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Author Topic: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign  (Read 116932 times)

Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #870 on: July 06, 2024, 03:42:57 PM »
Wow! What an incredible thread! Brilliant looking game and a fantastic AAR!
Hoc quoque transibit
Sanguinem sistit semper

Offline CPT Shanks

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #871 on: July 07, 2024, 07:13:30 AM »
Mulehead you will burn for your heresy. No longer wil the tribes of Tor Ghar support you. You have lost your way in the wilderness and deserve to be shunned. The chora for your back is even now being honed.
"welcome to the world of cascading failure"

Offline giorgio

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #872 on: July 08, 2024, 07:51:00 AM »
Not so fast brother. An ancient proverb says that sometimes the fox has to pretend to be a chicken in order to enter the henhouse... many unexpected news will amaze the readers of the saga.... Mulehead always knows more than the devil... :o

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #873 on: July 08, 2024, 11:20:46 AM »
Holy smoking mirrors, Baluchi Man -- what twisted turnings are tumbling around in the mind of the Muleheaded One...??? 

Has he turned his back on BOTH of the two rival Colonial Wargaming "One True Faiths"* to embrace... Shamanism???

Inquiring minds on both sides of the Frontier rules divide want to know!!!

*The Old School and correct "THE SWORD AND THE FLAME" & the New Jack but incorrect "THE MEN WHO WOULD BE KINGS."
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 11:30:08 PM by Mad Guru »
"We shall see what wisdom lies beneath my madness!"

Offline JBaumal

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #874 on: July 10, 2024, 07:48:30 PM »
Mulehead adding more intrigue and chaos on the Grim!

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #875 on: July 11, 2024, 09:11:22 AM »
So true, my Brother from another Mother!
Mulehead's middle name IS chaos!
You can see it in his eyes -- well, the dark shadows around them...

« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 10:45:09 AM by Mad Guru »

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #876 on: July 13, 2024, 09:20:32 AM »

The legendary/infamous Mule Head, High Khan of the Waziris, is known far and wide across the Frontier.  For some unknown reason, he was traveling through Yusufzai territory with only a personal escort when he crossed paths with a most becoming sheep...

The story of what resulted from this ill-fated turn of events can be found in exquisite (some might say painful) detail over at my blog, on the other end of this link:


...but for those among you with less patience and/or disposable time, I will summarize the events here and now below... for the future, which soon enough will be the past, across which such larger (or smaller, depending on your POV) than life figures as the Evil Mule Head once upon a time strode, and -- should the fates choose to doom us and laugh most derisively -- may do so again!

Having taken offense at his treatment by the humble Yusufzai shepherd Black Sheep Ali in the village of Kalu Khan, Mule Head dispatched his nephew, the vile and turgid Gilzay Ahmed Khan AKA: MULE LIVER, with a force of raiders to pillage Kalu Khan village and abscond with the prize sheep which had taken his fancy.

Mule Liver planned a night attack but got lost in the dark...

...so had to settle for only one turn of stealthy infiltration before the sun rose and his force was spotted by the high-speed low-drag defenders of Kalu Khan (a village named for one of the greatest Pashtun warriors in all of history, who won a great victory over the Mughals in the vicinity) ...

Archaic monument to the victory won by Kalu Khan at Malandari Pass c.1586:

The 3 bands of Raiders made for (1) the bridge across which lay the sheep pens; (2) the crop-fields which they planned to burn; & (3) a poppy field at the foot of a rocky hill, which they planned to harvest...

The Bridge and the poppy field both came under fire from Defenders who lay waiting in ambush...

While the Raiders in the field spent a turn in place and lit the crops up...

The Defenders in the village & Raiders by the Bridge got into a prolonged firefight... while the Raiders in the Poppy Field climbed the rocky hill and charged their ambushers -- but failed to close... and the Raiders who set the crops on fire moved to support their comrades at the bridge & found themselves under fire from the third Band of defenders, deployed atop the rocky hill to the North...

Starting on TURN #4 the Yusufzai player started rolling to call on his off-table reserve of 1 x 12-figure Tribal Cavalry unit, requiring a 6 on a D6.  Each turn he failed he earned a +1 to the next turn's roll.  Despite the accumulated pluses, he failed over and over again, mostly with rolls of "1."  But he did not give in to despair!

The Raiders pushed across the Bridge, up to the Orchard wall -- behind which what was left of a unit of Defenders continued to exchange fire with them... atop the Southern Hill the Defenders launched their own charge at the Raiders who had failed to close into combat with them -- AND FAILED TO CLOSE INTO COMBAT WITH THEM... meanwhile the crop fire spread to the adjacent fields...

The Orchard Defenders were whittled down and fell back to defend the all-important Sheep Pens... the follow-on unit of Raiders skirted the Orchard to head for the same Sheep Pens... the opposing forces got into a firefight and the Defender's Leader was WIA... while the rival units atop the South Rocky Hill attempted to charge each other again -- AND FAILED AGAIN (!!!!)...

