During the 1st century AD there where several attempted rebellions against roman rule in Gaul.
In AD21 there was Julius Florus and Julius Sacrovir rebellion. Scarovir apparently raised a body of Treveri horseman and latter command a rebel army of 50,000.
In AD68 there was Gaius Julius Vindex revolt against Nero. I can't work out what his army was composed off he was allied with Galba, and though a Gaul was raised up to senatorial status, so he might have been commanding Roman troops.
while in AD69 the Treveri and Lingones in Gaul revolted as part of the Batavian revolt.
I'm wondering what sort of miniatures would suit these rebels. it seems the leaders while native Gaul's where heavily Romanised so would their followers also be Romanised by this point and best represented by, for example, Roman Auxilla? Or would old school Celt miniatures by more appropriate?
Any ideas grateful received.