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Author Topic: Fangs of the Wolf - Game Three Parts II & III  (Read 477 times)

Offline 7dot62mm

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 75
Fangs of the Wolf - Game Three Parts II & III
« on: September 08, 2022, 06:15:51 AM »

Gemigabok presents...
Winter of No Surrender
Campaign Eleven – Fangs of the Wolf
Game Three – Parts Two and Three

Winter of No Surrender (WoNS) is a series of Winter War campaigns for Chain of Command and other game systems. This is our playthrough of the eleventh WoNS campaign – Fangs of the Wolf. The campaign is currently in playtest and will be released... later.

We're using Chain of Command rules with the At the Sharp End supplement, loads of special campaign rules, and 20mm figures. At the time of writing, we have John as Colonel Sharov and Janne as his assistant commander, today being doubled by Heikki. We have Jarkko as Lieutenant-Colonel Susitaival, with Mikko as his assistant command.

Previously on Fangs of the Wolf:
Campaign Introduction:  https://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4954
Game One, Part I: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137031.0
Game One, Part II: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137317.0
Game Two: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137428.0
Game Three, Part I: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137800.0

As you may or may not remember from last time, a company from Group Wolf is assaulting the Red Army occupied Table J on a misty, dark night. Acting on limited intelligence, the Finns are astounded to find that there are over 400 Soviet artillerymen and all their equipment on this Table!

There are two artillery units, the 7th Divisional Artillery Battery and the 56th Regimental Artillery Battery, fielding four and six 76mm guns, respectively. A lot is at stake here as these guns represent a sizable part of Group Sharov's artillery park. The ramifications of losing these guns to the enemy would be most uncomfortable. The Finns might be able to take the guns into their own use, and use them for direct and/or indirect fire. Group Sharov's ability to support its forces with devastating pre-game barrages would also be dealt a major blow. 

The Russians must either retreat their guns from this Table, which is difficult, and the retreat, or – preferably – defeat the attacking Finns right now...

Date: 21 December 1939, Day Twenty-Two of the Winter War, 0440 hours, night.
Location: Table J, Ahola Farm, about 40 kilometers north of the village of Suomussalmi, in central-eastern Finland. About forty kilometers from the border of the Soviet Union.

Weather Conditions: Cloudy skies, -20 degrees Celsius (+3 degrees Fahrenheit). There is about 22 cm (9 inches). Visibility is 18” in the dark but reduced to a maximum of 15” due to a heavy mist. Dawn will arrive around 0730 hours.

RED units:
1: 1st Platoon 1st Section (John)
2: 1st Platoon 2nd Section, with platoon leader behind house (John)
5: 2nd Platoon 1st Section (Janne)
9: 3rd Platoon 1st Section (support section for 2nd Platoon) (Janne)

56th Regimental Gun Battery:
B. Command Platoon
C. Headquarters Section
D. Support Detachment
E. Signals Platoon
F. Signals Platoon, 1st Radio Section
G. Signals Platoon, 2nd Radio Section
H. Signals Platoon, 3rd Radio Section
I. Signals Platoon, 1st Telephone Section
J. Signals Platoon, 2nd Telephone Section
K. Reconnaissance Detachment
L. Reconnaissance Detachment, Recon Team One
M. Reconnaissance Detachment, Recon Team Two
N. Regimental Gun Section One
O. Regimental Gun Section One, Gun Team One
P. Regimental Gun Section One, Gun Team Two
Q. Regimental Gun Section Two
R. Regimental Gun Section Two, Gun Team One
S. Regimental Gun Section Two, Gun Team Two
T. Regimental Gun Section Three
U. Regimental Gun Section Three, Gun Team One
V. Regimental Gun Section Three, Gun Team Two

7th Divisional Artillery Battery:
W. Command Platoon
X. Headquarters Section
Y. Headquarters Section, Forward Observer Section
Z. Headquarters Section, Fire Control Section

GREEN units:
7th Divisional Artillery Battery:
11. Headquarters Section, Battery Signals Section
12. Headquarters Section, Battery Signals Section, Telephone team
13. Headquarters Section, Battery Signals Section, Radio team
14. Divisional Gun Section One
15. Divisional Gun Section One, Gun Team One
16. Divisional Gun Section One, Gun Team Two
17. Divisional Gun Section Two
18. Divisional Gun Section Two, Gun Team One
19. Divisional Gun Section Two, Gun Team Two

In the darkness of the Ahola farmyard, John's 1st platoon is fending off Mikko's 1st platoon, who have been furiously firing at them from the west...

