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Author Topic: Return to Rynn's World  (Read 8530 times)

Offline Pictors Studio

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Return to Rynn's World
« on: April 26, 2020, 01:12:04 PM »
It has been a long time since I've done anything for my Crimson Fists army.  I originally had painted the first Primaris marines I got when the 8th edition set came out as Ultramarines and got a Gulliman to go along with them but then realized that I probably wasn't going to play games of 40K big enough to justify a Primarch so I sold them off and did Crimson Fists.

I have always loved the picture from Rogue Trader, it was such a big part of what drew me to 40K so many years ago.  So I decided to honor that with a Crimson Fists force. 

I started them in the Fall of 2017 and haven't painted one in about a year or so.  I consider the army mostly finished with a couple of squads of Intercessors and a couple of squads of the Reivers and a jump pack squad with plasma pistols.  I have a squad of the jump pack guys with autocannons I still need to do.

With the lockdown going on I decided to get the Redemptor Dread and paint that up to support them. 

Here it is. 

Nothing fancy on it.  Just a dread in Crimson fists scheme. 

But it did re-inspire me to start on the Fists again.  I primed the jump pack autocannon guys and will try to get started on them today.

After that it is going to be the Orks.  I have a bunch assembled from when Shadowwar came out that I haven't even primed yet, but once these marines are done the Orks are up next. 

It is going to take piles of them to do Rynn's World properly but I'll get there. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2020, 04:56:26 PM »
I didn't get much done while I was on-call yesterday but I did get these three finished.

They have been sitting on my desk assembled and unpainted since about Christmas when I got them with the set of Vanguard Space Marines.  I used the rest of the figures in that set as Alpha Legion guys, but these guys didn't really fit in with my concept of that force.

So they are joining my Crimson Fists.

The models are well sculpted.  I don't know why GW is giving the jump pack guys the heavy weapons this go round but they are kind of cool looking even if it seems absurd that they could shoot those things in the air.

Maybe that isn't the idea though, maybe they are designed to get on the flank of enemy armoured columns and hit their side armour. I'm not really sure how Autocannons work in 8th edtion but they were pants in previous editions for the most part. Not powerful enough to hurt most vehicles (not even powerful enough to auto penetrate space marine armour,) and not shooty enough to gun down large groups of infantry.

I never really cared though as that one Chaos marine with the autocannon was my favourite of the old metal heavy weapons guys.  He always made it onto the table when I was playing my black legion.

I guess these things will shoot up Orks well enough. 

Offline Exiledadmiral

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2020, 06:33:09 PM »
Looking good! I'm not sure about jump pack guys with heavy weapons either, but there must be some logic in it somewhere!

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2020, 06:08:06 PM »
Here is a start to the forces of the Arch-Arsonist. 

These were the Orks that came with the ShadowWar: Armageddon set.  They are the same as the regular orks you can get from GW as far as I know.

There are three more of them to do and one will be done today.  I also have a unit of stormboyz and one of them I've painted but still need to base.  The others are assembled. 

I didn't see why orks should all have the same skin tone so I've varied the greens I'm using on them to give the army a more diverse appearance.  I'll probably try to get some different greens each time I do a batch with 4 or 5 different base colours.

Doing the Crimson Fists is going to have been the short part. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2020, 03:52:51 PM »
Got some more of the ladz done.

Here are a couple of Stormboyz.  I really like this kit.  There are lots of ways to customize it so you could probably build 3 of the kits with all of the ladz looking completely different.

Next up are the last of the regular boyz that I had assembled including one with big stonking gun.  I love that model.

And all of them together.

They will probably be split among two different groups eventually.  I assembled them for Shadowwar originally. 

Guess I can use them for that too.

Here is an old school metal Killa Kan I bought awhile back, I guess more than a decade ago now.

Pretty quick model to paint, depending on what you do with it.  That is all the Bad Moons I have for now.

Next up is the Warboss of the Goff, all angry after being demoted in March.

This one is a big hunking piece of metal.  It was bought when it first game out back in 2000 or so.  The dead marine on the base is from much earlier than that. 

There will probably be contingents from each of the ork klans eventually.

The Bad Moons are the first contingent I want to finish, they will have more Dakka than the others and likely be the smallest contingent in terms of models, having Mega armoured Nobz, dreads and kans as well as a fair number of heavily armed boyz. 

The Goffs will be next and will have mostly Boyz and regular Nobz with a few special things, like a dread and tankbustas. 

After that I'll probably work on the Evil Suns and get all the vehicles in there. But I might get a contingent of snakebites as they will likely be the smallest contingent and the marines will only encounter them once they get into the sewers. 

Offline syrinx0

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2020, 04:01:37 AM »
Nice progress on the overall forces.   :-*

I would guess the jumping heavy weapons would fire on landing with their move giving them the chance to find rear or side armor.  If that is still a thing in the latest version.   I would have to agree though, the autocannon always seemed a bit to weak and too slow though it had a decent range.
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Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2020, 04:08:14 PM »
Thanks.  I got another 8 Orks for the horde primed yesterday.  I just need another 3 and I think the infantry are done for the Bad Moons, that will be two units of 10 each.  I might make them 15, but I want the badmoons to be more reliant on tek than on boyz. 

Speaking of tek here are the first 5 of their stormboyz.

