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Author Topic: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor  (Read 11535 times)

Offline Commander Vyper

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2009, 01:48:23 PM »
I don't need moderators. also I find calling feces by the name when I see it less offending than attacking someone personally just because You have a different idea about his tech-level, buddy!
but anyway since You are talking reason now....


Oh please....  lol

Over the years of posting here I would count Agis as a friend and personal inspiration for being involved in the whole weird war genre actually.

So please if he feels affronted I'm sure he has the stones to tell me himself.

This forum is about a little bit of fun now and again you know, I'm sure you've posted up the odd comment for comedy value that adds no value to the thread now haven't you Captain Darling sir? ;)

So just relax a little ok...

I'm going to steer this back to the topic if that's ok with you matey so if you need to talk further PM me.

Cheers, and sorry Agis.

The Commander

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 01:56:11 PM by Commander Vyper »
Now water can flow....or water can crash...be water my friend.
Sifu Bruce Lee.

Offline Commander Vyper

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2009, 01:50:01 PM »
Time to show a finished Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor.

Seen in action in a city-fight ...

All about it here: http://www.agisn.de/html/experimental_tanks.html

So to recap before derailment:

The laser barrel is a very nice touch, looking like a focussed beam energy weapon in it's most raw and 'just off the blue print' fashion.

I've been playing wolfenstein to death for the last week and noted that the 'super weapon' featured earlier on in the game was to be tank mounted and looked like a turret mounted bombard, similar to a sturmmorser (sturmtiger assault gun).

Although it looked good you could never believe that the tank mounted version could carry enough power to fire this deathstar weapon.

With the Mantikor this would appear to be possible, however would it be able to fire and hover or would this limit it's use and therefore lethality?

Have you used it in a game yet Agis? How did it fare?

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2009, 01:57:22 PM »
 I hereby apologize for having misunderstood your friendly chap-talk   ;)

btw, I like the model very much, and I think the sidekick with Luke's glider is especially funny.
and by the way, if one really assumes that such vehicles are run with Vril, then size really doesn't matter right?
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 02:39:03 PM by bedwyr »

Offline Agis

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2009, 02:57:14 PM »
Pheeww, I absolutely did not want to start something like that with my model!

Anyway -The Laser has of course a suitable German name - BüLi-Werfer - Bündellichtwerfer.
Here is a quote from my rules:
PzKpfw VIII "Mantikor" with Schwerer BüLi-Werfer (Bündellichtwerfer/Heavy Laser), Nahverteidigungswaffe and one Hull mounted MG (FaF)

Overheating: This weapon has a tendency to badly overheat every time it was fired. This was a common problem for the first primitive Bündellichtwerfer (Laser) weapons of WW II. Roll a D10 after each shooting action. On a roll of 1 the weapon overheats and can not fire for 1D6 actions. All other weapons may be fired as normal.

Nahverteidigungswaffe: Throughout the war the Germans developed a number of close range weapons systems to protect Panzers and Panzerkämpfer from infantry attacks. One of the more successful attempts was the Nahverteidigungswaffe: it consisted of a modified short range 81mm mortar firing an airburst shell from the turret top. This proved very effective at dislodging infantry that had strayed too close. Unfortunately, it could not discriminate between friends and enemies.

Schwerer Bündellichtwerfer (Heavy Laser): The retreat at Dunkirk had netted the Germans a great deal of British war materials, including several working examples of the new experimental laser weapon. After several months of testing and redesign, the first prototypes were ready for field-testing. Fitted to existing vehicles in place of their main armament, the weapon used a chemical battery to provide the necessary electricity to fire.
These primitive batteries needed constant maintenance in the field. Initially a bulky system, later developments allowed it to be fitted to Panzerkämpfer.
Towards the end of the war, even a man portable system was deployed. The primitive Bündellichtwerfer (laser) devices had a tendency to overheat badly every time they were fired.

Hope that gives more food for friendly thought and debate!
cheers and keep on gaming, Agis - https://www.adpublishing.de

Offline Agis

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2009, 03:01:15 PM »
One more thing, the model was of course fully tested, it opens some nice opportunities in World at War: Gear Krieg, high speed light tank assault.
The hover special move is quite helpful and the high accuracy of the BüLi-Werfer is very nice...

