Once again, thanks for the interest, gents.
Re: Availability
Without going into great detail, I'll just say that these were intended to be available much earlier than now. A lot of delays have crept in, none of them anticipated.
I've had to switch to a caster who can handle procreate and resin, among other things. I have found one, closer to home, and the first batch is already at the caster. He is currently filling up some orders for bigger clients going to GenCon, but will be getting to our stuff after that lot is done (I'm guessing some time in the next week or two, since GenCon is this weekend). As such, the first wave (which includes the "Walking Ghost" that you've expressed interest in, Leaps) should be ready by the end of this month (August), maybe a little earlier, if all goes according to plan. At which point, I'll post a notice here at LAF first, then at the website.
The figures available will be all of the initial figs in the Shanghai Range: SMP officers, Xian Cabal, International Settlement types, the first three COH figures (Abel, the Ghost, and Tesla), and the first "Engines of War" vehicle (the M36 Euskadi).
The next wave of figures (probably available September/Octoberish) will include FC Julian here, Mata Hari, John Dillinger, and Julian the Apostate, as well as new figs for the Shanghai range (provisionally speaking - the first of the Japanese, some new henchmen for Fu, and a few characters for the various ranges). Probably split into two halves of eight figures each. The vehicle for the second wave will likely be the E4 Erhardt, but I don't want to rush Tobi, as it's sort of a tricky vehicle to model. There is a very slight chance of a second vehicle in "wave 2"; again, depends partly upon sales, availability of sculptors, yadda, yadda, yadda.
I am always on the lookout for new folks willing to sculpt. Have some great folks doing work for me, but obviously it slows down the process when one relies upon one or two fellows (and it's unfair to pressure them to hurry along). Plus, I like a little diversity, especially with the historical personalities!
Re: Ordering (got questions about this via email, so thought I'd post here, since I'm on the subject.)
Very simple. You find what you want, you email me a list, give me an idea of how you want it shipped (standard air mail, or express/priority) I go over the list, look up the shipping options, send you an invoice. As I have said many times elsewhere, I will ship just about everywhere. The easiest option for both parties involved is usually the US Post - it has its problems, but UPS and FedEx have some very odd hoops to jump through, not to mention some odd rules about where they will and will not ship to (ie: certain types of Residence, PO Box, etc.) Shipping will be at cost of shipping plus (a small) part of the cost for shipping materials.
Re: Where to get these.
www.blackarmyproductions.com (my primitive but functional website)