just getting in to flames of war any one here know any lists or ideas for it?? in weird war Zombies etc
The only "official" material is the line of "Mid War Monsters" recently released. It consists of vehicles that were constructed in the prototype form but, for the most part, never reached the front lines. As with most FOW releases, the logic is quite fuzzy - some of the vehicles never had a chance of working; others did reach the front but with different armies, and others were actually produced but used in ways that Battlefront doesn't like to talk about (ie: the Italian defense of Rome against the Germans as with the case of the Semovente da 75/34).
The models are fairly nice, and they're an unusual addition, but I wish they'd stuck to completing vehicles that really -did- see service, and even under their native colors!
There have been ongoing rumors for some time of an "X Weapons" book, and this may in fact be a modified version of that. Scuttlebutt is that if MwM does well, there are plans for a Late War version.