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Author Topic: Return to Rynn's World  (Read 8460 times)

Offline Exiledadmiral

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2020, 10:25:25 PM »
Those orks look really orky! I love the varied skintones, it seems to make them more realistic. Great rusty effects as well.

Offline Brummie Thug

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2020, 11:57:38 AM »
Great looking project so far.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2020, 12:17:15 AM »
Thanks guys!

I got about 16 done since last Friday so thought it was time for a group shot.  Or a few group shots. 

Here is Goff Nob mob one:

Goff Nob mob two:

Right now each one only has 6 models in it.  Eventually they will be 10 man Goff Nob mobs. Right now I'm planning for three of them.  I have another 4 Nobz primed and ready to be painted now so that will finish off one of these groups.  And I have enough to make a total of 25 of them so I'll need to get one more box.

There are only three Goff Boyz so far, but they will be getting some reinforcements this week.

And a Goff Group shot:

And now for the Bad Moons.

These were the ones I started with and will be the ones the Astartes first encounter.

First up are the Shoota Boyz.  I have 18 of them so far.  They have their Nob, one guy with a big shoota and one guy with a Rokkit Laucha.  This will be the biggest mob in the Bad Moon force.  Ultimately they will be about 30 strong with another Rokkit Launcha in the mix.  The amount of shooting they do is going to be stupid. 

Here are the Slugga and Choppa Boyz.  I'll probably ultimately only have 20 of them.  There are 14 so far with a Nob and a guy with a big shoota.

These guys will be slaughtered like chickens by the marines probably.  I don't even know if they stand much of a chance of even making it into combat.  They will get another big shoota guy in their last 6.  He might get painted tonight. 

Here is a group shot of them all including the Stormboyz of which I got one new one done so there are a total of six of them now. 

It is a total of 38 Bad Moons so far and a 16 Goffs.  So I'm about a third of the way to where I need to be as far as models are concerned for this army. 

Here is a top down shot of all the Bad Moons.

It is nice to see them all in one spot.  I'm getting ready to move here in the next week so this will probably be my last chance to post pictures of them all together for a little bit.  They have outgrown the first storage box I had them in so I'll have to find them another one tomorrow. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2020, 08:10:47 PM »
I'm moving this week so that production line has slowed considerably.  But I did get the first of the Blood Axes done.  These guys will have mostly Kommandos with some boyz and a boss. 

As the old lore said these guys had the most in common with hummies some of them are going to have camo.  They are going to be in units of 10 I think, also in line with the hummies.

So probably 30 boyz in 3 units.  1 with choppas, 2 with shootas and then two units of Kommandos. 

The marines are going to encounter them while making their way through the underground tunnels as they head towards the ruined city.  I don't anticipate the number of Blood Axes to be much of a problem for the Astartes.  I doubt the former will even be able to kill one guy, but they might inflict a couple of wounds. 

This is going to be the only group of Orks that don't recycle so when their units get wasted they are done.  At least that is the plan.  I'll have to see how the text game goes for the first part.

Offline darthfozzywig

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2020, 12:25:08 AM »
Great work as always, Pictors.

I have always loved the picture from Rogue Trader, it was such a big part of what drew me to 40K so many years ago. 

I remember when my friend brought his brand new RT book over. I was sold the moment I saw the cover.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2020, 02:25:02 AM »
Thank you!  My move is just about done now and I have my new office set up so I finally managed to get some painting done.  I managed seven more Orks. Two Bad Moon shoota boyz, three Bad Moon Choppa Boyz and two more Goff Nobz.  I now have 19 BM shootas, 16 BM choppas and 22 Goff Nobz as well as the rest of the stuff, so the units are growing. 

I've got another 5 Boyz on the table that will hopefully be finished tonight or tomorrow then I think I only have about 3-5 more figures here before I have to go buy some more of them. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2020, 01:59:12 PM »
I managed to get a few more Orks done.  This will probably be my last update with just regular boyz and Nobz as I have to get to work on the specialist troops next.  Since there are so many boyz done with so many to do I'll probably only post fully completed units of the regular ladz as they get done.

Here are the next lot of Slugga and Choppa boyz.  There are 21 in this mob now. 

Then some more shoota boyz for the Bad Moons. These guys are now 25 strong. 

Plus a couple of Goffs.  The one is going straight in with the Nobz giving me 21 of them now, so that will be either two units of 10 and an extra or 3 units of 7. 

I got some Burna boyz the other day and the first one is on my desk with the metal work already done so hopefully we will see that whole unit finished by the end of next week. 

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2020, 03:52:16 PM »
Da Orks iz lukin' gud!

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2020, 09:11:08 PM »
Thank you.  It has been a fun project.  I just finished a unit of Burna Boyz and the last of the regular boyz got done as a unit of Goff Shootas.

