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BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)

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Awesome work, Jack! Mourn Mountain Sabretusks is a great team name too!

Mr. White:
Thanks! I finished the rest of the team.

This post has come later than it should have. I’ve been working on hobby projects, but work has been pretty hectic, and when I punch out I’ve been wanting to get away from a computer. The local Blood Bowl league is starting up a new season this week, so I made sure I had a new team kitted up. The Mourn Mountain Sabretusks

Several years ago, I got pretty invested in Mantic’s Dreadball. I still miss that game from time to time, and consider it the “one that got away” as it were. Most of all I miss my Zee team. They’re made up of cloned space monkeys and generally considered the worst performing team in the game (as of 1st edition). With the Ogre team being considered the lowest Blood Bowl team, I thought this would be the perfect time to revive those old Zee colors of mine.

Pretty much all red with a little white trim and one piece of light blue pop and that’s it. I went white on all the little metal teeth looking bits, and as these models don’t have cool sci-fi visors, the blue is the front part of the helmets on the Blockers. I sourced extra sprues so I could have five Blockers all in uniform helmets and the one lone Runt Punter stands out with his pose and lack of bucket on his head.

The gnoblar Linegrots don’t even get the blue pop. They’re disposable, so the front office just tosses ’em old red and gray rags to wear.

With the team complete, I’ve now got another bottom dwelling sports team that harkens back to a project from my past. It’s always interesting to me why we choose the projects and schemes that we do, and here we see a theme re-used but updated for a new era.

Our marketing team has come through with the logo above so the Sabretusks will be ready to take the pitch this week. I do have a coach model on order, but they haven’t arrived yet from my LGS. Oh, in our current league, we’re using the rostered Star Player rule, and we drew Griff! Perhaps this season won’t be such a bust after all. 😉

Mr. Hooligan, top notch brush work as always and I like the color scheme as well, it looks very BB and your reasoning behind it is icing on the cake. Was wondering about your rostered Star Player rule though. Is it a house rule or something I missed the years I wasn't playing? Just started again last year and picked up the last two editions but don't remember seeing that.

Mr. White:
Thank you.

The Rostered Star Player rules are in the 2021 Almanac. They basically allow each team to draft a star player for free, but they still will add to your TR value. They will play all season, can't gain SPPs, nor receive any injury worse than 'miss next game'.
Here the link to the book, if you're interested in the other contents:

Ah, was totally unaware of that. Picked up the new edition of Deathzone but totally missed the Almanac. I will have to pick that up. I was getting Spike! magazine but I guess I can pass on that now that I know they do an Almanac. Thanks for putting that out there or I'd never have known. Guess I'll just have to start reading Warhammer Community again. Best of luck with your Ogre team. I should really get around to finishing my Necromantic Horror team one of these days too. (But hey, I did finally paint the old metal Norse team last year, and Morg'n'Thorg to boot so I don't feel too bad about it.)


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