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Author Topic: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated February 6th - Slayer command + EM4 conversion)  (Read 39923 times)

Offline Luigi

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December January 21st - Paint reorganizing)
« Reply #165 on: January 21, 2025, 06:39:30 PM »
Thank you everyone for your suggestions.
Since using a hotwire cutter is exactly the type of thing 17 year old me would have done with extreme gusto, I decided against it. I  just decided to remvoe the bases with a sharp blade and plastic snippers.

I also tried to get some  painting done the past couple of evenings. My 20 months daughter, ever curious to what I was doing, sat next to me and joined my painting sessions.
She seemed to grasp the concept of transferring colour from a palette onto a model via a brush very quickly. After painting for a bit she decided that it was time to reorganize my paints.

I'll admit it's a bit of an unorthodox method  but she insisted I took them out of the box and piled them on my working area.

On a side note, my new place is much too dark for any sort of continuous paiting. Any suggestion for a small lamp (I'll get two anyways) that is cheap, effective and easy to store/remove?

Offline Luigi

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December January 23rd - New (more) dwarfs)
« Reply #166 on: January 23, 2025, 08:37:56 PM »
Yesterday I got a package in the mail from Spain.
After travelling thousands of miles and surviving a postal strike the package was never brought to my place and was dropped off at nearest post station for...reasons.

Anyways, here's what I got.

That's 100 new dwarfs from Avatars of War. They  had a 50% sale in mid December and I couldn't resist. Combine with free shipping and I ended up getting one of each selection from their plastic dwarf range.

I'm looking forward to (eventually) getting to paint them, especially the slayers I've already seen a bunch of bits in that kit that's giving me plenty of inspiration for kitbashing.

Also at work, I've also managed to get 5 more EM4 Dwarfs debased.
I ended up following dadlamassu's advice and just sliced them off the base, it took a bit of practice to find the best technique but I think I got it down.
I might be able to get them done sooner than I had originally thought.

Offline Ragsta

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated December January 23rd - New (more) dwarfs)
« Reply #167 on: January 28, 2025, 05:23:37 PM »
The painted Dwarf host looks formidably good, I do like your coooyr scheme and the wacky flyers add some spice!

Congrats on getting your own place!

Offline Luigi

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Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated February 3rd - kit bashing slayers)
« Reply #168 on: February 03, 2025, 05:00:38 PM »
Thank you Ragsta!

I've got another update for you all.
I believe I have removed enough bases for now. as of last night I was left with this.

those are 18 Crossbowdwarfs; 29 Dwarfs with 2 handed axe and 33 dwarfs with spears.
Once I find/convert/suitable command figures I should have 2 large melee units and 2 smaller harassing units.

I also started building the AoW slayers. They're great models and I believe these are from the only plastic slayer kit ever produced by anyone. I'm not in love with the style (befetting of a grimmer, darker and more realistic WHFB) but they're good models that I'm looking forward to paint.

the only thing that I don't like is that their axes are comically oversized, ridiculously large even by GW standards. The guy in the middle is a quick kitbash i did using a GW standard pole and a GW axe blade. His weapon looks much more reasonable (and deadly) than whatever his colleagues are wielding. I might go back and replace their blades as well. I also have a feeling these are going to be a major PITA to rank up, so I'm planning on multibasing some of them, although that does mean I have to paint them before basing.
Did you guys know that GW gives out free miniatures every first Saturday of the month? Well, neither did I!
But a few months ago I got hold of 3 of these minis
While I dislike the head disappearing into the jacket and being way too small for its body, I did think it had some potential.
I found a (badly) stripped mantic head in my bits box and though that the resulting guy could work as a master engineer of sort.

Except... GW miniatures have gotten huge; this is supposed to be a dwarf/squat but it towers over the other miniatures.

Hell, even the AoW slayers, already slightly bigger than other dwarfs, only reaches up to its shoulder.
I will still paint it, since as a single character out of units I don't think it'll be that much of a problem.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 06:12:40 PM by Luigi »

Offline Luigi

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated February 5th - more kitbashed slayers)
« Reply #169 on: February 05, 2025, 08:16:43 PM »
Alright folks, we continue with more slayer kitbashing and conversion.
The more I assemble the AoW slayers, the more I like them, but I really find their weapons way too big and cartoony. Not a problem at all, and finally I get to use all those bits I've had around for almost 20 years.
I did 2 more last night.

The first one  has had his right axeblade switched with one from a broken 2handed weapon; I just split the double edged blade in 2 and stuck it on the original handle.
The left hand is a piecemeal switch with an axe from the quarrelers box. The GW hands are slightly smaller, but you really can't tell once assembled.
and I gave the second slayer 2 pistols. I thought it'd look cool and it could help with adding some variance to a unit that is meant to be less organized than your regular dwarf troops.

I also found this old tied up slayer in my bits, so I thought I'd add him to the unit. It's a nice little marker and a neat model. It also helps in raking these big boys up.

I then prepared a few more weapons; I think I'll replace all (or almost all) of the AoW axes.

they're cool blades though and they make perfect replacement heads for 2 handed weapons so I can still get some use out of them.

I also started basing some of the spear dwarfs, experimenting with double basing.
these models are flat enough that painting them shouldn't be a problem.

Also, at work during lunch, I based all of the ones with great axes. Seeing them all nicely ranked up is tempting me to just go ahead and finish all the EM4 dwarf I have.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 08:18:57 PM by Luigi »

Offline Pattus Magnus

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Re: Dwarfs of Karak-Mingol (Updated February 5th - more kitbashed slayers)
« Reply #170 on: February 05, 2025, 08:59:08 PM »
Sweet! I always enjoyed working on conversions based on the EM4 figures. It’s fun to see how a new weapon or adjusted pose adds some variety. I’m looking forward to seeing your guys as they progress and get some paint!

Offline Luigi

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Thank you PM.
I was actually inspired by your comment and played around with some more axe heads.

These would make for perfect champions in their units. The spear dwarf actually looks like a promising base for a dwarf halberd/polearm unit. I might convert a few more just for fun.

I also assembled 4 more slayers.

including an additional standard bearer and a musician (I might leave one of them bald)

And 2 regular trollslayers.
I'm going to try to multibase 4 of them together. I'm usign PVA glue for now so that I can easily remove them for painting.


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