The trench and the darkness have given John's 1st section good cover and they have only lost two men thus far...

...but a firefight in the darkness is a frightening experience and shock is quickly mounting... they now have ten men left and nine shock.

In the east, Jarkko's third section has been firing at the 7th Divisional Artillery. He deploys his 4th LMG section in support.

John's platoon leader is attached to his 1st section and therefore exposed to all the fire directed at his men.

Having been shot at by Jarkko's attacking troops, Z, the fire control section of the 7th Divisional Battery, breaks and they run into the yard of the farmhouse and seek cover by throwing themselves onto the ground... The fire control section is the men who calculate the parameters for the guns when the battery engages in indirect fire. It originally consisted of one junior leader, one senior fire controller, three junior fire controllers plus a teamster with a horse and cart for all their equipment.

As a special rule the fate of these inactivated Russian troops has no effect on the Russians' Force Morale. But of course all losses to the artillery troops can make it more difficult to perform the primary function of the Battery, indirect fire.

Shock is also accumulating on unit 11, the Battery Signals Section, which consists of an inferior Junior Leader, a teamster and twelve senior and junior telephone and radio technicians. This section is responsible for arranging and operating the communications between the battery and the Divisional headquarters. 

Having been shot at for several Phases by what seems like half the Finnish Army the techicians now have fifteen points of shock...

...and they break, running away from the enemy fire...

...and on their way their contagious panic also affects the crews of guns #15 amd 16...

...with the Transportation Group of gun #15, who then also run away towards the east, taking along their attached gun section senior leader and section sergeant... The Transportation Group is composed of one NCO (inferior Junior Leader) and four teamsters, who handle the gun's limber and ammunition cart, along with their eight or so horses.

...until they are suddenly staring right at Mikko's machinegun...

The Finns are just as surprised as the Russians.

They take the paniced Russians as prisoners and have to assign two riflemen to keep them under watch. But it is a good trade as the junior lieutenant and section sergeant will be able to provide good intelligence, if they choose to co-operate.

Meanwhile, the Battery Signals Section #11 has ended up near the barn. There they are, for the moment anyways, safe.

In the east, Jarkko begins his advance... 3rd rifle section moves to the open ground...

The Russians are still Surprised and in disarray. Jarkko figures that if he can close in and take the closest enemies under fire, their panic will bring further problems to the Russians.

Jarkko has his 4th LMG section run south.

At the same time, Jarkko wants to keep out of the 76mm Regimental Guns' reach... It is misty and dark, so Jarkko has to get his men to within 15” of the enemies. Luckily the 76mm guns are slow to manhandle in the snow and they will probably first have to engage the machinegun.

And now Mikko has rolled an end of Turn. The various routed Russian sections run off table, and Mikko's two guards take their prisoners to the rear areas. But far more importantly, the Surprise condition has now passed and the Russians are free to deploy more forces and they will also be more efficient than thus far.

Jarkko's attack movement with sections 3 & 4 has left the Maxim MMG alone at the forest's edge...

And indeed, the Russians are not idle. Heikki activates B, the 56th Regimental Artillery Battery's commander. This is Senior Lieutenant Prinyasilov, an Inferior Ranking Leader.

Prinyasilov calls the rest of the gun team to the gun.

John sees the threat from Jarkko's approaching forces and he decides to activate Y, the Transportation Group of #16, the second gun of Gun Team One. He pulls them away from the front line, along with W, the Battery's Deputy Commander Leytenant (Senior Leader) and the Battery's political officer.

