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Author Topic: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated February 6th - Slayer command + EM4 conversion)  (Read 39781 times)

Offline Pattus Magnus

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December 31st - State of the army for 2025)
« Reply #150 on: December 31, 2024, 06:49:35 PM »
That’s a very impressive dwarf war host! Some really substantial units there, and an interesting mix of exotic supporting ones. I’ll be watching for updates in the new year!

Offline Basementboy

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December 31st - State of the army for 2025)
« Reply #151 on: January 01, 2025, 01:11:17 AM »
Looks amazing! Nice work, and a happy new year :)

Offline Freddy

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December 31st - State of the army for 2025)
« Reply #152 on: January 01, 2025, 10:42:43 AM »
Now that is an army, congrats!

Offline Luigi

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December 31st - State of the army for 2025)
« Reply #153 on: January 02, 2025, 01:53:46 PM »
Thank you guys, it's nice being finally settled down and ready to paint again.
I've been itching for months to get some paint on models.

Offline LouieN

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December 31st - State of the army for 2025)
« Reply #154 on: January 02, 2025, 04:21:45 PM »
Congrats on the army.  It looks great

Offline Luigi

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Very quick and minor update.
This morning I took this to work.

What you're looking at is 147 dwarfs from EM4.
I really like the old-school vibes of this miniatures (and the ridiculously low price you can get them for) but they do need a bit of work.

Out of the box bag they look like this, with flash and and a single mold line that encompasses the hole model. Most important they come with a large integrated base that's way too big for my goals (I need to put them on 20mm bases).
So during my lunch I decided to get some ready.

It's not hard work, but it is as annoying as it is necessary, and I figured that if i can squeeze even just 20 mins of this at the office, it's less time I have to "waste" at home and that I can actually dedicate to painting.

My only concern is that so much clipping could ruin my BANDAI Spirit cutters, so I'll probably grab a pair of cheap chinese clippers off one of the stores near the office and go to town on the bases.

Offline Elbows

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Yeah, I debated putting heavy work into "fixing" all the Battle Masters minis I did last year, but since they were a convention project I didn't bother.  I was...tempted, lol. :D

I love saving, salvaging or fixing up underwhelming stuff and making it look more playable.  Nice work.  The assembled army is grand, even with my distaste in movement trays!  lol
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Offline dadlamassu

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My only concern is that so much clipping could ruin my BANDAI Spirit cutters, so I'll probably grab a pair of cheap chinese clippers off one of the stores near the office and go to town on the bases.

I found that a strong sharp Stanley knife blade sliced them from their bases quite easily.  It is important that the blades are sharp or a few warriors lose a foot or two.

The effort is worth it though. https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=145175.msg1877130#msg1877130

'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.'
-- Xenophon, The Anabasis

Offline dwbullock

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How about a jeweler's saw?  I have a lot of Oathmark and the like on those integrated bases and I hate it.  Few saws with the jeweler's saw / hacksaw thing, and pop, good to go.

And I found it safer on my fingers than using the blades.

Offline Luigi

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I found that a strong sharp Stanley knife blade sliced them from their bases quite easily.  It is important that the blades are sharp or a few warriors lose a foot or two.

The effort is worth it though. https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=145175.msg1877130#msg1877130

I remember that army! And it looks just as imposing as the first time. I thought you had just reduced the original base size, but looking better I see you actually replaced it altogether. I did bring a utility knife today so I'll definitely give it a try. Do you slice the soles directly off the base?

Yeah, I debated putting heavy work into "fixing" all the Battle Masters minis I did last year, but since they were a convention project I didn't bother.  I was...tempted, lol. :D

I love saving, salvaging or fixing up underwhelming stuff and making it look more playable.  Nice work.  The assembled army is grand, even with my distaste in movement trays!  lol

I've been following your project and I must say you do a great job blending those BM models into bases and units. I have to give a try to your system as soon as it's out.

How about a jeweler's saw?  I have a lot of Oathmark and the like on those integrated bases and I hate it.  Few saws with the jeweler's saw / hacksaw thing, and pop, good to go.

And I found it safer on my fingers than using the blades.

I'm actually tempted of using my hot wire  foam cutter, I have the table version that I never get to use, so this would go a long way in justifying me keeping it in storage. I'll have to try on a piece of sprue first, the thickness is about the same, but i think it should work
« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 05:40:07 PM by Luigi »

Offline Pattus Magnus

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I would be reluctant to use a hot wire cutter on the EM 4 figures. The plastic isn’t foamed, so it might not burn off/ evaporate quickly enough for the wire to keep cutting effectively. It would be a drag to get bogged down part way through! Also, I’m not 100% sure that the plastic is styrene, it might be high density polyethylene like boardgame pieces. I’ve never used a wire cutter on HDPE, maybe it works, but a careful test could be in order!

Offline Luigi

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Yes, testing would be indeed in high order. I would also only do this outside and with a fan blowing fumes away.
Actually thinking about it the fumes and the risk of setting the plastic on fire is what worries me the most, perhaps I'll just stick to physical methods

Offline dadlamassu

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I remember that army! And it looks just as imposing as the first time. I thought you had just reduced the original base size, but looking better I see you actually replaced it altogether. I did bring a utility knife today so I'll definitely give it a try. Do you slice the soles directly off the base?

Yes I cut them directly from the base.  Slicing is relatively easy with a sharp knife.  I tried a razor saw and it worked but was slow the blade width lost part of the feet.  Those ones became the bear riders. 

I have not tried the hot wire cutterbut polystyrene fumes I think are toxic. 

Offline SgtSlag

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Allegedly, the em4 figures are made from ABS Plastic...  I recently bought a bun of the em4 Orcs, to augment my Orc army.  I tried cutting arms off, to re-position them.  I used Acetone (Nail Polish Remover, from Wal-Mart, in a 4 oz. bottle), which dissolves genuine ABS Plastic handily, but I had limited success with this on my em4 figures.  Because of this, I chose to leave the majority in the same poses as they came, as it was not worth the effort to change them:  it should have melted the plastic where it was applied to, effectively welding them in place, as I positioned them, but it did not work particularly well.

Having said that, I did employ flexible sanding sticks to remove their mold lines, and that worked quite well.  I used my pin vise to open some hands, to which I inserted brass spears:  I will create banners and glue them to the tops of the spears, to use them as Unit Leader figures.

The em4 figures are superbly priced for what they are.  They live up to the company's espoused goal of making affordable fantasy miniatures for the masses.  They paint up well easily.  I've got more than a few of them in my armies already.  :D Cheers!

Offline Elbows

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When I remove puddle bases I just use my typical Xuron clippers, no problems.  However...I can't do that with the Bones USA (Siocast stuff) which is a pain...they snap into pieces instantly.


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