And another of the Ladz with a big shoota!

There is no side or rear armour in the latest version, something I think is lacking.  It would be a simple mater with the current rules, to reduce the save for vehicles by 1 if you weren't shooting at the front arc, unless you wanted that not to happen in which case you could have a special rule for Land Raiders, Necron monoliths and so on.

Offline fluffy05

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2020, 01:27:08 PM »
Nice work!

I do love the Rynn’s World Campaign with the Crimson Fists holding out despite losing their Fortress.

'The German today is like the June Bride; he knows he is going to get it, but he doesn't know how big it is going to be.' - Gen. Richard "Windy" Gale, 6th Airborne Division Commander

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2020, 06:23:37 PM »
Just a few more of the Boyz done this time.  I was on-call yesterday and it was a pretty light day so I managed to finish up some of the Ork models I've been working on.  So I've got 8 more boyz for the two units.

Here are the Shoota Boyz.

They are my favourite of the two units.  I just love the idea of all these Orks running around spraying fire everywhere in the hopes that they will hit something by volume. 

When we use them we will probably be using the 3rd edition rules but it seems like the Orks are one of the forces that changed the least with the 8th edition re-do. 

Here is the whole unit of them so far, just six of the Ladz done but that is about a third of what I'll have eventually.  I'm thinking 18-20 of these guys as the one unit.

Then there are the Choppa and Slugga ones.  In the Bad Moon force this will be the biggest unit I think.  There will probably be a solid 24 of them in the end. 

The idea for the Bad Moons is that about half of their orks will be specialists of some kind.  So about 40 regular boyz, then 15 Stormboyz, 20 Burna boyz and 10 tank bustas for the infantry, backed up by a big gun,  a Dread and a unit of Killa Kans.

They will be lead by a Big mek who will probably have an assistant mek with him. 

Here are all the ones done so far:

And an Assault Marine's view of them.

This is about all the Orks I have at home at the minute.  I do have at least an unopened Shadowar: Armageddon box at my storage unit so I'll grab that while I'm out there this weekend. 

I'm about to head to my FLGS and see if they got my order in and if not I'll probably pick up whatever Ork stuff they have left. 

Offline Inso

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2020, 08:07:36 PM »
A lovely bunch of very well painted miniatures :) . I'm watching this one :) .

One thing that I am not really sure of is the 'updating' with Primaris. It's difficult for a 'dyed in the wool' 40K enthusiast to get to grips with... hopefully, the quality of your work, will help me get past this :) .

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2020, 08:23:53 PM »

Here are just a few more.  One Nob that will be leading the Bad Moon Shoota Boyz and another Nob that will be part of the Goff contingent and one more of the ladz from the Bad Moons.

Pretty sunny out today for a change so it was tough to get a good snap.

I wanted to make the Nob for the Bad Moons look a little extra teknicul because they have the gear so he got a bionik bonce.  I don't know if that is a thing in 8th edition anymore but there it is. I gave him a custom shoota because I wanted him to fit in with the rest of the ladz and be more shooty than choppy.  Hopefully with 25 of them they might kill a marine during the course of the game. 

The Goff contingent is going to be heavy on Nobz, I'll max out how many Nobz I can take and back them up with a strong mob of ladz too.

Here is the first one:

Since we're using movie marine rules I haven't messed about with giving them anything that doesn't increase the strength of their attacks.  They will all have big choppas or power claws or equivalent so they can actually cause some havoc.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2020, 06:06:32 PM »
I got the rest of the Nobz done.  A nice set, certainly a lot of potential to make a large variety of different models.  Which is good, because from how they have the Start Collecting boxes set up it seems like I'll have a lot of them.

This is all of them. 

I still need to drill their gun barrels out but I'll do that tonight.  Here are the new ones that I've done.

My favourite is the one with the ax gripped in two hands.  Not so much space to put a lot of checkers on him but I guess he's Goffy enough as it is.

Then there were more Boyz.  Always more Boyz.  More shootas than sluggas this time, the races are evening up.

I like the colour scheme I did on the sluggas skin this time.  I'm still in the mind of doing them in a variety of different greens but if I were to do them in one it would be that one.  Seems a good colour for a military race.

Offline fluffy05

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2020, 06:35:25 AM »
Very nice!

You’ve inspired me to paint up enough minis to refight the Battle At The Farm (from Rogue Trader).

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2020, 10:13:13 PM »
That is my plan too.  Only I'm going to do it with the original number of Space Marines but use the movie marine rules for them and put in enough Orks to fight them. 

Then the marines are going to have to go through tunnels and get to a besieged city. 

They will fight Bad Moons in the first part, Blood Axes in the second and the city is being besieged by Goffs. 

Here are some more Nobz for the Goffs, this is the first unit of Goffs done.

Those are the six I got painted last night and here is the whole unit together with the ones I finished the day before.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2020, 11:46:10 PM »
Just a few more of the ladz from when I was on-call over the weekend. 

One more shoota boy for the Bad Moons and my first two Goff boyz, slugga and choppa boyz as well as an ammo runt for the Nobz.  Up next is another shoota boy for the Bad Moons and one more Stormboy. Then some goff boyz with big shootas.

After I get those guys done I'm going to try to power through another unit of Nobz.