The last Defender standing between the Sheep and the Raiders came to an accommodation with the foe and was allowed to remain standing in exchange for releasing the sheep from their pens... MALIK RASA DIR FINALLY MANAGED TO SCORE A 6 ON HIS D6 ROLL -- WITH A +4 ON TURN 8, allowing his Cavalry unit to enter the fray -- he also got a BONUS MOVEMENT CARD...

...which enabled them to make a DOUBLE MOVE and he had them CHARGE the Raiders who were pushing the Sheep ahead of them down the road, making their rustler escape...

Now came the most shocking of all the many shocks in this chock-full-'o-shocks game: the Sheep being herded down the road, at the head of the escaping Waziri Raiders, got caught between said Raiders and the approaching Yusufzai Cavalry... which resulted in a GM DIE ROLL to determine which direction the Sheep -- now caught between warring factions of humans -- would bolt...

A D8 was rolled with one of its points serving as the compass arrow... and the Sheep charged straight into the Cavalry... both sides took casualties (as GM I rolled for the Sheep) with the surviving Sheep trotting off unencumbered by human escorts of any kind, while the Cavalry lost only 2 men to the animal encounter... emerging victorious from their run-in with the Sheep, the Cavalry CHARGED the lead band of Raiders -- who were now without their bovine prizes -- rolled well for their movement (the target was only a few inches away, but the extra distance never hurts)...

But then sadly -- and in keeping with the degree to which "the spirit of the bayonet" had made its presence known in the battle up to this point -- the Cavalry FAILED TO CLOSE INTO COMBAT, turned around and galloped back to the West, towards their hometown of Adina...

This left the Raiders free to follow the other fork in the road and head East, towards home... along the way they passed right by the North Poppy Field, which -- not wanting to pause long enough for the remaining Defenders to catch up with them -- they would set ablaze before heading back to Wairistan...

The Waziri Raiders emerged victorious.  They had torched all the crop-fields, also torched one of the two Poppy Fields, and while they hadn't managed to take possession of the all-important "Comely Black Sheep" of Kalu Khan, they had "liberated" the entire herd, inflicting serious social and economic damage on the Yusufzai village, not to mention the many casualties they had inflicted on the defenders.

Of course, Mule Liver realized his near all-powerful Uncle, Mule Head, might see things differently, and so, he decided it would be best to send a messenger to deliver the report on his glorious victory -- a messenger whose life he didn't find particularly valuable.

But in whatever glowing terms of success for Waziri arms Mule Liver's messenger might describe the battle, in Kalu Khan it is, was, and ever will be spoken of as a Yusufzai triumph -- and perhaps not inaccurately so, as the Defenders retained control of their beloved village and forced every last one of the invaders out, and with regard to the loss of the sheep, well... their previous owner, Ali, had already departed this mortal coil, and as the saying goes: "There are plenty more sheep on the Frontier"!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Perhaps the most iconic moment of the Battle, whence it went from a battle of two (albeit modest) armies, to a battle of THREE: Yusufzai... Waziri... & Sheep!

And so ends the tale/tail of the Battle of Kalu Khan AKA: The Black Sheep Incident.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 10:04:39 AM by Mad Guru »

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #877 on: July 13, 2024, 11:08:40 AM »


The never before told
Mule Head vs. Umra Khan

At a place called Ali Masjid...

In the year 1879...

See an epic conflagration
of Regular armies, Tribesmen, & Ghazis...

And two (much younger) men (of 28mm tall variety)
who started the day as brothers-in-arms...

But ended it as sworn enemies
(who really didn't like each other so much anymore)...

So let it be written, so let it be done...

I'm sent to defy the Evil One!


« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 09:14:08 PM by Mad Guru »

Offline Tom Dulski

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #878 on: July 13, 2024, 12:20:46 PM »

 Now that is an amazing table, that fort is really cool!

Offline DalyDR

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #879 on: July 13, 2024, 03:37:55 PM »
Beautiful table(s) on those MG.  Excellent game report as well.

Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #880 on: July 15, 2024, 05:18:10 PM »
Beyond incredible! This whole thread is fantastic! Your ability to keep such an incredible level of detail for so long is amazing!

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #881 on: July 17, 2024, 01:20:46 AM »
Tom Dulski & DalyDR, many thanks for your compliments!

MaleGriffin, sincere thanks for your kind words for our campaign.  It should be said, none of it would exist were it not for the Lead Adventure Forum, since this is where most of us first crossed paths, and is what made & continues to make the campaign possible.

Three Cheers for LAF -- HIP-HIP... LET'S PLAY!!!

« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 10:09:45 AM by Mad Guru »

Offline Basementboy

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #882 on: July 17, 2024, 10:07:58 PM »
Will heartily agree with the praise for the forum- It's always great to read along this thread, and the forum has been such a useful place to get answers for my incessant questions lol

Offline giorgio

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #883 on: July 18, 2024, 11:06:56 AM »
“Meanwhile at Kurram Pass” a fight for key objectives

While the tale of young Mulehead and Umra adventures goes on, let’s come back to the tactical situation around Shewa, specifically let’s look at the strategic stronghold at Kurram padd:

Tactical situation:

Colonel Stinger and the small garrison hold the Kurram Pass since the first march to Shewa. His request for a couple of 7-Pounder from the Mountain Battery went missed in the papers nightmare of Major General G Blackwood in Shewa (or maybe no one re-ally cares…).
Let’s have a look at the impressive Kurram landscape:

Today it looks like yesterday, the only difference is that today much more blood will be shed. All started with a furious ride of more than fifty  Sulaimankhel riders, launched on the northern road without any fear.