The 76mm Regimental Gun approaches the machinegun.... Jarkko scrambles to deploy more forces. His 1st Rifle Section runs to the edge of the woods, and opens fire on the gun...

The gunners immediately get two points of shock...

… the MMG fires at the gun as well, adding one point of shock and killing a crewman... Luckily for Heikki, the rest of the crew are now within four inches and therefore share the shock.

Jarkko deploys his last section, LMG section #2, which adds another two points of shock...

Then it is Heikki's turn. The gun lobs a seven-kilogram HE shell at the machinegun, dismembering one of the crew and causing three points of shock....

Meanwhile, in the farmyard, another firefight is going on... 

At the transformer building, Heikki takes Janne's support section, #9, out of its trench and has them run west.

At the farm, Mikko is pummeling the entrenched 1st section with rifle and Maxim machinegun fire, and shock is mounting. John has been unable to achieve firepower parity with the enemy,

John now deploys one of his secret weapons... a 45mm antitank gun modle 1937 is suddenly wheeled into view from somewhere behind the house.

The armored tractor is parked sideways, to provide some cover from Jarkko's infantry approaching from the east.

It opens fire at what is effectively point-blank range...

The 45mm shells smash into the woods and cause serious trouble for Mikko's Finns...

Meanwhile, Heikki's gun team is under furious fire from all troops that Jarkko can muster to shoot a them...

They now have shock equal to their number and are therefore close to becoming pinned...

To support and mptivate them, Jarkko deploys his platoon leader along with his two messengers.

The arrival of the 45mm gun has evened out the battlefield at the farmyard...

John now deploys his third section behind the eastern fence, in preparation for Jarkko's assault.

While the farmyard provides the Russians with good cover, for us players there is more than a bit of the Alamo or Zulu! about the situation, and those assiciations aren't exactly promising for the Russians...

But Jarkko's men are still a ways off. As Jarkko does not want any nasty surprises, he moves his forces only tactically.

Near the transformer, Heikki deploys his second section (6) into the trench vacated by support section 9.

Again, I have had to dig up all of my Russian troops for this so you may see things like submachine guns and flamethrowers here and there... they're all carbines!

RED units:
1: 1st Platoon 1st Section (John)
2: 1st Platoon 2nd Section, with platoon leader behind house (John)
3: 1st Platoon 3rd Section (John)
5: 2nd Platoon 1st Section (Janne)
6: 2nd Platoon 2nd Section (Janne)
9: 3rd Platoon 1st Section (support section for 2nd Platoon) (Janne)

56th Regimental Gun Battery:
B. Command Platoon – Battery Commander
R. Regimental Gun Section Two, Gun Team One
U. Regimental Gun Section Three, Gun Team One

7th Divisional Artillery Battery:
W. Command Platoon (activated)
Y. Headquarters Section, Forward Observer Section (activated)

GREEN units:
7th Divisional Artillery Battery:
15. Divisional Gun Section One, Gun Team One (not activated)
16. Divisional Gun Section One, Gun Team Two (not activated)
18. Divisional Gun Section Two, Gun Team One, with Battery Commander (Activated)

The Finns, in BLUE:
1 -  1st Platoon, 1st Rifle section (Jarkko)
2 - 1st Platoon, 2nd LMG section (Jarkko)
3 - 1st Platoon, 3rd Rifle section (Jarkko)
4 – 1st Platoon, 4th LMG section (Jarkko)

5 – 2nd Platoon, 1st rifle section (Mikko)
6 – 2nd Platoon, 2nd LMG section (Mikko)

9 – MMG from 1st MMG Platoon (Jarkko)
10 – MMG from 2st MMG Platoon (Mikko)

Two weeks later we continue the game. Heikki is no longer with us, but Janne is back.

Both John and Janne have Force Morales of 9... John has three pips on his CoC dice, Janne two.

Offline 7dot62mm

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 75
Re: Fangs of the Wolf - Game Three Parts II & III
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2022, 06:17:30 AM »

Jarkko has a Force Morale of 7 and Mikko 8. Jarkko has a full CoC die, Mikko has 5 pips.

