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Author Topic: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)  (Read 3886 times)

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« on: April 15, 2022, 11:08:47 AM »
A chance for a game with my mate Vodkafan.

The background.
Law is slowly moving out to the Rim.
Proctor III is such an example. The Regulators (Cops) are on patrol &
taking in a fly over outpost 5AP-1898. Rumour has it that Freebooters
are active in the area. Especially the notorious Captain Bienvenue Crew.
AS they near the outpost they pick up the ship I.D. of Wolfgang Maier,
a long suspected smuggler, who uses his N.A.A.F.I. trading Junk as cover.
This requires a closer inspection...
AAR to follow.

Offline hubbabubba

  • Mastermind
  • Posts: 1816
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2022, 11:42:46 AM »
Looks excellent

Online Bloggard

  • Scatterbrained Genius
  • Posts: 3596
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2022, 11:48:39 AM »
great  looking set-up

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2022, 02:00:02 PM »
Thanks guys. Now back to the action.
The Cast.
Bad Guys ---Captain Bienvenue
                   Barch AKA 'Ka-Boom'
                    Ploquim (Tech)
                    Doobri  (Blooming big Robot)
                    Bonk  (Serial tinkerer)
Good Guys---Sgt. Toriop
                    Tsorf (closest thing they have to a Medic)
                    S.I.C.N. (Robot, mainly used for riot control)

70 = Wolfgang waiting by the Ancient Customs boundary marker. The rendezvous
         spot for meeting up with Cpt. Bienvenue.
62,63,64 = Is the deal going down?  Wolfgang has 'found' some very high tech upgrades.
                  He wants an awful lot of credits for them.
                  The Squad Car sweeps around trying to determine what is happening. 

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2022, 02:17:29 PM »
It seems the deal has gone down. Wolfgang is starting to move away.
He knows that as a 'Respectable' trader, he can easily explain away
being in possession of a large amount of credits. Bienvenue however
would have great difficulty explaining being in possession of some
contraband high tech upgrades.

65/67/68/73 = Wolfgang & the N.A.A.F.I. vessel leaving.
74/75/76 = The Squad car sweeps in under Maier's rust bucket, lands
                   & the crew debus. How will the brigands react?
77= A wave goodbye from Wolfgang. He is safe & on his way.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2022, 02:29:39 PM »
The answer is not long in coming, CUZ... 'INCOMING!' shouts Toriop.
Barch has opened up with his heavy blaster. The shot hits the car &
collateral damage results in two cops stunned.
Toriop & Tsorf rush to the roof of the nearest building, trying to gain
an advantage in the coming firefight. Siwel & S.I.C.N. head to the
containers for cover, well they are nearer.

The firefight goes on for a while. It is just as well the cops have gained
cover as the rooftop comes under sustained & heavy fire from the Pirates.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2022, 02:41:47 PM »

Bienvenue himself joins the shooting at the cops on the roof.
This brings a lot of heat in his direction. Almost too late he
realizes he is in danger of being trapped on his roof, & using
the stairs will expose him to flanking fire from the container
area cops.

Sneaking behind the enormous containers Barch manages to
get a lucky hit on S.I.C.N. No riot control in this game.

Meanwhile the huge lumbering shape of the robot, Doobri,
heads down main-street. The much smaller shape of Bonk
hiding behind him.
All available cops (S.I.C.N. knocked out & Tsorf wounded)
pour fire onto the metal heap, trying to stop him.
The armour keeps protecting him, but the shaken results
start to mount up.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 02:48:29 PM by has.been »

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2022, 03:06:22 PM »
Finally, despite  having to emptying many clips (out of ammo) into
that metal mountain the result the cops want...It keels over.
If they thought this was the moment the bad guys cut & run,
they thought wrong. First Bienvenue, then Ploquim rush across
open terrain, & cower behind whatever cover they can gain from
that mass of metal. Furiously they try repairs. Ever more desperate
as cops pile on the fire.
Bonk is sent to get something, anything, that might help. That is
dangerous as he is easily distracted by 'interesting' technology.
If he fails a test he will sit & start taking it to bits. Today the
Freebooter gods are smiling down (several great dice rolls) and
he comes back with some anti-grav clamps. This greatly reduces the
mass of Doobri, to the level where they will be able to drag/push/shove
him towards their ship.
Still under firer, & the very last possible clear shot, Bonk is hit & down!
An even bigger surprise (for Vodkafan)  the only available help must
come from Barch. He has a very well developed sense of self preservation,
but passes enough tests to:- rush to Bonk, pick him up & rush back to cover,
all under (erratic) fire from the police.  :o :o :o

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2022, 03:41:15 PM »
Help finally arrives in the shape of another patrol,
but as is often the case, too late.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2022, 03:44:07 PM »
Another Squad car flies over in a vain attempt to locate the
freebooters, or the upgrades. They have no luck.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2022, 03:45:17 PM »
'Nothing to see here. Move along Citizen!'
« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 03:47:15 PM by has.been »

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2022, 03:52:02 PM »
12 cycles later Maier & his rust bucket are back.
Regulators are waiting, but are met with, 'Me officers?
I don't know what you're talking about'
He knows he is guilty, but he also knows they can't
prove a thing. :D

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2022, 04:19:05 PM »
James I hope you don't mind, but I diced up for the 'Out of Actions'
& have come up with a little backstory to go with it.
Dice & story. 
S.I.C.N = 10 = "It's the airlock for you" . As he is just a robot
                        he will be repaired & back in action for the next game.
Tsorf = 4 = Just winged me. He too will be back for the next game.
Bonk = 1 = just winged me. I think he just wanted to be carried back to your ship. lol
Doobri = 7 = "It's not that bad" Again, a robot, repaired for next game... HOWEVER

Those readers who thought Bienvenue & crew risked their skins to rescue Doobri
because he was a valuable crew member will be disappointed.  It was inside the
Robot that they hid the upgrades. No doubt they thought a cursory inspection
would fail to spot some tech that shouldn't be there.
The damage to Doobri was extensive and in the area of the upgrades. They have been
damaged and fused with his mainframe. They cannot be easily removed, & until they can
the following applies to the Robot.
Positive.   He has become more 'aware' Think of the film 'Five alive' & now has
                the Shield ability (Page 46)
Negative.  Because he has become more 'aware' he now has an enormous (silicon)
                chip on his shoulder, 'You lot only rescued me for the upgrades!' (Think
                Marvin the Paranoid Android on Hitch-Hikers' Guide).

Let me know if you are happy with the above.

Offline Storm Wolf

  • Mastermind
  • Posts: 1009
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2022, 05:26:58 PM »
Sounds good to me Has:Been,

"I don't know, brain the size of a planet and all they ask me to do is........?"

Marvin, paranoid but right in so many ways ;) lol

Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
  • Posts: 9191
Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2022, 06:03:57 PM »
Thanks Storm Wolf.
I hope Vodkafan approves. :)


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