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Author Topic: Napoleonic French horse artillery of the line driver's uniform question / check  (Read 3033 times)

Offline olicana

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I have the uniform for French horse artillerymen but sources seem to differ on the uniform for the drivers (c.1810).

The best I can up with is this. Is it right?

Shako: red cords, plume and top band. Otherwise standard.
Coat: Mid blue; black cuffs, collar, lapels and turnbacks all piped red; red shoulder straps (fringed epaulettes?); cuff flaps mid blue piped red (?).
Waistcaot: mid blue
Breaches: white (or buff?).

I'm particularly unsure if shoulder strap should be epaulettes (I can add these to my figures with Milliput if required) and if the cuff flaps should be blue (as per foot arty) or black, or red, presumably piped red.

Please, can you please point out what's what.

Thanks in advance,

« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 11:21:42 AM by olicana »

Offline Warboss Nick

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Sorry, can’t help you there. I use the 1815 uniform as depicted on the excellent centjour mont saint jean website. Not sure what changes there were between 1810 and 1815.

Offline Ray Rivers

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From what I understand the uniforms of the artillery drivers for both foot and horse were the same.

Here is a discussion on the TMP forum you might find interesting:


Here is what I understand would be their uniform (which is taken from the TMP thread for ease):

Uniform: habit coat with short tails; steel grey with blue (dark?) turnbacks, lapels and cuffs. Turnbacks with steel grey grenade. Pointed shoulder flaps in steel grey piped dark blue. Buttons white metal. Waistcoat steel grey. Breeches off white, sometimes a red side stripe is shown on breeches. (as servicedress, grey breeeches could be worn). Whitened shoulderbelt with black pouch.
The lapels on the habit coat were shown square cut bur mentuioned is that they were pointed in the 1808-1810 and 1812-1813 period.

The shako should have steelgrey ccords and flounders and in full dress a steel grey plume on a pompon. But also white cordss and flounders are mentioned

Here is another really awesome link for Napoleonic uniforms (136 pages of French uniforms):
click here

This is a very cool illustration (train of the Guard):

« Last Edit: June 20, 2020, 02:26:49 PM by Ray Rivers »

Offline AlyMorrison

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Hi James...
I am not sure whether I am adding to the confusion or helping here  lol

Here are a couple of pictures from ... Luciien Rousselot’s  Napoleons Army 1790-1815

He states that the drivers for the horse artillery were made up from the elite companies of the artillery train and that they would have had a red plume...
The tunic was originally made from iron grey cloth which was then changed to sky blue...
The facings are imperial blue
There is a description of an 1812 elite company uniform with red piping...

I hope this is of some help...

All the best.  Aly
« Last Edit: June 20, 2020, 02:42:02 PM by AlyMorrison »

Offline AlyMorrison

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Another couple of images...

Offline Ray Rivers

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Hi James...
I am not sure whether I am adding to the confusion or helping here  lol


Hey we are talking about Napoleonic uniforms here! It's call atmosphere!  ;)

Offline Digits

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Probably already aware but Black Hussar make a train officer and bugler as well as train with crew that has a mounting figure.  Was intending to mix them with the Perry train when I get round to it.


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