It's the Russians' Phase... Janne has his support section #9 run to the woods...

This changes the game a bit for Mikko's platoon. They are now in danger of being outflanked...

As this is a critical moment in the battle, the Soviet 1st company commander, Lieutenant Ilyushin, arrives to lead the assault. He is a Ranking Senior Leader with four activations, and he brings along his two messengers. His arrival also increases both platoons' Force Morale by two, so both are now at 11. 

John realizes that 1st section is about to break under the relentless fire from Mikko's troops. If that happens, the attached platoon leader will break with them. Lieutenant Ilyushin tells the platoon leader: ”Comrade Junior Lieutenant, I need your undivided attention!” … the platoon leader is no longer attached to 1st section.

Having the section leader break would also be bad... ”Comrade section leader, I wish to have a word with you!” The section leader unattaches himself from the section and runs to the Company Commander.

First section now have nine men and eight points of shock...

Next, Ilyushin orders 2nd section to run out of the house and to the barn but to stay out of sight of the Maxim machinegun.

The campaign includes rules for messengers. Using one command initiative, the leader may send a messenger to run to a designated unit and deliver one command. The messenger will run at top speed every Phase and then back to the leader, without requiring further command initiatives to be spent.

Lieutenant Ilyushin dispatches one of his messengers to tell Janne's 5th section to fire at the approaching Jarkko's men.

Although only about half of Janne's section are within line of sight, that number includes both the LMG gunner and the rifle grenandier... they fire and one of the Finns is hit, despite their  Tactical stance and the darkness.

Then it is the Finns' phase. Mikko has his 1st section (5) fire at John's pinned 1st section in the trench...

They break and run out of the trench...

...unfortunately as they run east they pass through the 45mm anti-tank gun, imparting them with ten points of shock, pinning them... then, they run through their 3rd section, causing them too ten points of shock! In one fell swoop the Finns have in practice disabled three of John's units...

This does not exactly inspire John's platoon, the Force Morale of which drops to 9. Mikko's 6th LMG section now fires at the ATG and causes one more shock.. the crew breaks and runs off the table...

John's Force Morale suffers another two-point drop to five. It seems John cannot roll anything better than a -2 Force Morale effect on the Bad Things Happen table today...

The loss of the 45mm gun is a blow to John's platoon as it enabled them to achieve near firepower parity against Mikko's Finns. 

The retreat of the 1st section is also problematic for John as they and the forward observers (Y) now block the 3rd section's line of fire as CoC has a 2” rule - 3rd section is unable to shoot at the approaching Finns because Y and 1st section are only 3” apart.

In the east, Jarkko places his 4th LMG section on overwatch and advances with his 3rd rifle section.

But this places them within view of Janne's 5th section, behind the trucks, and they are on overwatch. Again, only half of the section can see the Finnish 3rd section but their fire is well concentrated. Jarkko's section gets one point of shock as they retreat.

Meanwhile, Mikko has rolled a double phase. He sets his MMG on overwatch, in case Janne's 9th section were to head this way...

It is again the Russians' phase...

Janne manhandles the second regimental gun closer...

In the west, Janne's men head north-west in the woods, trying to circumvent the MMG on overwatch.,,,

In the south, yet another section runs out of the farmhouse and into the recently vacated entrenchment. How many people can the Russians possibly cram into that small house?

The campaign includes the provision to purchase heroes as supports. A hero replaces one average soldier for the rest of the campaign. John's 4th section includes a hero, Red Army Man Alexandr Vasnetsov. Known to be an informant of Commissar Podhomutov, Vasnetsov's mere presence enables the Unit to which he is attached to ignore two points of shock, i.e. he counts as three men. Should Podhomutov be dead, Vasnetsov's presence will still count as two men (the men suspect that he is anyways reporting everything to some higher-up).

The 4th section men of look at the abandoned 45mm gun. To take it into use, John needs to roll a 6 on a d6 Capture Roll... he rolls a 5... almost... the men decide it would be too difficult to take it into use.

