Forum > SuperHero Adventures

GURP Supers or Supersystem 4th ed?

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Thinking of getting into Super hero gaming. Was wondering what everyone thought about the
two rule sets GURP supers and Supersystem 4th ed? What would you recommend for someone
just starting out?

Easy E:
Here is my review of Super System 4th edition.....

and I even have a few battle reports using 4th below:

I hope that helps!

Are you looking for a Skirmish game or an RPG?

Skirmish you have Super System, Super Mission Force and Slugfest! all from Four Color Studios. SMF is a less crunchy Super System, Slugfest! is a co-op/solo game.

RPG there is GURP, Icons, Mutants and Masterminds, Marvel, Super Action Role Play (from Four Color studio) and many more.

As a note the Four Color Studios games are by Scott Pyle an active poster here and will usually answers questions for his games. I am also a big fan of his skirmish games. I have Super Action RP game but have not had a chance to play yet.

Looking more for a skirmish type game. Will not be doing any serious RPG with it or campaigns.

I can’t recommend Super Mission Force (2nd Ed.) highly enough: simple, yet layered.  Really captures the feel of comic book fights.


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