The first company of  21st Punjab Infantry Frontier Force, is suddenly attacked by the Afghan cavalry, and after two rounds of melee the company is winning,

but under fire from the Afghan regulars, a precise and devastating fire which left no hope for the company already fatigued by the melee.

The elite force of the garrison was a company of the 72nd Highlanders who controlled the right bank of the river.

The Scots found themselves under fire from the pathan Jezails unit, the exchange of fire between the old muzzle-loading jezails and the modern advance breechloader ri-fles theoretically should have been to the advantage of the English, but determination and luck were for elite tribesmen side.

The highlanders are disorganized and must deal with the advancing Afghans:  at least three times as many men and in this case there is only a solution, and the magic order is always the same for these pride and gallant fighters  “…fix bayonet and charge”. 

Afghans deny this proof of honor and value of western civilization and reduce it to a mere a calamity roll (more 1s than 10s rolled during Initiative Phase) resulting in Im-petuous: Choose 1 friendly, not Shaken, unit to move directly towards its closest ene-my unit twice without contacting it. It counts as activated for this turn.
The deadly situation was immediately resolved by the intervention of Colonel Stinger who with quickly orders the highlanders to close the distance and charge.  The 72nd Highlanders stand on the ground and keep at bay also the fanatic Ghazis known as Ahmadiyya Martyrs.

After one hour the toll on causality was high, too high for the small force Colonel Stinger held the bridge and dispersed the Afghans from  Kurram Pass.

But the lookout tower and all the food supplies were destroyed.

From the other side, the version told by the pashtun…
The order of Sardar Abdul was clear, go south check the mountain pass at Kurram riv-er, scout the area and report.
Abdul Bari Jahani a malik of Sulaimankhel tribe is in charge of a small force, maneuver-ing through the high mountain paths, unseen by everybody. The reconnaissance looks like a success; foreign forces were evaluated and strongpoints were identified. Until Zamir the Abdul Bari Jahani young brother leading the proud tribe horsemen decides to charge the British without any warning.

Abdul has no choice, his little brother has decided for him, today steel will be drawn blood will be split. 
The battle was a success the lookout tower is on fire and the enemy food supplies were destroyed. The tribe forces are scattered but can be easily reorganized.
Now, Abdul Bari Jahani needs to decide what to do, try a second final blow or retreat back to Sardar’s main force as planned?
The British held the pass, but the Afghans were not defeated.
Colonel Stinger must resist, resist for as long as it takes. Kurram pass is the most criti-cal point on the road between Bannu and Shewa and cannot fall into the hands of in-surgents.
...the two messengers sent north towards the Furtinghs Brigade were returned decap-itated, the two sent south in search of the Enfield Brigade were returned emasculated and bled to death. It looks like next week at Kurram Pass it will become the best chap-ter in Colonel Stinger's memory book.
Soon … the second part of the fight at Kurram Pass, only at Genoa wargaming club Garibaldi, the club for the discerning Khan...
Let’s answer to a very common request: many viewers contacted Peshwar Tribune asking for news about Mu-letail, the hero of hundreds of adventures, with his loyal friend Mustafa. No news arrived after they left the Zazi land.
Few bashi coming from Kabul was swearing they saw him at Amir’spalace camoufled as carpet merchant.

Other sheperds are pretending he is behind the explosion of this new Rule, getting easy popularity among Wa-ziri warriors. Is he a new Amir’s puppet? Is he the holy Imam Mirza Ghulam Ahmad the true Masīḥ of the new Ahmadiyya faith himself? What is he thinking now?

Or is he following his father Mulehead’s instructions? And what is Mustafa’s role?
Is Muletail another pretender for the Amir’s throne? In Waziristan (and much more far) everybody talks only about that…

Our contacts are trying to investigate and detect proofs and Robert Winkle himself is exchanging information with the highest ranks of the Army. To be informed and kept posted about their results, subscribe with Peshwar Tribune, the only (almost) independent newspaper on the Frontier.

And again…where is the other half of the reconnaissance force? The reserve force with Sikhs Pioneers, the    5th Gurkha detachment and the precious Royal Artillery…?

STOP THE PRESS: we have been informed by our contacts in Calcutta that Genoa club Garibaldi will move after summer in a new much more appropriate location! Visitors welcome!

Offline CPT Shanks

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #884 on: July 18, 2024, 05:55:00 PM »

The once mighty Waziri leader Mulehead's flower has wilted in the desert sun. What tortuous sights has he endured that would stray him from the true path of TMWWBK, as played out by Mersey and spread by El Osprey.

Now the once future Amir has sold his crown for ten over six rupees. Go forth my emmisaries, find this fakir and show him the error of his ways. He is lost and irredeemable there is but one solution.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 07:04:10 PM by CPT Shanks »


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