This fresh section opens fire at Mikko's rifle section. A Soviet section has 14 firepower + one 2 FP rifle grenade and the men pour fire into the forest...

The Finns suffer two dead and one point of shock...

A few meters north of the entrenchment, John has his 2nd section partially visible to the enemy...

Not wanting to expose them to the MMG, John simply moves them a bit towards the north but leaves them behind the corner to the MMG.

Then it is the Finns' phase. 3rd section moves forward...

Jarkko's senior leader orders the MMG – which due to darkness does not have line of sight to the gun – to fire covering fire in the gun's general direction. Jarkko's 1st section peppers the second Regimental gun with rifle and SMG fire...

Most of the bullets ricochet off the gunshield which is apparently very well designed, but one hits the gun leader, wounding him.

Janne's forces' Force Morale drops from 11 to 10. Unlike John, he can roll just a -1 result.

Meanwhile, in the forest north-west of the farmhouse, Janne's section #9 has been closing in on the Finnish jump-off point.

The Russians approaching, Mikko has no other choice but to deploy two sections. He needs to be able to beat Janne's forces using brute firepower and a single Finnish section is unable to do that...

Mikko therefore deploys the remaining sections of his platoon, that is rifle section 7 and LMG section 8.

The Finns shoot furiously, but have no effect on the Soviets...

As two Finnish sections are firepowerwise barely equal to one Soviet section, Mikko moves his MMG section #10 north from the forest edge to protect the jump-off point.

The red bars just mark the edges of the 7th section.

As Mikko has rolled a double phase, he knows he will have time to rake the Soviets with his mighty Maxim...

Mikko deploys his platoon leader, with his two messengers.

The Finns shoot again... this time three Russians fall, stricken by the hail of bullets...

… section #9 now has five points of shock.

In the south, the LMG team shoots at the Russian section #4, causing them two points of shock.

RED units:
0: 1st Platoon leader (John)
1: 1st Platoon 1st Section (John)
2: 1st Platoon 2nd Section (John)
3: 1st Platoon 3rd Section (John)
4: 1st Platoon 4th Section (John)
5: 2nd Platoon 1st Section (Janne)
6: 2nd Platoon 2nd Section (Janne)
9: 3rd Platoon 1st Section (support section for 2nd Platoon) (Janne)
11: 2nd Platoon leader (Janne)
A: Company Commander (John)

56th Regimental Gun Battery:
B. Command Platoon – Battery Commander (Janne)
R. Regimental Gun Section Two, Gun Team One (Janne)
U. Regimental Gun Section Three, Gun Team One (Janne)

7th Divisional Artillery Battery:
W. Command Platoon (activated, John)
Y. Headquarters Section, Forward Observer Section (activated, John)

Russians, in GREEN:
7th Divisional Artillery Battery:
15. Divisional Gun Section One, Gun Team One (not activated)
16. Divisional Gun Section One, Gun Team Two (not activated)
18. Divisional Gun Section Two, Gun Team One, with Battery Commander (Activated, John)

The Finns, in BLUE:
0 - 1st Platoon leader (Jarkko)
1 -  1st Platoon, 1st Rifle section (Jarkko)
2 - 1st Platoon, 2nd LMG section (Jarkko)
3 - 1st Platoon, 3rd Rifle section (Jarkko)
4 – 1st Platoon, 4th LMG section (Jarkko)

5 – 2nd Platoon, 1st rifle section (Mikko)
6 – 2nd Platoon, 2nd LMG section (Mikko)
7 - 2nd Platoon, 3rd rifle section (Mikko)
8 - 2nd Platoon, 4th LMG section (Mikko)

9 – MMG from 1st MMG Platoon (Jarkko)
10 – MMG from 2st MMG Platoon (Mikko)
11 - 2nd Platoon leader (Jarkko)

P - 1st Platoon Sergeant (Jarkko)
Q - 2nd Platoon Sergeant (Mikko)

It's the Russians' phase... Janne leades his 6th section towards the woods...

