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Author Topic: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)  (Read 3888 times)

Offline BaronVonJ

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2022, 06:23:35 PM »
Great report!

Offline flatpack

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2022, 06:38:25 PM »
Very nice.

Offline vodkafan

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2022, 08:14:37 PM »
That sounds good about Doobri developing an attitude. OK here are some photos from my side of the table!
The regulators land and debus. They look mean and are armoured, and have a heavily armed robot with them.

My crew have been caught not-quite red-handed, but as good as. Their space ship is way off table and they must shoot their way out. They spread out in a semi circle in true OK corral/Serenity fashion..

Captain Bienvenue is directing the battle from a rooftop

But Barch is in a good position and has the heavy firepower. He drops a heavy blast projectile right on the top of the shuttle and the blast stuns two of the cops, but their armour saves them from serious harm.

Barch then runs away, intending to sneak around and hit the cops from another angle. Doobri the robot pours his long range fire at the shuttle and manages to inflict slight damage and shock on the opposing robot. Bong runs behind Doobri to use him as cover.

Things have been going well for me so far, but the cops recover quickly and manage to get first one, then two men on the roof of the adjacent building. Captain Bienvenue is in an exposed position.

He starts to get a lot of unwanted attention and things are quite sticky for a while; he is forced to retreat down the stairs

Meanwhile Doobri advances slowly and menacingly across the open ground with Bong sheltering behind. Doobri is a modified ex-mining robot built for tough planetary environments. He gives covering fire to help Captain Bienvenue escape from trouble.

Bong runs out to throw his two stun grenades which do nothing, he then runs for cover.

In the meantime, Barch blows apart the Cop's robot, which was sneaking up around the cargo containers!

This is a major blow for the Regulators. My crew is starting to win this firefight.

Doobri is very tough, but he starts to get so much firepower from the three remaining cops, he starts to amass so much shock  that he can no longer move. He is immobilized out in the open for two rounds.

 Then, a stroke of good fortune (the Queen of Spades card, which removes all shock). Doobri is moving again and he reverses back as quickly as he can, still taking deadly fire from all sides. But then a lucky shot hits something vital and he is down, out of the game.
This is disastrous. The crew cannot leave the robot behind. He is carrying the contraband merchandise inside his armour.  The crew rush over, using his bulk as cover.

Bong is sent to rummage around for something to help shift the huge weight.
he comes back with some Anti Gravity Clamps, which they attach. The crew start to pull the downed robot away, but they must go the long way around under fire.
Disaster, Bong is hit and wounded!

Barch rushes over.
He tests:  Barch has a Negative Trait of Self Preservation which will take over if he throws a 1 or 2 on a D10; but this time we are lucky and he pulls Bong into cover.

 Captain Bienvenue is also wounded;

But the whole crew manage to escape by the skin of the teeth, with Regulators advancing across the table after them.

This was a really fun game from the FFoL Galactic Heroes, it could have gone either way but I had a lot of luck, good dice and opportune cards! Thanks to has.been for the opportunity to game.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 08:18:16 PM by vodkafan »
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Offline Golgotha

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2022, 09:23:37 PM »
A smuggling N.A.A.F.I - brilliant just brilliant. Protect and serve indeed!

This is so good it should be turned into a movie - absolutely loved every moment.

Hope there is going to be a sequel...

Offline vodkafan

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2022, 09:30:49 PM »
I am sure Captain Bienvenue and his crew will be up to more mischief soon  lol
I am looking for bits to build their spaceship.

Offline vodkafan

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2022, 11:11:52 PM »
 A few things happened in this game which were not covered by specific rules, but they were flexible enough that we could easily work out what we should do. For instance, The robot amassing so much shock. It was really a freak thing that he got so many hits but they were never high enough dice scores to wound him (until the very last one which was a 10!) but he rapidly accumulated 8 shock. As he is slow  (movement 4") and every shock point is -1" on movement, we just decided that after 4 shock he couldn't move. It was a lot of fun, because we had to put the commander as close as possible to try to help rally off the shock.
It became part of the narrative of the game that changed as we went along, we didn't foresee it.

