Hi all, i'd like to share with you my spartan army based for Impetus. I single base the models using magnetized movement trays. It's not the most elegant way to base figures but in this way you can use the same figures for many ruleset.
Ages ago i bought a complete spartan army from wargames foundry. Imho they are still among the best ancients figure around, full of character. I used 3 main colours, black, red and white, plus bronze of course. Chitons and vests were painted crimson as testified by the few historical sources on the spartan army. Most of the shields portray the lambda letter, while on others I painted free hand (please forgive me) some motifs linked to Sparta, most gorgons and rays. For the commander I built a vignette of a general (Sparta's king?) making a sacrifice after having erected the trophy. I was inspired by a cover from a past issue of WSS. You can note that one of the shield on the trophy portray the teban symbol (heracles club) since a friend of mine is painting a teban army and i forecast many wins on them!