, Sinewgrab I like the mammoth itself a lot, especially the fur and skin. Not so sure about the metal, it looks a bit unfinished compared to the rest of the miniatures.

Offline Sinewgrab

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The highlighting of the green metal with silver didn't translate - the tones are much deeper then the photo gives credit for.

Offline Malebolgia

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Great matchup! In the first entry the adventurers look really cool. A lot of varied miniatures with nice weapons and additions (the bottle and glass are hilarious). Personally I would have left Lara out of the picture as she's a bit out of place in the group. The natives are very nice and I like how yours and Pil's are very different in painting and style. Both are very well done, but in your own personal way. Nice one. The toy-dino is actually quite cool IMO. It fits pulp very well and makes it all look very retro and with a nice wink.

At first the second entry was a bit weird to me...until I read the text. Then I laughed and pitied the robot :D. But I'm sure he has some deathray of doom to battle the big dumb overgrown elephant. It's pulp after all ;).
The natives are very cool and I'm sure the guy with black hair has a nice view from where he's standing ;). The mammoth sure is the biggest creature in this LPL and may receive some extra bonus points if I was in charge...it's just so huge!
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