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Author Topic: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?  (Read 7578 times)

Offline sgzleada71

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Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« on: January 06, 2021, 12:01:49 PM »
Hi all.  I'm starting a Successor Army and already have a few sets of Victrix and Warlord Phalangites, which work well together size wise.    I've been looking at some nice ones to flesh out the army and add diversity but unsure if they'll work -size wise.  Can anyone advise if  the following are similar size wise to Victirx/ Warlord Games Phalangites....

Eureka -- I can answer that -  NO  significantly smaller !
Aventine  ?
1st Corps ?
Polemarch by Gripping Beast  ? 
Relic  ?

Thansk in advance   :)

Offline Fremitus Borealis

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2021, 03:06:01 PM »
Relic and Aventine should work pretty well height wise, though Relic tend to be a little slimmer, I think. I don't have any Polemarch phalangists but the figures I do have seem similar in scale. 1st Corps on the other hand.... They seem to vary a good bit between lines but on average I'd say they're significantly smaller than Victrix. I don't have their phalangites but the Gauls I have are tiny compared to Warlord and others. Ditto Thracians. Persians are a little closer but still smaller.

Foundry have some great phalangites options that are a little short, but IMO not out of the normal variation for humans. For my money they're worth it checking out for their characters alone; great way to work in some variation!

Maybe I can post a photo comparison a bit later today so you can see what I mean
« Last Edit: January 06, 2021, 03:09:33 PM by Fremitus Borealis »
"Nice try, history; better luck next year."

Offline jcspqr

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2021, 05:29:59 PM »
The polemarch phalangites match the Foundry World of the Greeks ranges (same sculpter) size and stylistically wise.  They (Foundry & Polemarch) should also mix with the relic and Aventine ranges.  1st Corps will be decidedly smaller and thinner than all of the ranges.

Offline Fremitus Borealis

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2021, 10:45:49 PM »
Okay, here's a comparison of some of the ranges I mentioned (kind of dodgy photo, but you get the idea).

Left to right: Victrix Successor Phalangite, Warlord Phalangite, Relic Successor commander, Foundry phalangite (character), Aventine successor king's shield-bearer, 1st Corps Thracian.

EDIT: Now that I look at the image again, I think I must have angled it slightly which makes the figures on the right look even smaller.

Offline Jjonas

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2021, 06:35:05 AM »
Eureka -- slim to small 28's
Aventine  -- large 28's very detailed
1st Corps -- often closer to 25mm
Polemarch by Gripping Beast  -- Similar to Foundry Greeks and Macedonians (Saleh sculpts)
Relic  -- Tall but more proportional sculpts very detailed

In this photo the Warlord and Victrix plastics appear taller because of the thickness of the plastic bases. Victrix and Aventine heads are often a bit large in scale. Big heads look good from the top down- I think that is why they appeal to gamers.
I need to add Polemarch and 1st Corps to the lineup :)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 05:54:35 PM by Jjonas »

Offline sgzleada71

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2021, 07:26:06 AM »
wow thanks for all the detailed info and photos.   Brilliant advice. 

Offline markw

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2021, 08:36:47 AM »
The Relic minis look like that they paint up really well.

Offline Jjonas

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2021, 05:09:14 AM »

I decided to toss this one up as well, it is a side by side of newish and older metal figures. The Relic phalangite can be used as a reference to the photo (above) that included plastic figures. Sadly I realized that I could not find any painted Eureka phalangites, and the unpainted samples seemed to have wandered off into the closet to parts unknown.

Offline Fremitus Borealis

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2021, 01:01:15 AM »
Figured I'd bump this thread to ask: does anyone have a side-by-side comparison of 1st Corps phalangites right next to Foundry? I found a US distributor for 1st Corps and was thinking of rounding out a few units (because... why not :D ), but the 1st Corps figures I have--while nice sculpts--tend to vary wildly in size; the infantry I have seem on the smaller end, whereas the cavalry are closer to other modern ranges.

Offline Jjonas

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2021, 01:48:31 PM »
The image (above) has the 1st Corps next to Old Glory. The Old Glory are fairly close to Foundry, a bit smaller than Polemarch or Aventine. The 1st Corps (far right) leaning pose shortens it somewhat. I have not combined Foundry with 1st Corps figures. Many other 1st Corps in this range are a bit shorter and stocky and the poses make them smaller, but they look alright next to Foundry figures at table top height.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2021, 02:59:24 AM by Jjonas »

Offline Fremitus Borealis

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2021, 11:55:25 PM »
Thanks, Jeff. It was the pose of the 1st Corps figure that was throwing me.

Offline SJWi

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2021, 05:47:07 AM »
In my experience most of the older 1st Corps ranges ( eg Germans, Greeks and Achaemenid Persians) are smaller than most other manufacturers.....except "early" Foundry.  They date back to the mid-'90s when figures were probably still called 25mm! Their Successor range was produced later and I have some of their Cataphracts. They are smaller than Aventine. I wouldn't mix them together in the same unit but they look fine together in the same army.   

Offline Jjonas

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2021, 06:03:41 AM »
In my experience most of the older 1st Corps ranges ( eg Germans, Greeks and Achaemenid Persians) are smaller than most other manufacturers.....except "early" Foundry.  They date back to the mid-'90s when figures were probably still called 25mm! Their Successor range was produced later and I have some of their Cataphracts. They are smaller than Aventine. I wouldn't mix them together in the same unit but they look fine together in the same army.

I agree, the 1st Corps Cataphracts stand well with other cavalry, both Aventine, and Relic (But Relic horses are larger).

Offline Westbury

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2021, 10:57:42 AM »
As another fool embarking upon Successors in 28mm I thought I'd add my two penny worth.
Victrix and Warlord plastics look fine alongside each other in separate units but don't mix well. Don't go for the Victrix cavalry they are bloody massive.
1st Corps seem to be getting a bit of bad press here and I don't know why, their range is well balanced and as stand alone units look fine on the same table as the plastics; the cavalry are really nice and of a decent stature, we went for them after considering Aventine, Gripping Beast, Essex and Foundry.
Aventine are very nice - everyone loves Aventine but I did think their horses were a bit small (one of our guys said "a bit weedy"), the detail however is lovely.
If you are going for this big time then you might need to look at the cost regarding metal - I banged on about this on our blog site.
Whatever you do, it's a great period with a lot more to offer than it seems on the surface.

Offline MikeRC97

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Re: Phalangite size comparsion b/w manufacturers ?
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2021, 02:08:23 PM »
Don't go for the Victrix cavalry they are bloody massive.
1st Corps seem to be getting a bit of bad press here and I don't know why, their range is well balanced and as stand alone units look fine on the same table as the plastics; the cavalry are really nice and of a decent stature, we went for them after considering Aventine, Gripping Beast, Essex and Foundry.
Aventine are very nice - everyone loves Aventine but I did think their horses were a bit small (one of our guys said "a bit weedy"), the detail however is lovely.

Does anyone know how the Foundry Companion Cavalry compares in size to the plastic phalangites?  I'm thinking of getting Victrix phalangites with Foundry cavalry but I know the Foundry cavalry can be on the small side.  I'm worried the horses will look like ponies compared to the infantry.

Also, can anyone tell me the height in inches or centimeters of the Victrix phalangites from the bottom of base to the top of the sarissa?  I'm trying to figure out where I would store these miniatures.  I store my miniatures in plastic bins about 5 inches high.


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