I have backed this one (for the Vault rooms) and was a backer on the original one.
Given all the bad press around the previous incarnation of Archon Studios there was an element of risk to that first campaign but credit where it is due they have proved to be an excellent company to deal with.
The plastic clip together dungeon pieces are really great, very well detailed, clean, strong and durable mouldings. The design (which went through several iterations after backer feedback) works really well given the limitations of 2d fabrication (no curves or bends).
Their customer service was first rate and they dealt with the problems caused by the actions of the UPS couriers very fairly.
I am less enthusiastic about some of the design choices on this campaign; the windows in the Temple theme? and I do not think the mine theme works at all, the walls should be substantially thicker. More like mine workings and less like movie set facades.