Well, in preparation for the book I have been knocking together some mechanized walkers and here are the first two.
These are light walkers, which could be British Ajax or French Chacal (Jackal) pattern. Each has a single steersman who drives it and operates the weapon systems.

As you can see the one on the left has a machine gun and a steam claw, the other a flame thrower and and chainsaw (which counts as a steam claw for the purposes of the game).
The steam claw is designated as a 'wrecking' weapon, which means that it is very good at smashing its way into buildings and peeling open other walkers and armoured vehicles.
They are both made from Ramshackle Miniatures parts with extra elements from my bits box. I love Ramshackle because their vehicles and robots have lots of rivets and other 19th century details.

I've painted one in Army Green and the other in Navy Blue, and their bases are not finished yet.
I also have a couple of Ironclad light walkers I am building at the moment.