The steam was at the point where it just made the air stink and provided little in the way of concealment when he saw Grotius.

"Inquisitor Wrayce!" the witchhunter's voice echoed around the dimly lit ruins, "You do not know how dangerous the forces are with which you have truck."
"Surrender them to me so that they can be destroyed."

Wrayce stopped moving and unslung his bolter.
"I'm sorry Grotius, what I have will be invaluable in my hunt for Ahriman."
"Come, Wrayce, be reasonable. This can only end in your downfall."
Wrayce heard the barking behind him before he heard the man's steps, he turned and could see someone advancing behind him.
He thumbed the activation button on his com.
"Graystone, Hrandal, converge on my position."
He waved Salias back and the medicae started to climb the ruined observarium behind them. Wrayce sent a psychic signal to Epsilon-278 and the servitor moved awkwardly forward and Wrayce moved up behind the cyborg into cover behind a massive piece of a ruined statue.

Even in the gloom the red and silver liveries of the Inquisitorial stormtroopers stood out as they advanced.

"This doesn't have to end in violence. Surrender the Shells of Amon and we can meet as friends again, Wrayce."
The stormtroopers fingers moved into the trigger guards of their weapons. They were professionals and would not fire on an Inquisitor without the nod from their master.
Chancing a look over the cover he hid behind, Wrayce saw a dim glow behind Grotius. He turned when he heard the growling and yelled over the com "Now Greystone."

Leveling his bolter he fired at the charging cyberhound. The animal was nimble but even the near misses with the bolt gun filled the creatures flanks with shrapnel and one of the rounds exploded against its metallic leg, the creature stumbled, but did not fall.
To his left Wrayce could hear the tell-tale shrieking of electroflails. "Great," he said to himself, "they have flagellants."
As lasbolts whipped past him from behind Inquisitor Grotius turned to see three figures approaching.
"Greystone! Never far from your master, eh?" he said when he saw the acolyte.
With a speed that belied his age, Grotius was climbing the rusted metal gate behind him and was on top of the wall in moments, his inferno pistol spat concentrated heat that caused something to catch flame in the direction of the enemy, lighting up the three new combatants.
"It is time Crassius, unleash them!" he yelled into his com unit.

The distance sound of the electroflails grew stronger as the arco-flagellants came running towards the enemy.
The priest activated a button on his belt buckle and in an instant five plungers depressed on the back of one of the condemned.
The creature's already rapid movements became a blur as it plowed into the acolyte and the two bounty hunters he had with him. All yelled out in agony as the whips lashed them, setting their clothes ablaze where they came into contact.

His assailants now occupied Grotius leapt from the building, his long coat fluttering behind him as he plummeted to the ground, landing and rolling he came up and fired his inferno pistol into the one bounty hunter that had managed to get away from the arco-flagellant. The heat from the weapon instantly vapourized most of the water in her body and the rounds in her stub pistol cooked off as her being was consumed by the flames that burst forth.

It was over in a moment and a charred husk fell to the ground.
"I'm here boss," the Squat warrior said as he peered around the corner.
Wrayce tossed the package with Amon's Shells laterally to the Squat.
"Keep them safe."
The cyber mastiff immediately peeled off from its charge at Wrayce and moved around the observium towards the Squat followed by his handler. Wrayce saw one of the stormtroopers advancing towards Hrandal and sent Epsilon-278 to intercept the warrior. He could hear the thrum of the electroflails growing stronger and he pulled Truestrike from its massive scabbard.

His eyes glowed with psychic energy as he used his mind's power to lift the massive sword. With the backing of his will the sword had the heft of a daggar in his hands and he now dashed around the corner into the oncoming arco-flagellant.
The massive sword cut deep into the condemned creature, slicing through machinery, muscle and bone alike. But the machinery that drove it forward kept it alive and Wrayce was left parrying the furious counter attack.

The stormtrooper next to them ran on, heedless of Wrayce, no doubt informed by his comrade of the location of the Shells.
Saliva flecked with blood dripped from the dog's mouth as it lunged up at Hrandal. The wounds inflicted by Wrayce's boltgun would ultimately prove fatal but the animal still had a lot of fight in it before that time.
It's metal teeth clamped down on the Squat's shoulder pad, tearing into it and nearly dislodging it. Hrandal rolled with the attack, smashing the cyber-mastiff into the wall and the creature let go for another leap. This time the squat was ready and his power hammer smashed into the animal's face causing the creature to yelp once, before folding up as it landed and not moving again.
"No! Chopper!" was the next thing the squat heard before jolts of electricity coursed through his body as the subjugator struck him with his shock maul.
The storm trooper was advancing towards the fight his weapon aimed directly at the squat as the servitor came moving towards him. The massive claw that was its right arm was opening and closing with hydraulic force.
The man ducked the servitor's attack but the claw struck him on the back stroke. He could feel ribs shatter as the claw buckled the carapace armour over his flank. He managed to pull out of the servitor's grip before it could crush the life out of him and he ran away from it as Grotius came up behind Epsilon-278. The servitor's self-preservation systems caused it to turn and face the inquisitor.

As the stormtrooper slipped away from the combat pellets pinged off of his armour and tore into his skin where it was only protected by his uniform.
The bounty hunter ahead of him fired again and blocked his path to the squat.
As he cut and thrust with Truestrike, Wrayce heard the voice of Tomsacht, "Coming in now, flares away."

Wrayce yelled over the com "Eye cover! Now!"
Each member of the warband shielded their eyes that instant, and a moment later the ruins were lit up with burning phosphor flares. When the lights faded Wrayce was gone and the Shells of Amon were gone with him.