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Author Topic: Wargames Atlantic VS Wargames Factory Persian Infantry. An Unboxing Video.  (Read 7960 times)

Offline wmyers

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I could see it being the same manufacturer, but the company being totally different. The factory in China could specialize in plastic objects / toys and also did up Wargames Factory's models, and many factories will produce items for multiple companies.

It is true they make moulds for other miniatures companies; like Warlord Games.

Check out the sprues for their new Crimean War figures.

Offline lord marcus

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It is true they make moulds for other miniatures companies; like Warlord Games.

Check out the sprues for their new Crimean War figures.

*Official wargames Atlantic hat on*

Wargames atlantic is not wargames factory. Full stop.

Furthermore, the factory we use is NOT that used by Wargames factory.

Please direct any further questions to my attention.

Kind regards,

Wargames atlantic team

Offline lord marcus

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Thank you for the reviews!

Technically these are also Wargames Factory as that is who is making these for Wargames Atlantic.


No we are not.

Offline wmyers

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So you’re now using a different company?

I had noticed the newest sprues are different (no alignment tabs like the Skeletons, Raumjager)).

I have no problem with it either way.  I do like the alignment tabs for shipping- less damage to the sprues (scrape marks, missing pieces, broken pieces).

Offline lord marcus

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So you’re now using a different company?

I had noticed the newest sprues are different (no alignment tabs like the Skeletons, Raumjager)).

I have no problem with it either way.  I do like the alignment tabs for shipping- less damage to the sprues (scrape marks, missing pieces, broken pieces).

Our sprues have never been made by war games factory or their production facility.

The alignment tabs you speak of work coincidental similarity that we mixed in order to be able to fit more sprues in the box.

Offline Calimero

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Would also like to know, where you got that information @wmyers?

Could be possible they use the same manufacturer (not sure) but don't think they are the same company as the defunct Wargames Factory.

You can read about it at Beasts of War https://www.beastsofwar.com/scifi/wargames-atlantics-sci-fi-soldiers-skeletons/

Wai Kee Hui runs Ghost Studio.

Sorry wmyers, but I read the article and the comments on the page you pointed to, but I don’t see any mention of Wai Kee Hui… I did saw a few comments telling Wargames Atlantic isn’t Wargames Factory…
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 11:27:21 PM by Calimero »
A CANADIAN local hobby store with a small selection of historical wargames miniatures (mainly from Warlords). They also have a great selection of paint and hobby accessories from Vallejo, Army painter, AK Interactive, Green Stuff World and more.; https://www.kingdomtitans.ca/us/

Offline lord marcus

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Sorry, but I read the article and the comments on the page you pointed to, but I don’t see any mention of Wai Kee Hui… I did saw a few comments telling Wargames Atlantic isn’t Wargames Factory…

One more time.....

We, Wargames atlantic, are not Wargames factory and do not use any of the same manufacturing partners.

Offline Calimero

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That's the point of my post...
One more time.....

We, Wargames atlantic, are not Wargames factory and do not use any of the same manufacturing partners.

That's the point of my post... maybe I wasn't clear enough :? I changed it a little  8)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 11:27:55 PM by Calimero »

Offline lord marcus

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That's the point of my post...
That's the point of my post... maybe I wasn't clear enough :? I changed it a little  8)

Cheers. I apologise for my confusion.

I've had to clarify this a lot, lately

Offline GamesPoet

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Regardless of all the confusion ... it is my understanding the plastics are being produced in China.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 02:30:27 AM by GamesPoet »

Offline lord marcus

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Regardless of all the confusion ... it is my understanding the plastics are being produced in China.

This is correct. Our sprue production facility is in china, but it is not the one WGF used/uses

Offline wmyers

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Sounds like there may be more to this. 

Regardless, the figures are beautiful and well done.  The subject matter is excellent. 

I know I will continue to buy these figures and I hope there will be many more sets made for a very long time!

Offline lord marcus

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Sounds like there may be more to this. 

Regardless, the figures are beautiful and well done.  The subject matter is excellent. 

I know I will continue to buy these figures and I hope there will be many more sets made for a very long time!

More? What more info could there be?

If you have questions, let me know. I'm Wargames Atlantics community engagement rep.

Offline GamesPoet

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Regardless of all the confusion ... it is my understanding the plastics are being produced in China.
This is correct. Our sprue production facility is in china, but it is not the one WGF used/uses
I look forward to when the plastics are not produced in China.

Offline lord marcus

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This is correct. Our sprue production facility is in china, but it is not the one WGF used/uses
I look forward to when the plastics are not produced in China.

That is probably going to be a long ways off. They have the technical expertise when it comes to plastics production. Furthermore, they are inexpensive by comparison.


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