Online Digits

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2022, 08:15:13 AM »
Great narrative to the game guys, looked good fun!   Nice one!

Offline flatpack

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2022, 09:18:14 AM »
Well played both of you.
Great game and a great storyline.
Just shows you can have a FUN game with FFOL. (As always)
Got to be the way forward.

Offline Storm Wolf

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2022, 09:38:19 AM »
I like the FFOL rules, but I dont like playing cards on the table (yes, even the really nice themed ones they do :()

Until I found these

Which I have ordered, and these may be of help for random activation etc for solo play?

Keep up the good work and have fun


Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.

Offline Elk101

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2022, 10:12:14 AM »
We don't put the cards on the table, we normally just put them with the character card, but that's a useful alternative. It's nice to see Galactic Heroes getting used for the sort of games it excels at.

Offline flatpack

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2022, 10:34:13 AM »
I’ve bought the playing card tokens in the past, but in black and white (didn’t know they did colour ones, as they look really nice).
Idea is to pick them from a pot, but as they are used, they could go under or next to the figure, to show they have completed their actions.
I think this would help in your solo games, as it would be a quick identifier, as to which figures have moved/fired, and which ones are still to go ?

Offline Storm Wolf

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2022, 06:18:27 PM »
I’ve bought the playing card tokens in the past, but in black and white (didn’t know they did colour ones, as they look really nice).
Idea is to pick them from a pot, but as they are used, they could go under or next to the figure, to show they have completed their actions.
I think this would help in your solo games, as it would be a quick identifier, as to which figures have moved/fired, and which ones are still to go ?

Cool, my thoughts exactly flatpack  :D

Offline BaronVonJ

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2022, 10:11:50 PM »
A few things happened in this game which were not covered by specific rules, but they were flexible enough that we could easily work out what we should do. For instance, The robot amassing so much shock. It was really a freak thing that he got so many hits but they were never high enough dice scores to wound him (until the very last one which was a 10!) but he rapidly accumulated 8 shock. As he is slow  (movement 4") and every shock point is -1" on movement, we just decided that after 4 shock he couldn't move. It was a lot of fun, because we had to put the commander as close as possible to try to help rally off the shock.
It became part of the narrative of the game that changed as we went along, we didn't foresee it.
So, I’m guessing 2 things:
1- you didn’t give the robot the Soulless trait, which is pretty much standard. This would have kept him from taking ANY Shock.
2- you’re not using GH 2nd edition or any of the house rules. If you tske more Shock than REMAINING Wounds. The character routes. So your average 3 wound character would leave at 4 shock.
We don’t put cards on the table. They stay next to the character cards. To keep track of who’s gone, just turn the card sideways

Offline has.been

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2022, 10:38:16 PM »
So, I’m guessing 2 things:
1- you didn’t give the robot the Soulless trait, which is pretty much standard. This would have kept him from taking ANY Shock.
2- you’re not using GH 2nd edition or any of the house rules. If you tske more Shock than REMAINING Wounds. The character routes. So your average 3 wound character would leave at 4 shock.
We don’t put cards on the table. They stay next to the character cards. To keep track of who’s gone, just turn the card sideways

1) No, but that is a good idea for some teams I am gathering.
2)Again, No, but we did forget several things that would have moved that
   big ugly pile of scrap metal, sorry Flatpack's beloved robot, in a rearward
direction a lot earlier. We didn't mind, we were having FUN.

We too turn the cards when actioned...normally.  The Cops were a late entry
to this game, therefore no cards for them, yet.

Enjoyable set of rules by the way. :D

Offline BaronVonJ

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Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2022, 10:48:28 PM »
Preach the gospel, brother.


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