This came out in early 2024 (or was it late 2023?) as part of the the Osprey Blue Book series. I was happy to see another Historical themed entry in the series! I tend to prefer the more Historical focused games as they seemed like a nice way to springboard me into a new genre of wargaming in a way that the Sci-fi/Fantasy Blue Books don't manage for me. A bias for sure! Anyway, the ACW has been one of those genres that I had some mild interest in, but did not want to invest a bunch of money in thick hardbacks and games only to learn that it didn't do much for me. Therefore, I was eager to get my hands on this game. Despite this eagerness, I was delayed in picking it up. My FLGS seemed to have a hard time getting it into my hot, little hands. Eventually, I managed to snag a copy. Better late than never!
It is with some pride that I note this is an 80 page book. I tend to think that my work with Castles in the Sky opened up Osprey to the idea of having the Blue Book series expand from 64 to 80 pages. That left more room for a rule set to breath, add some needed details, and leave some more room for art and charts. However, that added size also means they are now a few dollars more as well. I am interested to see if Osprey continues this trend of 80 page books, or goes back to the 64 page of the earlier series. I can see benefits to both approaches as a gamer, a designer, and as a buyer.
With that said, these rules are intended for use at the brigade and/or divisional level engagements. That gives it a large scope for various battles of the American Civil War. The game design notes indicate that the rules are intended to be streamlined and quick-play, but with appropriate historical details, and with a view to using Miniatures. That sounds good to me!
So, let's move double time to the sound of the bugles, and rally around the flag as we drive forward into these rules!