John too moves his 2nd section in the same direction. They advance warily and do not make it into the woods...

Soon the three Finnish sections will be facing three Soviet sections...

The entrenched 4th section fires at the Finnish sections 5 and 6 at the woodsline...

The Russians' tremendous firepower begins to have an effect on the Finns... they have eight men left and ten points of shock... they're pinned!

Janne has a double phase so his platoon leader has 6th section advance 1d6 inches while shooting, and 9th section too fires its weapons, though the considerable amount of shock that they have affects their performance...

The fire is surprisingly effective... several points of shock are inflicted, and the 7th section leader is wounded in the side and knocked down by the impact... he will be disabled by the pain until the end of the Turn. Mikko's Force Morale is however unaffected. These northern men do not like to show any feelings!

With his 1 command die Janne goes and activates a third Regimental gun, S. This is the second gun of the second gun section. The crew runs to their gun and loads an HE shell.

And then it is the Finns' phase...

Janne's quickly developed, determined assault on Mikko's 2nd platoon's left flank has transformed Mikko's force from an attacking stance into a defensive one...

Mikko pulls back his forces from the woods edge. This includes the pinned 5th section as our house rules permit a pinned unit to retreat from the enemy without suffering from shock. They are still pinned and cannot move towards any enemies.

The 6th LMG section is down to five men as two riflemen are guarding the prisoners taken earlier. But they have the platoon sergeant there so they should be ok.

Offline 7dot62mm

  • Bookworm
  • Posts: 75
Re: Fangs of the Wolf - Game Three Parts II & III
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2022, 06:18:01 AM »

The rifle section #5 will be pinned for at least the reat of the Turn, more if they do not find their will to fight before that.

Further north, Mikko's Maxim gun section leader orders the gunner to fire sustained fire at the Russians... this is again the special fire mode which places a  12” area where any Soviet squad taking any action will immediately take 5 FP worth of fire.

The platoon leader then has both rifle sections, AND the MMG shoot at the approaching Russians...

9th section has nine men left and they now have eleven points of shock... they too are pinned.

In the east, Jarkko's riflemen target the second Regimental gun...

...the fire is very accurate and three of the gunners are killed... and their shock climbs to five. They are almost pinned!

In the south, Jarkko has decided to target Y, the Forward Observer Section. He reckons that if they can be made to break, their panic will affect a number of other units. Also John's platoon will suffer several setbacks as two additional leaders (W) are attached to Y.

3rd section opens fire...

Two of the men fall stricken, and the section suffers four shock... they are now on the very edge of panic!

Jarkko has a double Phase... his 1st section pours more fire on the second Regimental gun...  one more gunner and the already wounded gun leader are hit and killed...

The remaining gunners sprint north-west, spreading paninc to other troops...

4th section then engages John's pinned and thoroughly shocked 1st section...

The fire is again deadly and two of the Russians fall down, grievously wounded... the rest of the section routs off the table...

This is as far as we got last time. Well, the two last times.

We are now in the critical phase of the battle... the next few Phases may determine what the end of the battle will look like. Both sides have deployed almost all of their forces. Only Janne has a reserve of two rifle sections, the other players have deployed all of their sections. Of course both sides may yet have undeployed supports.

John's platoon has Force Morale 5 and Janne an FM of 8. Jarkko and Mikko have 7 and 8, respectively.

Join us next time for some more Winter War action!

Previously on Fangs of the Wolf:
Campaign Introduction:  https://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4954
Game One, Part I: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137031.0
Game One, Part II: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137317.0
Game Two: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137428.0
Game Three, Part I: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=137800.0

The minis:

Some of our Chain of Command campaigns and games:
Rajajoki Station http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4857
Fire in the Sky http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4055
April 9th http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3636
Citadel – The Breakthrough – Grossdeutschland Attack at Kursk  http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1353

Other Games:
The Drive on Minsk; http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=815
Unternehmen Nordwind: http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&p=30957

Our Clubs:
GeMiGaBoK: http://www.the-ancients.com/gemigabok/
Stadin Strategit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/474796192532203


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