Here's another update. A big one this time.
While I did progress quite a bit on the batch painting from my previous post, this time is all about completed models. First of all this is my "army" as it currently stands. there are few things I'll re-tweak (we'll get to them later) but these models are otherwise finished and do not need any more painting.
First off
The dwarven hold of Karak Mingol.
This is all the models I have painted from late 2019 to today. I have probably 3 times as many painted from my earlier years, but they're waiting to be bathed in stripper and brought up to my new standard and then even more that are yet to be unboxed or primed.
here we have, at the front, 2 units of longbeards. One is made of the BoSP models and one is made of 6.5th edition models with shields. They're going to be increased in size. Eventually bringing them both to 40+ units, the unit on the left is called "Il vecchio conio" and a freehand banner is in the works.
here's a unit of thunderers. They're sitting behind a barricade/shieldwall. I like fielding my shooting units with shields and there's no better way to do so than a literal shieldwall.
this is the first one I made and I have to admit I went a bit overboard with the green/blue alternate colours on the shields. Still, a cool little project I like and will be making many more of in the future.
The unit lacks a standard bearer for now just because I'm yet to fish one out of my unpainted pile, but he's coming. eventually. The musician has to sit in the back rank because the drum won't let him sit flush against the shields.
another 10 thunderers, this time from BoSP (I have sooooo many models from multiple copies of that box).
The unit is named "Tuoni" and along two twin units named "Fulmini" and "Saette" they will all get a personalized shield wall with their name on it.
here's 6 (5) quarrelers. There are more (oh so many more) to come and technically the standard bearer was an artillery crew member with his clipboard of grudges. They too will be getting a shield wall.
this is a unit of warriors with great weapons. Not too fond of these models but they're serviceable enough. Like all my other melee unit this one will also get bigger as more models get stripped and painted.
you can also see the standard bearer I finished in my last update. He looks like he's holding a sign at a protest more than a standard and I think this is due to the fact that the banner is way too recangular and is lacking any "framing" elements at the top and/or sides.
the idea though is to put him in the middle of the unit and he does look a bit better as you can see here
also the guy left of the bagpiper looks like he's having a REALLY good day.
this is a blurry picture of a smaller unit of warrior with great weapons. this too will probably double up in size once all is said and done. You can see that some of the models don't have a painted base or have a brown base. this is one thing that will need to be fixed, but I doubt it'll take much. something to do for those days one really cannot get himself to paint anything.
This is a unit of 9 miners. The champion is on my workspace completely done, except for the eyes.
You can see some unfinished bases and also that the flames are not painted. That's because I have no yellow, red, or orange paint of any kind. The ones I had dried out years ago and they're not colours I really use in my army so I never bothered replacing them. (I tried a couple flames playing around with white, browns and the flesh colour but.. meh)
This is the unfinished BSB, the hero manning it is currently in an acetone bath and I'm having trouble with the left pennant, but you can still tell that it looks absolutely ridiculous inside a unit. Which is exactly what I wanted.
the motto, in Latin, says "comminus et eminus se defendit" I had not touched Latin since my years of high school in Italy 15+ years ago and it took me longer than I'd like to admit to translate the one I had thought of originally. (many thanks to my dear friend who's a professor of Linguistics and whose help has proven invaluable)
These guys here are my unit of hammerers, called "The green maul" they're 25 and will probably reach 50 once they're all painted. I decided to give them green hammerers and blue armours. one of their banners will read "Pacta sunt servanda" once I feel a bit more confident in my ability with lettering (or once I get some stencils)
All of them have a shield with a winged hammer rom the warrior kit. This is such an obvious and simple "conversion" yet it's one I've always been very proud of. Mostly because these shields take longer than they have any right to take to finish.
this is my artillery, beside my beloved bolt thrower I'm not too fond of these models. But you can't call a throng a throng without firepower. I have a lot more warmachines coming.
The crew members are a random assortment of minis pulled from the pile and painted, so many don't necessarily match the machine they're supposed to go with.
these are the heroes/character painted so far plus a miniature from the board game Labyrinth. I might use him as runesmith; or maybe as my next DnD character.
first, there are a few things I need to touch up; mainly in terms of bases. Not only some models have an unpainted base, I want to base all of my artillery, as well as paint the movement trays. Certain models; (mostly the GW warriors) were an early experiment with multibasing. and they work, sort of, but they'll need to be removed and rearranged to allow better deployment.
Second; the army as of now is not particularly impressive, especially considering these are maybe 15% of my total models.
But I'm really proud of how they turned out and it's nice to see them all deployed to remind me that while the final goal might not be close, I've already covered quite some ground.