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Author Topic: SI’s Dorking 1875: UD 11/4 British Lifeguards converted  (Read 57741 times)

Offline Silent Invader

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Many thanks….. though I’ve since discovered another omission - the epaulettes - which serves me right for rushing to make them for a game!  :o
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Offline Curassier

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Superb work on this thread. Inspired by this topic I thought I would convert some Perry Zulu War figures to represent a battalion of skirmishing cyclist. Various arms and heads were used and the bicycles were 1/64 scale in laser cut cardboard that I found on e-Bay. They were then sent off to Spain and Rafa did. wonderful job.

 /Users/jonathanmarcus/Desktop/british cyclist unit 001.JPG

Offline Curassier

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Apologies folks, let's have another go with the photos:
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 08:33:28 AM by Curassier »

Offline carlos marighela

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Wow, even toy soldiers holiday in Spain and come back with a bit of colour these days . How did they like Marbella? At least they would have had plenty of leg room on the flight over. :D

Lovely work by the way. Cardboard bicycles sounds intriguing, they certainly look the part whatever the medium.
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Offline Silent Invader

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Very nice Cuirassier! Must admit I haven’t got any cyclists on my to do list…. I’m now thinking I should rectify that.  8)

Edit: As an aside, I’d often wondered how effective bicycle troops might be (especially given historic cycle technology). Then I happened to watch a Danish WW2 film called 9th April, about a bicycle unit and the role that it played. It was quite an eye opener.

During the night of 9 April 1940, the Danish army is alerted that the German army has crossed the border, and Denmark is now at war with Europe's strongest army. In South Jutland, a Danish bicycle infantry company and motorcycle platoon is ordered to hold off the German advance until reinforcements can arrive but are quickly overwhelmed by superior German forces.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 11:43:33 AM by Silent Invader »

Offline CapnJim

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I would have never guessed those were cardboard.  They look great!
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Offline Malamute

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Those cyclists are great. What a super idea.  :-*
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Offline OSHIROmodels

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They look brilliant Jonathan  8)



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Offline Curassier

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Thanks chaps - its really just to give a bit of atmosphere and I really wanted the "horse-holder" bases with the bicycles of the deployed unit.
I actually got the bikes here:
And for reference:[img][img]

Offline Curassier

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Offline Silent Invader

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Thanks. I did do some cursory research this evening and was surprised to learn that what we know as a bicycle didn’t start to appear until around 1885. Unfortunately a bit too late for my project (even though I’ve played a bit fast and loose with the date of the British helmets) ….. ah well.  :(

Offline Curassier

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Re: SI’s Dorking 1875: UD 10/11 AAR = The Slaughterhouse 3 ; part 2 & EPILOGUE
« Reply #401 on: November 21, 2023, 11:29:54 PM »
Yes you are quite correct regarding timeframe but I am kind of pursuing a slightly different path with lots of mildly futuristic things
based on the writings of the French military futurist Captain Danrit set out in his three-volume "La Guerre de Demain".

Offline Silent Invader

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Re: SI’s Dorking 1875: UD 21/11 Bavarian Limber Wip
« Reply #402 on: November 22, 2023, 12:03:09 AM »

Meantime, back at the workbench I’ve spent more than enough time assembling the myriad of parts that comprise the Perry metal Nappy limber. It’s coming together though I need to add the horses and traces.

The arm and backrest bar seems high to me so I’ll probably drop it a bit

I did swap out the Nappy wheels for a larger pair and with it sitting higher it does have some limited elements of similarity with the plastic version I’d previously cobbled together.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2023, 12:09:11 AM by Silent Invader »

Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: SI’s Dorking 1875: UD 21/11 Bavarian Limber Wip
« Reply #403 on: November 22, 2023, 09:23:50 PM »
Exquisite work as usual!
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Offline Silent Invader

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Re: SI’s Dorking 1875: UD 23/12 Bavarian Engineers WIP
« Reply #404 on: November 23, 2023, 03:52:42 PM »

A little bit of progress with some Field Engineer conversions.

By the by, the Eagles of Empires Bavarian infantry come in packs of  16 (an officer, drummer, flag bearer, NCO and 12 rifles) but in using a derivative of Rebels and Patriots, each of the regiments that I’m portraying comprises 2 units of 12, so in total the 4 characters in brackets plus 20 rifles). As I’m fielding 4 regiments of infantry, I’ve needed to buy multiple packs resulting in a few spares, mostly of officers, drummers, flag bearers and sergeants. In the main, it’s these spares that have provided the conversion fodder for my 6-man units, the command and the artillery crew, though these engineers are mostly made from surplus riflemen .

After raiding the spares box for suitable tools, I have:

Hammer and crowbar
Two-handed axe
Consulting a map or schematic
Barrel (perhaps of gunpowder)

Obvs a bit of GS work to do, but they’ll hopefully soon be in play as a proposed scenario involves the railway line from Worthing to Horsham and a blown bridge.


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