My title for this scenario was "Wallis and Mr Gromit", the latter being the name by which the King was known by his security services. Separated from the main government northern army and tired of the rigours of campaigning the King and Mrs King just wanted to get back to their London palace. All they had to do was reach Acklington airfield. My advice to Tim was "Read the Scenario carefully" but, not for the first time, this fell upon deaf ears. The advance to the airfield was somewhat hesitant and the generally inexperienced defenders more than held their own against the regulars and veteran units of the government. As the defenders had been told that this was just a government recruiting drive and were quite unaware of the presence of the royal couple a draw was a good result for them. Given more time the tanks might have reached the airfield as the defenders did not have a single anti-tank weapon. They are of course Mark VI tanks rather than Mark IV.
The king is referred to as the usurper which is really not correct. He was the rightful king and quite popular at the beginning of his reign. It is his association with Mosley that makes him seem like the bad guy.