Forum > Age of the Big Battalions

Guard Attack, General d'Armee - Devon Wargames Group


One of the games played at this month's meeting of the DWG was a 28mm recreation of the attack of the Old Guard at Waterloo in a scenario taken from the Waterloo book using the rules General d'Armee by Dave Brown.

If you would like to see how things turned out you can follow the link to the club blog for an AAR of the game.


Thanks for the post. I always enjoy DWG battle-reports and this is no exception. You Devonians seem to have an eye for intriguing battlefield scenarios. I have to admit also - sotto voce - that I am delighted that the French carried the ridge (but you could be hanged in some parts for such opinions). I look forward to the next installment. If you could re-write the stoic defence of La Hay Sainte by the KGL, Boney might even have won the battle. Thanks again for the AAR.


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