Great stuff and it poses a question that I’d like the hive brain to consider. When recommissioning old figures, do you favour repainting or leaving them in their original paint job (even if it’s Humbrol gloss
)? As a follow up, if you opt for a fresh paint job, do you do them in an old school style of painting or do you employ current techniques?
I had that dilemma myself so what I've done is strip my old figures (the forces of evil above), block paint the colours, cover with Army Painter Strong Tone wash then drybrush with Vallejo Dark Sand. The minis I've used for the forces of good I bought from a friend and they had much nicer paint jobs so those I've done the same as the forces of evil but tried to use colours as close to the originals as possible (parts I haven't touched such as the cavalry Shields and the runes on Gandalfs horses barding as they look so good).