Bit late to the party here, only just joined LAF, having been a guest lurker for quite a while.
I was 50% of the Vespasianic command, in the morning at Joy of Six, on Mark's 2mm Strength and Honour version of Bedriacum (69AD). Despite inflicting more set backs and the game's only disaster on our opponents we just couldn't break the Vitellians. So, we lost. :-(
I've now played four two-player a side games of S&H and have lost all four! And I've had a whale of a time in all four and enjoyed them thoroughly, which must say something good about the rules!
Given I won my only single player a side game hands down I think I can safely blame my co-commanders for my abysmal die rolling and foolish tactical choices when playing multiplayer! :-D
On the subject of 2mm and the painting thereof, it's easy. You are aiming for the main colours that would be visible at distance not detailed painting. I've described the paint jobs I do as somewhere between Impressionism and Pointillism! Think Turner's Fighting Temeraire not Da Vinci's Last Supper.
My 2mm forces are growing slowly and my 2mm terrain has been a delight to devise and execute .... hence the armies not growing as quickly as intended!
So far, in various stages of completeness, I have a Romanised town (the little known town of Nunquam) , a Gallic walled village, a forest (made from a chunk of bath mat!), a wood (ditto), a large and small Roman marching camp, a port (Portus Nunquam), a Mansio/ Fortlet/ Stables group and a farm. All of which could fit comfortably on my 6x 4 table. Not something I could do in 28mm :-)
So, thanks Mark for both the rules and the chance to play them with you as umpire.
“Since they do not wish to eat, let them drink!” - Appius Claudius Pulcher