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Author Topic: CapnJim's WW2 stuff (Time to paint more WW2 stuff...Page 10...09 Apr 24).  (Read 20075 times)

Offline Grumpy Gnome

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Great find! 👍
Home of the Grumpy Gnome


Offline Tommy20

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As soon as i saw your post I ran out to Menards to find these.  The good news: I was successful!  The not so good: they were in the $5 bin at my store, not the $3 one…. Still a bargain, though!

Offline CapnJim

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A Captain in Toledo? Inquiring minds must know.

COLONEL KURTZ "Where are you from Willard ?"
WILLARD "I'm from Ohio, sir."
KURTZ "Were you born there ?"
WILLARD "Yes, sir."
KURTZ "Whereabouts ?"
WILLARD "Toledo, sir."
KURTZ "How far were you from the river ?"
WILLARD "The Ohio river, sir ? About 200 miles."  lol

Nice looking truck, never knew Bob Denver drove 'em, just boats. Can't have been John, he just flew planes..... not so well as it turned out.  ;)

A.  More like a Captain FROM Toledo.  I grew up there, and currently live in Michigan a few miles north of the state line...and I was a Captain of Armor/Cavalry, not SF.  And IIRC, BOB Denver couldn't drive a boat that well, either... :o

Great find! 👍

As soon as i saw your post I ran out to Menards to find these.  The good news: I was successful!  The not so good: they were in the $5 bin at my store, not the $3 one…. Still a bargain, though!

Yeah, a great find indeed.  The ones I got were in the $3 bin, but rang up at $5.  Once the cashier realized they were mis-binned, she changed it to $3 each...either way, as you pointed out, a bargain...   
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

Offline eilif

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Thanks for the heads up on the trucks.  Will be heading to Menards today to pickup a few.  Just in time for our upcoming K47 campaign!

Offline Wildman II

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Nice looking trucks for the price. I'd gladly trade a Home Depot for a Menard's
any day.

Offline CapnJim

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Thanks for the heads up on the trucks.  Will be heading to Menards today to pickup a few.  Just in time for our upcoming K47 campaign!

Hope you found some!

Nice looking trucks for the price. I'd gladly trade a Home Depot for a Menard's
any day.

Yeah - Home Despot ain't my favorite store...

Offline CapnJim

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Re: CapnJim's WW2 stuff (Menards Diecast US 2-1/2 Ton Truck...Page 8 09 Mar 23).
« Reply #126 on: November 16, 2023, 07:19:14 PM »
Well, it's back to WW2 for my weekly gaming group tomorrow (Friday, the 17 Nov).  As I wrote the 82nd Airborne Hold Until Relieved! scenario for the Cold War Gone Hot supplement to Force on Force 2 , I decided to tweak it, using the Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles rules) for the days immediately following D-Day in WW2.  It now involves a US Army platoon (reinforced with tanks) trying to relieve a unit of US paratroopers and some French partisans holed up in a French village.  Of course, they are being attacked by Germans...

Here are the US scenario sheets:

And here are the German scenario sheets (forgive the "Soviet/Polish" labeling in the German set-up zone - I imported that image from my copy of the CWGH proof...):

We play at 11am tomorrow.  I'll do up an illustrated AAR after the conclusion of hostilities...
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 07:21:06 PM by CapnJim »

Offline BaronVonJ

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Re: CapnJim's WW2 stuff (Another WW2 FFoL Scenario...Page 9...16 Nov 23).
« Reply #127 on: November 19, 2023, 01:19:48 PM »

Offline CapnJim

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Re: CapnJim's WW2 stuff (Another WW2 FFoL Scenario...Page 9...16 Nov 23).
« Reply #128 on: November 21, 2023, 06:39:47 PM »
Thanks, Jaye!

And, now on with the show!

Part 1:  The German Attack, and the Arrival of the Relief Force.

First off, a couple shots of our quiet little Normandy Village.  Here it is, looking from the north.

And here, from the south.

The 101st boys, with a few mis-dropped 82nd guys thrown in, set up mostly along the stone wall at the south and southwest edges of the village.  Their Bazooka teams were immediately east of the bridge to cover that, while their .30 cal team was in the upper floor of the house by the road at the south edge of the village.  The French partisans were in the farm at the southwest corner of the village (maybe one of them owned said farm).

