Archon Studio has pushed their Rampart 3 Kickstarter back to January.
It has already evolved quite a bit from what was originally announced.
There is a decent thread about it on Dakkadakka but I thought it would be good to discuss it here as well. Archon has been responsive to vocal customer opinion. Studio is very Open about their Kickstarter plans, some times it can be challenging to navigate all their information.
From what I gather so far my opinion is this….
Looking at the pricing, everything is indeed going up. I am glad I convinced Mrs. GG to late back Rampart 2 rather than wait for Rampart 3.
It is nice to see the figures be an option rather than mandatory. I still expect to see figures end up as stretchgoals due to customer demand but Archon may surprise me.
Will the stretchgoals all be scatter terrain for the new city theme?
As it currently stands the preview of Rampart 3 has not made me as enthusiastic as I had hoped I would be.
My gaming includes an element of almost diorama building in its aesthetic goal. The Rampart pieces, all of the themes, seem incomplete. They work well enough for ruins but somehow lack the ability to create lived in looking structures. It is as if the pieces symbolize buildings rather than are buildings, if that makes any sense. Like they are icons rather than scale model replicas. That is fine I suppose for basic gameplay and I suppose the pieces work well enough as bits to bash together for your own conversion work but I was hoping for more.
As it stands now the new city pieces do not really work for me as stand alone bunkers or bombed out blockhousing ala Stalingrad. Can they maybe be made to work as exterior pieces for D&L Vault 7 pieces, maybe?
No doors? Why are doors such an issue? Surely Archon has learned customers are interested in doors. I mean ok, working doors are problematic? Fine. Go back to door pieces with and without a door.
Ugh. Maybe I am just in a particularly grouchy mood this morning but this ks seems like so many missed opportunities yet again. Archon keeps making things I almost love. We have a big collection of Archon stuff that we really like… I just wish it was just a touch more refined and complete so I could love.
What are your thoughts?