I pretty much avoid NRSS (New Rule Set Syndrome) and only buy rules that look like they might be an upgrade over rules I'm already using, or at least might have pilferable bits.
M&T2 is the only one I've picked up in recent memory. I definitely wanted it for the bookshelf at the very least to see how it compares to Donnybrook, which I have been using for my Gothic Horror FIW games to date. It arrived just as lockdowns started, and has never seen play yet.
A Donnybrook Dark supplement has been teased for years, but still shows no sign of ever actually happening.
So, The Silver Bayonet was a natural addition to the library for more FIW options. While the initial plan was to just base the games in my Sleepy Hollow setting, the lure of also doing fun Napoleonic modelling proved too tempting — it does light a creative fire!
There appears to be enough local interest in TSB, that actual campaign games by the book may start up at the local store. And it's a good push to expand my bestiary with a fair amount of cross-over use for Gothic gaming needs.