Not sure I'm allowed to propose a "Build Something Contest", since I'm not sure who is in charge of that, and there may be one ongoing already, but am interested in doing this anyway, so who's up for an unofficial, BSC for the Traveller, Striker, or other similar universe of Sci-Fi RPG figs (no Star Wars or Star Trek models, if you please)?
3-D prints don't count - must be something olde skool in nature, made by hand from various materials, wood, paper, cardboard, styrene, insulation foam, etc., etc..
Models can be in any scale you choose, though I suspect 15mm, 25mm/28mm, and 6mm are some of the more popular ones that can go with existing minis.
Let's say with a 3+ month deadline, of Feb. 28th, giving a little extra time to account for downtime to spend with family over the holidays, OR an excuse to bow out of spending too much time with them, if you are in need of that.
No REAL prizes to speak of other than bragging rights, unless someone/multiple people want(s) to volunteer to pony up for those.
Post your thoughts, designs, and/or submissions here if you are so inclined.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.