The initial German platoon was in the woods south of town, while the 2 Pumas came up the road from the south.  This is where things started.

The German infantry moved out in the woods, heading north, while the Pumas headed up the road.  Things were quiet so far, until one of the Pumas fired on the partisans in the farm.

The other Puma fired at the Paratroopers along the wall, forcing a rifle team back.  The partisans in the farm also pulled back a bit.

The Airborne LT  tried to talk some French civilians into joining the cause, but they thought better of it.  The civilians in the cafe stayed there, while those out in the street began to find somewhere else to be.

Then, good news!  The US relief force's 1st Squad came on west of that farm where the partisans were. 

And, an M4 Sherman came up from the southwest.  Right into a Panzerfaust.  Luckily it didn't do too much damage.  And it returned fire.

As the Germans slowly made their way north through the woods, the US relief force 2nd squad came up from the south and got into a firefight with some Germans in the woods.  Both sides lost men.

West of the Village, the US relief force LT and his RTO came on, and led the 1st squad toward the Village.  He tried to get his on-call artillery, but it wasn't available.

Then, the US 3rd squad and a 2nd M4 Sherman came up from the south.  The 3rd squad's rifle team got mixed up in the 2nd squad's firefight, losing a few men, while their BAR team skirted northeast around some trees.  The Sherman and a Puma fired at each other, with the Sherman getting the upper hand.

Then bad news for the Americans.  The German 2nd Platoon's 1st squad came on, on a hill just southeast of the bridge.  They fired on the Airborne's bazooka teams along the river, killing a man.


I'll leave it there for now.  Stay tuned for Part 2:  The German 2nd Wave.

Offline CapnJim

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And now:  Part 2:  The German 2nd Wave.

What with all the shooting going on, the civilians in the street opted to be somewhere else, and headed for more secure environs.

Meanwhile, while the US relief force and the Germans were having at it in the woods south of town, the US airborne LT ordered his men to shift left a bit, to cover the approach up the road from the south.

Near the farm at the southwest corner of the village, the partisans were taking a beating.  The US relief force LT had 1st squad's BAR group move to back them up, while he sent 1st squad's maneuver group toward the village to try to link up with the paratroopers.  The LT kept trying to raise their arty on the radio, to little avail.

The Germans had eyes on that farm too, and rifle group moved up to it.  The few remaining partisans had already bugged out.

Back in the woods, a PzKfw IV came up, surprising the Sherman there, who had been focusing on those Pumas.  The Sherman was now in a bad way.

Speaking of those Pumas, the US airborne LT had reached TacAir on the horn.  The unmistakable sound of the big rotary piston engine on a P47 could be heard overhead.  So could the sound of that bomb detonating next to a Puma, knocking it out.  The other Puma wasn't in much better shape.  And, a BAR group from the US relief force worked its way around the burning Puma.  The Germans and the US relief force men kept up their firefight in the woods south of town.

In town, the airborne boys had finished their repositioning, and exchanged fire with the German 2nd platoon squad on the hill by the bridge.  This little fight forced the 2 airborne bazooka teams back away from the river.

The firefight in the woods continued, with both sides taking casualties.

The maneuver group from the US relief force moved toward the west end of the village, in an attempt to find and link up with the airborne units in town.

Now, more bad news for the US relief force.  A StuG III came up behind the Sherman near the woods southwest of town.  This Sherman was ready, though, and got a good solid hit on the StuG.

Back at the farm, the US BAR group had gotten into the bigger of the 2 farm buildings, and that German squad brought up its MG42 team to the farm's wall.  They exchanged fire with each other.  That P47 did a 2nd pass, and dropped its other bomb on the German squad on the hill by the bridge.  That US BAR team moved to take up that German squad's former position.

That's it for now...I'll post Part 3: The US Final Push (the final part) here in a bit.  Stay tuned, and I hope you're enjoying the story thus far...

Offline CapnJim

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And, in a grand finale, I present Part 3: The US Final Push!

