Thanks for the praise

I'm not really satisfied with the freehand, but it will due for now. I will repaint the standard sometime in the future though. The base color choice was bad, and I had to scrap the freehand on the other side. Doing freehand on contrast paint is a bad idea, it is impossible to correct mistakes...
Wonderful freehand and subtle colouring on the elves. Very appealing figures too - what make are they? I'm actually quite tempted. They just look so beautifully evil 
Ogrob hit the mark, they are kitbashed from various GW kits. The bodies are Kairic acolytes, the heads and weapons come from the Tree-revenant box. The Spite-revenant heads fit on the bodies with minimal cutting. The shoulder pads and arm guards come from the Kurnoth hunters. I used the smallest ones. The flag was in my bits box, I think it comes from the Dark elf cold one knights and the horn belonged to a beastmen. The shield in the middle is a Stormcast one, with the hammer scrapped of. The other two is a resin cast, I got them from a friend, I don't know the maker.
The whole thing were inspired by Duncan's Solakain Spearmen video on Warhammer tv.
I love kitbashing and converting and these were really fun to make.