Years ago, ten or more, I remember seeing a line of cool alien miniatures that looked a bit like humanoid camels (a bit). I think they were called something like Drantaghs/Drantaughs/Drankaughts... but searching online I can find nothing of them. I remember there being a variety of figures... their style was similar to Bob Naismith's, though I don't think he did them. I want to say that I first saw them around the time the first Quar sculpts came around.
The company making them gave away some free samples and I've got one, somewhere, and it was pretty cool, well-sculpted, nice character quality.
It would be a good fit for a not-Star Wars type setting.
I always meant to go buy more of them... but... lost track of the company and never did.
Anyone know what I'm talking about? I could try to find the figure I got, but it's somewhere in the unpainted hoard... if I have to I will.