While the US relief force's 1st squad's BAR group was having it out with that German MG42 team at the farm, their maneuver group made its way into the village from the west road.  Their, the US airborne LT had re-repositioned a squad back to their right to effect the link-up.

Back in the south woods, another German squad came up to support the Panzer IV (which was effectively dealing with the Sherman there).

Soon enough, that Sherman crew bailed out and abandoned the Sherman.  The Panzer IV took advantage of the situation, and moved forward.  The US BAR group on the hill by the bridge took up a position facing the Germans.  And the crew of the 2nd Puma had had enough, and they too abandoned their vehicle.

With the arrival of the US relief maneuver group on their right, and the BAR group on the left, the US airborne troops in town had an even stronger position.

Meanwhile, in the firefight in the woods south of town, the German weight of numbers was beginning to tell.  The US relief force LT felt the pressure.  But the LT was able to finally get through to higher HQ and call in light artillery on the Germans in the woods (even though his RTO was down, at his side).


Another German 2nd platoon squad came up from the southwest, and helped the Germans press closer to the village. By now, the US BAR group at the farm was down to just the man with the BAR, but he had taken out the German MG42 team.

The Sherman southwest of town had forced the StuG II crew to abandon it, and pressed deeper into the woods.  It was in a tough situation though, as the woods still had several Germans in it.  And, the German commander had made his way to the north edge of the woods, and called in heavy mortars on the US paratroopers in town, causing a couple casualties.

The Panzer IV and a few German grenadiers stayed put by the abandoned Sherman.  The US paratroopers had got their bazookas back up to the river, covering the road and bridge.  By now the road south of town was littered with burning and abandoned vehicles.

And, while the Germans had more or less cleaned out the woods south of town, they had taken heavy casualties doing so.  And the US still had a formidable defense set up in the Village.

With a Sherman tank and a couple small pockets am American infantry still in the woods, and a stout defense set up in the Village, the Germans didn't have the strength left to crack that nut.  The firing died down, and both sides licked their wounds...

And that is where the battle ended.  The Americans had effected a link-up with the Paratroopers, but at the expense of a Sherman tank, almost 2/3 of the relief platoon, and the partisans.  Only 4 paratroopers were down at the end of the fight.

The Germans didn't fare much better.  Their initial platoon was gutted (losing about 2/3 of them), and the 2nd platoon lost a squad, as well.  And, they had lost 2 Pumas and a StuG.  So, while the US had effected a link-up, the Germans won on points with the butcher's bill.  It was an expensive win for the Germans, but they failed to block the link-up.

All in all, we got through 15 turns in about 4-1/2 hours.  Ted played the US paratroopers and French partisans, and I played the US relief platoon.  Gene played all the Germans.  It may have gone a bit quicker, if we had a 2nd German player.  Gene had to keep track of 2 hands of cards.  But it worked out OK, and we all had fun.  Although Gene did say that, even though he won, it didn't feel like it with the casualties the Germans took... 

Thanks for reading all the way to the end, if you did.  Hope you enjoyed it... :)   

Offline CapnJim

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And, Happy US Thanksgiving to everyone!

Offline carlos marighela

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Re: CapnJim's WW2 stuff (FFoL:BB Completed Battle Report...Page 9...23 Nov 23).
« Reply #132 on: November 23, 2023, 09:33:39 PM »
Nice report and a lovely looking game.
Em dezembro de '81
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3 a 0 no Liverpool
Ficou marcado na história
E no Rio não tem outro igual
Só o Flamengo é campeão mundial
E agora seu povo
Pede o mundo de novo

Offline CapnJim

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Re: CapnJim's WW2 stuff (FFoL:BB Completed Battle Report...Page 9...23 Nov 23).
« Reply #133 on: November 25, 2023, 04:08:04 PM »
Nice report and a lovely looking game.

Thanks!  It was fun to play in, I can tell you that....

Offline BaronVonJ

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Re: CapnJim's WW2 stuff (FFoL:BB Completed Battle Report...Page 9...23 Nov 23).
« Reply #134 on: November 28, 2023, 02:46:59 PM »
Great report and pictures.


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