Offline Agis

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2009, 03:04:37 PM »
And one more thing: I have a Poll running at the DP9 forum, please vote there and answer my latest question! I need your input. :D

Bottom-line: Are Vehicle specific, cheap pdf book interesting?

Example: I could publish the rules and background for the Mantikor within a week or so!

Offline Commander Vyper

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2009, 04:15:39 PM »
And one more thing: I have a Poll running at the DP9 forum, please vote there and answer my latest question! I need your input. :D

Bottom-line: Are Vehicle specific, cheap pdf book interesting?

Example: I could publish the rules and background for the Mantikor within a week or so!

You evil man, is this another attempt to lure me towards this scale? ;) I have to register to vote.

Very nice background, would love to have a read of your latest book just for reference material as it sounds like as with everything you do, you've put huge amounts of effort into it.

Re: the overheating weapon, is there a further rule for catastrophic overheat? ie can the crew produce an intense beam in a do or die situation that will run the risk of well...

kaboom: keine panzer?

If if damaged are their options for power failures, arcing and again overload to explosion?


The Commander
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 04:20:48 PM by Commander Vyper »

Offline Pappa Midnight

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2009, 04:25:35 PM »
A WW2 hover tank....whatever next..! :o
That would be a real shock for the Allies!!!!!

Walkers are much more realistic ( although even 21st century technology couldn't make one without it falling over all the time) and zombies are REAL!!!  lol

Seriously though, excellent stuff Agis! 8)

BTW: Have you thought of doing a 28mm version? I am feeling an urge to "borrow" this idea.........

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.

Offline Commander Vyper

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2009, 04:29:17 PM »
A WW2 hover tank....whatever next..! :o
That would be a real shock for the Allies!!!!!

Walkers are much more realistic ( although even 21st century technology couldn't make one without it falling over all the time) and zombies are REAL!!!  lol

Seriously though, excellent stuff Agis! 8)

BTW: Have you thought of doing a 28mm version? I am feeling an urge to "borrow" this idea.........


I didn't pay Pappa to say that I promise!  :D

Offline El Grego

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2009, 05:41:27 PM »
Very nice vehicle Agis    :-*

I still have some GK walkers buried in my piles of minis, someplace - I should dig them up one of these days, especially if DP9 is actually going to make Shikis...

Offline Agis

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2009, 07:54:28 PM »
You evil man, is this another attempt to lure me towards this scale? ;) I have to register to vote.
Good, that was the plan!  8)

Very nice background, would love to have a read of your latest book just for reference material as it sounds like as with everything you do, you've put huge amounts of effort into it.
True! We aim to please.

Re: the overheating weapon, is there a further rule for catastrophic overheat? ie can the crew produce an intense beam in a do or die situation that will run the risk of well...
Nope, I am still close to the DP9 background, the total overload would be too pulpy for that background!

Offline Agis

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2009, 07:56:07 PM »
BTW: Have you thought of doing a 28mm version? I am feeling an urge to "borrow" this idea.........
Sorry, no interest at all! But by all means - do it!!!
The good thing with Battlefield Evolution World at War is that it is playable from 28mm to 6mm...

Offline Schrodingers_Cat

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2009, 09:41:55 AM »
Really nice stuff as usual. At first (when seeing the WIP) I thought it was a bit too futuristic, but now seeing the final thing, I take it back!  ;)

Offline Bako

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2009, 02:07:12 AM »
you sound like little kids in a GW store who argue about the colour of Ultramarines! >:(
give us a break....

At least they aren't those little kids. Because then I'd have to slap something ;).

Personally though, I think it's an excellent bit of work. Hover and laser tech seems more likely than mechs anyway, plus there's the coolness factor. Practicality can be thrown out the window so long as it's cool looking.
Everything is better with lizardmen.

Offline Agis

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Re: Gear Krieg super science tank: The dreaded German Mantikor
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2009, 07:23:42 AM »
Practicality can be thrown out the window so long as it's cool looking.

Sounds like the golden rule of pulp / weird war science to me!
 :) ;D :)


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