These guys are going to be part of a 15 man unit eventually.  I'll buy some more when the FLGS gets some in stock again.  In the meanwhile I think the next Ork project, will be a Trukk to get the lads up.  I'm thinking that is going to be a Goff Trukk but I'm not 100% on that yet.

I really like the models.  It would be nice if they included a way to make 5 of them so I could have a unit of 15 with only one spanner but you can't do that with what is in the set and they can have a spanner for every 5 models.  I guess if I were carting around a flammable liquid on my back that was built by an Ork I'd probably want someone on hand to give it the odd tune up here and there.

And then some more Goff Boyz.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2020, 04:04:37 PM »
So we've got something completely different now.  Some Crimson Fists.

These guys seemed to fit in better with my Crimson Fists than with the Black Templars as I was doing the rest of the Indomitus figures. 

The bikes are just fantastic:

You get enough of them in the set to look like a complete unit.  They are dynamic.  The details are great and they don't even take that long to paint.

If I had a complaint it would be that the one guys sword is sticking out to the side making him a little bit more difficult to transport but that is a minor quibble as it does look very cool that way.

Then there are the Melta gun guys. 

These guys are excellent fire support models.  They look like they are toting big devastating weapons.

Having a look at the rules I'm thinking I will probably change things about for my Rynn's World game a little bit for both of these sets. 

The melta-guns need to be a little bit more destructive.  I'm thinking that they might roll 2d6 for damage if I decide to go with the 9th edition rules, or even roll 4d6 and drop the lowest two results.

This would really let the squad inflict some damage on Ork vehicles. 

The bikes are pretty good at running the enemy down but I'm not sure that is how I want to play them.  I think it would be better if they were marines that moved to a location and were able to attack from there.  But then their equipment would be different, like they would have rifles instead of close combat weapons.  I'll either convert another set of them if I can get my hands on them or play them the way they are. 

It does make a little more sense for an 8' tall warrior in a suit of indestructible power armour mounted on a stonking bike that could carry all of that to charge right through the enemy.

Plus I suppose it is more fun. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2020, 10:33:42 PM »
And now for some Grots:

These little guys have been a long time in coming.  Getting a little done here and there.  I still have another four to go and then I'll probably buy the plastic boxed set so I have a herder to go with them.  That will give me a unit of 25 of them. 

In the game the Grots aren't about to do much against Space marines using the movie marine rules.  What they will provide is moving cover for the Orks.  I might also allow the Orks to advance over them using fleet of foot rules. 

Offline sir_shvantselot

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2020, 09:01:29 PM »
Love the grots; love the storm boyz.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2020, 01:15:10 PM »
And now the first of the looters.

These come in the same kit as the burna boyz.  The frames contain parts for both.  The nice thing about the Ork range is that most of the kits are completely compatible.  If you buy two sets of the lootas/burnas (5 figures each) and a set of the Ork boyz, which are about half the price per figure, you can actually make  9 lootas and 9 burnas and have a Nob and 2 extra boyz left over. So while the set seems pretty expensive at first  you can combine it with cheaper sets to moderate the overall price of a big army.

They are pretty cool figures.  These lot are going in with the Bad Moons to provide some much needed fire support to all of the ladz that will be going in to get toe-to-toe with the humies. 

The models have all kinds of neat details on them.  The one weapon on the close side of the second picture, for example, has an imperial guard lasgun worked into his shoota.  You can still see half the aquila on the side of it. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2020, 12:29:10 PM »
I've been working on some more Orks for this project lately. 

So far I've just got the Meganobz done. I'll have another set of these eventually for the Goffs, but these first ones are for the Bad Moons.

I've given them the shooty option as that seemed most appropriate for the Bad Moons.  I'll probably give the double kill saws to the Goffs to make them different and they look neat.

This one has my favourite face:

It looks sort of Judge Dreadd-y in some way, maybe like Judge Death.  At any rate they all are basically the same in game terms.  Hopefully they will bring some close combat power to what is, at this point, a very shooty army for the Orks.

It has been a while since I painted a squig, but here we go:

This little Oiler guy comes with the set and it is too funny to leave him out of the unit.  I bet he can absorb a wound or something too when I look at the rules for them.

I have a dreadnought assembled as well as some more Looters and Burna boyz so I'm not sure what will be next.  Probably I'll start on the dread and get some other stuff done while I'm working my way through that.  This first dread is also going to be a Bad Moons dread.  I'll do a Goff one eventually too, I suppose. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Return to Rynn's World
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2021, 12:45:11 PM »
Nope.  I got the dread done first.

I don't actually have the Ork codex yet so I just did him with the classic flamer and missile launcher.  I'll probably do the Goff one with 4 times claws/saws to make him more melee oriented. 

It is a pretty nice model.   There were a few places where it wasn't clear how it was supposed to go together but I think I figured it out.  It has a few options in there and I chose the nerdiest looking one for the Bad Moons.  The Goff one will have a more mean looking face. 

I guess more Lootas are coming next.